Item 6 - Letter from Brian Houghton Hodgson to G F L Marshall

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Letter from Brian Houghton Hodgson to G F L Marshall


  • 2 Feb 1870 (Produção)

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1 letter

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Alderley Grange

Feb[ruary] 2 1870

My dear Marshall

I have your note of yesterday. Why, you are a whole week ahead of the time you [?] when here. I am glad your brother likes the sample of my [work?] which you showed him but you don't say whether he and you are disposed to tackle the huge [residue?]. Let me know but please first see Grote who seems scared for you or himself at the undertaking of [?] it will require lots of room to lay out the contents of the 4 portfolios so as to make a [just?] inspection by the preliminary operation of bringing together from the 4 receptacles wherein they are now scattered pell mell all that related to each species and group. Have you room and leisure for the opperation and for taking the results more or less perfunctorily. Your brother is soon to return and you have only till October with a deal of work already in hand. Perhaps however Grote and you may manage the storage between you - you alone who are a glutton for work may be equal to the [?] of the material and thence to decide the further question of the expediency of advising Hume to [turn?] the whole over to India with a view to incorporation in his work on the General Ornithology of India. Pending the settlement of which point it would seem that the portfolios should rest in London. All I can say is that I am ready to send up the whole as soon as I hear from you and Grote, and to trust you out and out for the fit care and utilisation of my treasures. Never mind about the [lamp?]. Thanks for your thoughtful attention to that trifle. Mrs. H joins me in Kindest Regards

Ever Yours
B.H. Hodgson

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