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              164 Archival description results for Nepal

              164 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              NZSL/HOD/5/2/5 · Item · 1 Feb 1843
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              To B. H. Hodgson Esqre

              British Museum
              1 February 1843


              Mr. Gray, the Keeper of the Zoology has reported to the Trustees that he had received a very extensive Collection of Mammalia and Birds, collected by you in Nepal, out of which you have been pleased to offer to the acceptance of the Trustees such specimens, as are desirable for the Museum on the following conditions

              1. That you are furnished with a list of the whole collection

              2. That Mr. F. Howard engaged in publishing your Drawings of these Mammalia and Birds be allowed to have on loan such specimens as he may require to verify the Drawings

              3. That no one be allowed to figure or describe the specimens which may not hitherto have been described until Mr Howard's work now in the press has appeared.

              I am directed by the Trustees to acquaint you that they most cheerfully accede to the terms which you propose, and I am at the same time to request that you will accept the Especial Thanks of The Trustees for this very valuable addition to the Natural History of The Museum.

              I have the honour to be
              Your most obedient
              humble Servant
              J. Forshall

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/11 · Item · 23 Jan 1845
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              British Museum
              23rd Jan 1845

              To B. H. Hodgson Esq[ui]re


              I am directed by the Trustees to acknowledge your letter of the 3rd inst. and to offer you their especial thanks for the liberal addition you have made to your former extensive presents to the Museum. The Trustees have directed the Keeper of Zoology to select and receive into the Collections under his charge such of our osteological specimens as may be usefully retained in the Museum, and to take your instructions as to the disposal of the remainder. I am to beg the favor of knowing the names of the various persons referred to in your letter as being in possession of part of the Drawings presented by you to the Trustees
              To Mr. Frank Howard, mentioned in your former Correspondence the Trustees have already made application on the subject
              I have the honor to be
              your most obedient
              humble Servant
              J. Forshall

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/6 · Item · 23 Dec 1844
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              British Museum
              23rd Dec 1844


              The Trustees having had under their consideration your letter of the 15th inst. direct me in reply to acquaint you
              1s That they have instructed Mr. Gray, the Keeper of Zoology, to proceed immediately to Canterbury, for the purpose of receiving the whole of your specimens and finished Drawings remaining there, and of conveying them to the Museum
              2d that, as soon as your Collection arrives, they will give directions for the selection of the Duplicate specimens not required for the Museum and for the distribution of these Duplicates to the Institutions named in your former letter, and to such others as you may specifically direct, attaching in each case a list of the specimens
              3d that they will also investigate the circumstances attending the detention of the Drawings lent to Mr. F. Howard, and will endeavour to procure their restoration
              4 that the Keeper of the Zoology will no doubt be at all times happy to receive any communication with which he may be favored by you upon matters relating to his Department of Natural History, and to aid your researches in India, by such general advice and counsel as may not e inconsistent with his other very numerous and pressing duties
              5 that the Trustees will take measures for the preparation forthwith of a list or short Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings which you have had the liberality to present to the Museum, and will transmit a copy of the Catalogue to you in Nepal as soon as it had been prepared; and lastly that strict injunctions will be given to the officer in charge of your Drawings not to suffer any public use of them for two years from next January. With regard to the other points which you suggest, and particularly the publication of an illustrated Fauna of Nepal and Tibet, The Trustees beg to refer to my letter to yours of the 20th inst.
              I have the honor to be
              your most obedient
              humble Servant
              J. Forshall

              To B. H. Hodgson Esq

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/4 · Item · 20 Dec 1844
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              British Museum
              Dec 20 1844


              I am directed by the Trustees to acknowledge your letter dated Canterbury, December, and in reply to acquaint you that the Trustees are deeply obliged for the valuable series of Skins and Drawings which you have already presented to the Museum as well as for the liberal offer now made of completing the series.
              This offer the Trustees will thankfully accept, and will instruct the proper officer to proceed to Canterbury, whenever it may be convenient to you, for the purpose of making the selection for the Museum, and of giving you such aid as he can consistently with his other public duties, in sorting the specimens to be distributed to other public Institutions, but the Trustees regret to say that to contribute in any way to the publication which you propose, does not fall within the limit of the objects to which they think it right to confine themselves.
              I have the honor to be,
              Your most obedient Servant
              J. Forshall

              To B.H. Hodgson Esq

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/17 · Item · 4 Mar 1845
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              British Museum
              4th March 1845


              Having laid your letter of the 4th February before the Trustees I am directed to express the hope that the tabular statement of your Collections which has been transmitted to you by Mr. Gray, is as far as it extends satisfactory I fear that we shall have very great difficulty in obtaining possession of the Drawings delivered to Mr. Howard. The Museum Solicitors have had an interview with the Solicitor of the party who levied the distress and from the facts which they elicited they incline to the opinion that you have lost all legal claim to the Drawings.
              I have the honor to be
              Your most obedient
              humble Servant

              J. Forshall

              B.H. Hodgson

              [Pencilled notes in the margin]
              of Distribution:-
              full of omissions and inaccuracies want copy of the thing when correct I will pay for its being copied

              [Foot of letter]
              I must compromise then what to pay? and I or the Museum?

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/18 · Item · 15 Mar 1845
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              British Museum
              March 15 1845

              My dear Sir
              The Trustees have determined upon retaining in the museum a complete series of your Osteological Specimens, in the belief that these specimens will be of great use in the [?] necessary in the Departments both of recent and [?] Zoology.
              They think it however right to appraise you that it is not their intention to articulate any of these specimens or to exhibit them to the public but to arrange and preserve them for the purpose of Scientific enquiries

              I have the honor to be,
              My dear Sir
              Your very obedient Servant
              J. Forshall

              B. H. Hodgson Esq

              NZSL/HOD/5/2/19 · Item · 11 Jun 1845
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              Zool. Soc. London
              11, Hanover Square

              To Brian Houghton Hodgson

              11 June 1845

              I have the honour to enclose herewith a proof of your paper on the Birds of the Nepalese district of India. You will observe that some parts of the manuscript have been omitted - the paper was referred to the publications committee and they determined on publishing only those parts which had not been already printed by Mr. Blyth. If you require to have the manuscript, have the goodness to drop me a line and I will forward it by return of post
              I am
              Yours faithfully
              James G Montgomery
              Assist. Sec.

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/26 · Item · 4 Aug 1848
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              Metcalf Hall, Calcutta
              4 August 1848

              My dear Sir

              I have the pleasure to enclose you a few further remarks from Mr. Frith with reference to your last interesting communication regarding the Wild silk worm of the Saul forests.

              I have not forgotten your request for seeds which shall be complied with fully immed[iatel]y the Society's annual consignments arrive:- in the meantime I have sent you a small assortment of acclimated vegetable seeds, enclosed in a bag/box which I despatched by dak banghy to Dr. Campbell a few days since

              Yrs very truly

              James Hume

              To B.H. Hodgson Esq.

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/24 · Item · 7 Apr 1848
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              Metcalf Hall
              Cal. 7 April 1848

              My dear Sir

              The specimens of wild silk etc and the drawing of the [Eri?] and Tussah moths reached me safely some time ago; the larger specimen of raw silk alluded to in your note of the other day, has also come to hand. Mr Frith has been comparing with your drawing certain specimens in the Society's Museum and has drawn up a Memo on the subject; Mr Laidlay has the silk in hand and will report on the quality of it. I hope to submit these papers, with yours, at the next general meeting of the Agricultural Society after which I will do myself the pleasure of addressing you more fully on the subject.
              Will you oblige me with a few leaves and flower of the Pooah plant for Dr. Falconer's examination? I presume you have seen Capt. Thompson's favourable report on the fibre.

              Yours very truly

              James Hume

              B.H. Hodgson

              Stamped Calcutta
              1846 Apr. 7

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/25 · Item · 12 Jun 1848
              Part of Non-ZSL Collections

              Metcalf Hall, Calcutta
              12 June 1848

              My dear Sir,

              I have now the pleasure to enclose for your information copy of a Memo which Mr. Frith has been kind enough to draw up regarding the silk alluded to in your communication to my address. I regret the delay that has occurred in sending you this paper, the fact is I received it some time ago but was waiting a report on the raw specimens from Mr Laidlay which he promised me - but which, from present business, I have not yet received from him. Had I any idea of this delay on his part I should have sent Mr. Frith's paper to you long since

              Yours very [truly]
              James Hume
              Hon. Secy

              B.H. Hodgson Esq