Unidad documental simple 16 - Letter from J E Gray of the British Museum to Brian Houghton Hodgson

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Letter from J E Gray of the British Museum to Brian Houghton Hodgson


  • 13 Feb 1845 (Creación)

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1 letter

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To B.H. Hodgson

13 Feb. 1845

Dear Sir
The Boxes of Birds have now been examined and divided into four collections thus

British Museum 352 Specimens
Collection No. 1 140 "

  • No. 2 79 "
  • No. 3 40 "
    Besides these are 52
    either evidently [?[ named or not named at all which are therefore of comparatively little use to any person. Pray indicate who is to have Series 1.2.3 I have kept every horn of the [Javai] but evident duplicates you will observe that I have now put aside to keep in the Museum a complete series of the Skulls and Horns of Mammalia and of the Bones of the Birds. I have not as yet done anything with regard to the more or less imperfect skeletons of the Mammalia which are evidently are not filled. For the Zoological Collection (as I told you when first I saw them) but I hope to have to communicate with you respecting them hereafter.
    If you will sign the inclosed order and return it to me I will send to Mr. Rees from the Drawings of Birds which I hear they have lately finished.
    Yours very truly
    J.E. Gray
    13 Feb 1845

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