Stuk 5 - Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Brian Houghton Hodgson

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Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Brian Houghton Hodgson


  • 20 Jan 1849 (Vervaardig)



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Darj. Jny. 20th 1849

Dear Hodgson
I arrived here last evening and found as you might expect a hospitable welcome at Mullers. What a wretchedly cold snowy place this is: it looks perfectly blue [devilish?] and most glad I shall be to be off to the plains as soon as I can get my things together. Yrs of 14th and 19th have just been brought me - many thanks for them. The Pony came for me, meeting me half way along the [?] road full of fire, but looking in such dreadful condition that I cannot conceive but that the starve them en route up from Siliguri I wish you had kept the white and sent me the great as I cannot but fear you will find the latter very troublesome if you came across Yaks on the road. Very very many thanks for writing again to my Father, nothing will settle his mind [?] mother's better - nothing could. I will do the polite to Mrs [?] and Mr. and Mrs. Tayler with great real pleasure and will call at once - the latter are staying at Rawlings. Not a syllable have I from home or elsewhere distant. Have just opened all the boxes Falconer sent up and there is not one thing from the Garden. I desired to be sent up, neither books, instruments, clothing, bedding or any of all my things befitting a gentleman's bedroom, or travelling equipment. This really is abominable not even the books asked for including your and my copies of Lyell's principles [Chemical?] box, tools nothing but a few things ordered at Thackers i.e. paper for drying plants. I am irritated and write accordingly - were it not for you and Miller I should still be as naked as when I arrived [8?] months ago. I expressly specified the things I wanted to have kept but it is possible much may have been plundered before the boxes went to F. but there is no notice of any kind whatsover.

Ever yr affectionate
Jos. D. Hooker
I will write again in a day or two

Bless my heart and soul - I went up to N. Hill on writing this - was not there 10' when in comes Mr [Zenons?] ducked drenched through [?] snow. I had him washed and changed lent him my stockings and he staid till 2pm - when a chair came from Bishops for him

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