Item 8 - Letter from G F L Marshall to Brian Houghton Hodgson

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Letter from G F L Marshall to Brian Houghton Hodgson


  • 8 Feb 1870 (Produção)

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1 letter

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33 Upper Berkeley Street
Portman Square

8 Feb[ruaru]y 1870

My dear Mr. Hodgson

I had a talk with Mr. Grote yesterday about y[ou]r portfolios. What I want to do myself is to send the whole of them as they are to Mr. Hume, as agreed in my brother's care, he sails next months and there they could be sorted, translated and arranged with the greatest convenience and incorporated at once with Humes work; Mr. Grote does not believe in Hume and I was unable to convince him that the book would certainly be published, and in that case he proposed and I assented to, keeping them in abeyance for a short time and having them up one by one to sort and catalogue; but on returning home and again reading over Humes letters (parts of which I enclose) I thought three was sufficient guarantee for the publishing of the work, and that the sending of your portfolios out direct would be a saving of both tie and labour. I have written to Mr. Grote to this effect. I have been hard at work lately and so these has been a little delay in answering you. I feel a little delicacy in proposing the wholesale sending out of your treasures to India but I am convinced of their safety and that it is the greatest opportunity of utilizing them likely to occur, and you have been so kind about them already of course. Everything would appear in your name.
With my Kindest regards to yourself and Mrs. Hodgson
Y[our]s very truly

G.F.L. Marshall

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