Copy of Indenture between The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works and Public Buildings and ZSL for the land lying on the north side of the Regent's Canal
Regent's Canal
25 Archival description results for Regent's Canal
Lease of land to north of Regent's Canal. Includes letters concerning ZSL's agreement to appropriation of a small piece of land to improve the entrance to Regent's Park in Albert Road opposite St. Mark's Square. Includes plan
Licence to retain and maintain various works over and adjacent to the Grand Union Canal (Regent's Section) at Zoological Gardens in Regent's Park, London. Includes plan
Upgrading of footbridge. Includes plan
Indenture to erect a shed to store carts on the South side of Regent's Canal in Regent's Park. Includes plan
Indenture between The Commissioners of His Majesty's Works and Public Buildings and ZSL to modify footbridge over Regent's Canal as to accommodate the Society and the public
Letters from North Metropolitan Railway and Canal Co. to Philip Lutley Sclater regarding drainage from the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London into Regent's Canal
Negotiations with ZSL to get them to drop their opposition to the Bill regarding building a railway on part of ZSL's property. The Bill had had its first reading in the House of Commons Session 1882. Includes notices to landowners and articles of agreements
Letter from Regent's Canal City and Docks Railway to Philip Lutley Sclater regarding Regent's Canal
Letter from Regent's Canal Company to David William Mitchell regarding the fence on the south side of the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London