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NZSL/HOD/5/5/2 · Item · 22 Dec [1848]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Lingdam 2 Marches E of Pemiongchi
Dec 22 [1848]

Dear C
This will be given you by the Havild. and Lep[ch]as who have accompanied me from Wallanchoon. On the whole their conduct (and that of the others send home before) has been excellent, but I think the neglect I experienced returning through Nepal out of which Kingdom I was starved though passing through villages full of food - should be enquired into. Daily I told the H. I wanted food, and he as regularly told both myself and Serot, that he would get me some tomorrow, always pleading the villages to be too poor to bring backsheesh or sell. This is not true the Vs were as large and fine as any we ever saw, [Khabhang?] where we halted a whole day had countless flocks of sheep and cattle and extended over several miles, but though he was thick with the Soubah and villagers all day and night he pretended he could not get me a drop of milk, a fowl a vegetable or any one thing. Sablakoo was as fine a village and I could enumerate many smaller - At all of which his Tent was full of visitors to whom he did not insist either upon paying me any token of respect, or of bringing food to give or to sell. At another place, a leg of mutton was brought as a present to him (as all the people swear) to this I of course I have no objections, but where such things are to be so had the like are to be purchased. He denied its being brought at all but when proven said "it was taken away" and when asked why not offered for my purchase said "he had not orders to do so". The long and short I well know is that he made himself the Sahib received and kept all the presents. The total want of respect to me by the villagers, so different from their conduct the whole way up, is a grave matter then he always told them to go and Salaam to me whether or not they had backsheesh to spare and then I had [?] no lack of milk, fowls, eggs and vegetables. Indeed the Hav. quite forgot himself and twice left me to march without any attendance he busy with his Brahmins. In the mountains he bought a whole Deer unknown to me and never paid for it I am assured when we were all hard up and 3 days afterwards offered me a most microscopic portion. This was greedy and unfair, but I found no fault till the total want of food was accompanied by an equal want of respect on the part of the villagers and latterly himself, but that was I hope and believe a transient forgetfulness I reminded him of the Durbar order to which he answered "that was only to accompany me" he told both of us the contrary before. His helplessness at Wallanchoon I must report to the Durbar as I told him - please remind him of it then I did every-thing myself he was worse than useless sick and giving in to the [quabah?] before any reference was made to me, to the extent of wishing me to turn back as we came so that I always had first to undo what he had done, both as to visiting the Passes, [assistance?] and food. As to the Rupees and Rupete the nature of my duties rendered it impossible for me to keep any check on either. A glance at my observations and worked out day and night will prove my own Serot's general opinion is that the Rupete had vanished mysteriously fast and the Rupees too. The people accuse him of feeding his Lepas on their ghee, onions and chilis and Rupete and from the beginning and his friends too. The accusation came late and I refused to listen. Nimbo is I believe quite an honest man and he had better be examined if the affair be work it. I do not care a [rush?] but think it my duty to report it. I have fed both him and his Lep[ch]as and Coolies ever since the [18th?] Nov. and I expect before it too, was this right? In the snow I paid the men every attention, clothed them and nursed them gave them a share of my own stores (for they are [no wise?] particular to a shade). His subsequent ingratitude vexed me at first very much as I told him but the consequent obseqiousness of himself and Lepa have all but disgusted me. Still it is the way of the orientals. He has had many presents from me and I have no idea of making his final present the price of his [slave?] except you think proper - but this I leave entirely to your judgement for all the use he has been I should have thought 20 or 30R abundance and 8 or 10 to each of his Lep[ch]as. I thought of 50 before his ingratitude offended me so much and then of not a [pais?]. That he has feathered his own nest well on my Rupees I am sure as, also that the [cruise] has not cost him a penny. Since entering Sikkim he has had noble treatment from Meepo the smallest attention [in?] Nepal. The ghorka coolies, 6, behaved very well they were fed all along by me, as indeed I believe all hands have been and to this day. Here by backsheeshes of rice nearly keep me in Rupete. The Casi of Ling droom is also constant in his attentions to me and to the Havildar. I told you of a furious quarrel he had with some of his Lep[ch]as as in ghorka on the subject of his cheating me at Mywa Guola to which as conducted in ghorka I took no notice, but heard it talked over afterwards. I always [laid?] my account to a good cheating in the East. Pray read this carefully and act as you think proper, I do not want to disgrace or punish the man, only to let him know what these things do not pass unnoticed we part good friends.
Ever your troublesome
Jos. D. Hooker

There were 10 blankets bought by the Havildar we have of these only 5 4 went with Lepchas to [?] the Havild is responsible for the other which he takes with him [?] blankets are all right
Please send the [Chaprapin?] back to Lingdam and Pemiongchi with letters and a little parcel that Muller will send - and some loaves of bread.
P.S. Rain, every yday

My Havildar wants to talk to you about some [?] sent by him for sale to Titalya being [looted?] on the road some stupidity of his own or trespass on the Rajah's property - he begs me to mention it J.H.

NZSL/HOD/5/4/24 · Item · 7 Apr 1848
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall
Cal. 7 April 1848

My dear Sir

The specimens of wild silk etc and the drawing of the [Eri?] and Tussah moths reached me safely some time ago; the larger specimen of raw silk alluded to in your note of the other day, has also come to hand. Mr Frith has been comparing with your drawing certain specimens in the Society's Museum and has drawn up a Memo on the subject; Mr Laidlay has the silk in hand and will report on the quality of it. I hope to submit these papers, with yours, at the next general meeting of the Agricultural Society after which I will do myself the pleasure of addressing you more fully on the subject.
Will you oblige me with a few leaves and flower of the Pooah plant for Dr. Falconer's examination? I presume you have seen Capt. Thompson's favourable report on the fibre.

Yours very truly

James Hume

B.H. Hodgson

Stamped Calcutta
1846 Apr. 7

NZSL/HOD/5/4/25 · Item · 12 Jun 1848
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall, Calcutta
12 June 1848

My dear Sir,

I have now the pleasure to enclose for your information copy of a Memo which Mr. Frith has been kind enough to draw up regarding the silk alluded to in your communication to my address. I regret the delay that has occurred in sending you this paper, the fact is I received it some time ago but was waiting a report on the raw specimens from Mr Laidlay which he promised me - but which, from present business, I have not yet received from him. Had I any idea of this delay on his part I should have sent Mr. Frith's paper to you long since

Yours very [truly]
James Hume
Hon. Secy

B.H. Hodgson Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/2/10 · Item · 26 Jul 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Brian Houghton Hodgson

26 July 1844
Brit. Mus.

My Dear Sir

I am sorry that you did not tell me you intended to send me a preamble or I would have directed the press to have been stoped to insert it when sent, the list was printed off last Friday with the corrections you made when you read the list over here. I don't think its important as very ornithologist of any reputation will duly estimate the value of the list and clearly see that it was prepared so as kindly to over look any errors in the nomenclature any they must be fully aware whenever your numerous and valuable papers have appeared if they are not, their appearance in my estimations would not be worthy of attention. The last was made out with care and verified so I don't see how any species could have been left out. Mr Brother desired Longmans & Co to send you the genera as he understood, you ordered him to do so. If you don't wish to keep it please send it back to him here, as soon as convenient Mr. brother assures me he has not in any way interfered with nor copied any of your [novelties?] nor will he do so without your express permission. The Indian Vulture was figured from a specimen from Bengal given to the Museum by General Hardwicke to which my brother had given a new name but when your list was received, he finding that you had already named it, out of compliment to you he adopted your name instead of his own. I have directed the duplicate specimens of your collection to be packed together into the Boxes. Shall they be sent to you? and what is the best manner of doing so. I know nothing of Mr [Howard] nor of his Proceedings nor of the specimens he has. I shall be detained in town until the end of the month by the marriage of my friend so that if you are ready, I can still come to make the selection
Believe me Dear Sir
Y[ou]rs Very Truly

J.E. Gray

The duplicates amount to almost 860 birds and [20/28] Mammalia
the latter are all in bad condition

NZSL/HOD/5/4/27 · Item · [11] Feb 1857
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Feby [11] 1857

My dear Sir,

Your recent letter came to hand just in time to enable me to add a [few?] young [?] of the Rutwa Muntjac to Capt. James' despatch of birds I had however priorly at his his request afforded him all the advantages of my long experience in England of the pheasants and partridges of the Sikim Himalaya so that he was enabled to comply with the wishes of the Zool. Socy though not so [effectively] as he might have done had more time been afforded for procuring, taming and fitting for their journey our splendid game birds. I trust that some of his may nevertheless reach England in good health, though if you would make the [experiment?] of conveying these birds to Europe with all available chances of success, you should make your application, one season and, your transport of the birds, the next one, and so that the birds might be clear of the Bay of Bengal by the end of February. As it was it was too late to collect and quiet down the birds before they were sent off; and I apprehend that their embarcation will also be too late even if a sufficient quantity be forthcoming at Cala [Calcutta] when your Agent is ready to receive them and to convey them to England. Every thing depends on having birds duly prepared for the journey down the country, upon shipment at the [people?] season or height of the cold weather and upon ample room and careful supervision of the voyage. With all these advantages the birds may be assuredly conveyed home in high health, as I witnessed during my last voyage to England; without them here is but a doubtful chance of success. I request you will convey to the Committee my acknowledgements of their flattering attention to Dr. Horsfield and your suggestion for the illustrated publication of my Mammal novelties. Had I got this intimation a little sooner I could have forwarded with the Birds not only a fine live Ratwa or Kaker/Kacker which I did and beg to present the same to the society, but also, the [spoils?] of the wild Yak and of the Tibetan badger with one or two more rarities particularly a splendid skin of the Melanic variety of the leopard. But the intimation of your purpose came too late for that opportunity and the season is now so far advanced that the transmission of these skins, with any others I may get in the [interior?] had better be postponed till next season I have also now in the house a healthy and joyous individual of the Paradoxures tricus or the 5 striped species. But that is too great a pet to be parted with, though I may at all events be enabled to send you by and by an account of it's manners and habits as observed under circumstances of unusual advantage, I sent you long ago a drawing of a fine old male of Cervus Affinis I cannot hope to get a live sample but may procure more skins. Should I do so I will remember your wishes
Very [truly] yrs

B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/2/22 · Item · Spring 185-
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To The Secretary Bengal Asiatic Society Spring 185-


When I went to England in 1844 and presented my immense Zoological Collections (10,000 specimens to the National Museum osteological and ordinary) I was immediately asked how many of the species had been named. I answered that all the new Mammals had been so, by myself in the Bengal A.S Journal or in the India Review that a vast number of the new genera and species of Birds had been described in a paper sent from Nepal just before I left it. But that paper it was replied to me had not appeared and I was requested to recast it, so well as I could from rough notes, not having returned a copy of the MS. I did so and the papers was printed. But it did not include the whole of my ornithological [stores?], and it seemed expedient to put at once in print, my own Complete Catalogue of Birds. Accordingly I placed that catalogue in the hands of Mr. Gray for publication and it soon after appeared in London substantially my own, but with its groups disposed according to the system followed in the National Museum [tear in paper] Catalogue. The alterations I think were not always for the better, my own [distribution] having been founded on a [-ful] [tear in paper] examination of the entire [tear in paper] of species in a fresh [tear in paper] vast advantage, though one, no doubt [tear in paper] qualified by my non access to Library [tear in paper] Museum. In due time another [complete] catalogue of all my Collections appeared under the auspices of the Trustees of the National Museum the Museum and therein the Curator of Zoology in that institution made such rectifications of my printed [J].M.S. Catalogue as seemed proper to them. No doubt there was upon the whole much improvement upon my unaided work performed in the Jungles. But for the reason I have already assigned the new determinations of species and allocation of types according to their affinities were not always sound, and students of Himalayan Zoology have accordingly found it expedient to refer consult the priorly made Catalogue of Birds which with notwithstanding the changes made in it also by the same hands yet more clearly than the latter and official one reflected my own conceptions particularly as to novelty of species.

Accordingly I have been frequently asked for copies of this prior Catalogue which is frequently cited by writers in Europe. But I have no more copies left and cannot comply with these requests. It seems to me that the republication of the Catalogue giv[ing?] [tear in paper] it is the great aim of our Journal to as[sist?] [tear in paper] and facilitate; and that this Catalogue giv[ing?] [tear in paper as it does in one view, a complete [?] of Nepalese Species, must a [tear in paper] be convenient for consultation, notwithstanding its errors. I therefore forward for publication if the society see fit and have marginally noted the chief points in which I think Mr. Gray has unwisely deviated from my own allocation of new types

I am Sir
B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/2/21 · Item · 29 Apr 1847
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Darjeeling 29th April 1847

To J. Forshall
Secy. British Museum

My dear Sir

I have duly received the twelve copies of the General Catalogue of the Mammals and Birds of Nepal, founded on my own Catalogues and corrected as to [Synonymes] by Mr Gray, by order of the Trustees of the British Museum wherein are deposited the specimens and Drawings. I request you will convey to the Trustees my sense of the high courtesy that has dictated the printing under their authority of this catalogue separately from the general one of the museum and to add that it shall be mu endeavour by transmitting fresh and superior samples of such specimens and drawings are still defective or missing to make the collection quite complete and this show myself duly sensible of the consideration that has been [?] towards me by this distinguished Patron of science and literature. With regard to the remaining copies of the Catalogue of Nepal Mammals and Birds respecting the disposal of which you consult me. I request that one copy having been sent to each of the public institutions abroad and home to which duplicated of the specimens were transmitted under the auspices of the Trustees, the rest m[a]y be distributed to the most eminent individual cultivators of zoology foreign and English, such as Mr Temminck and J. Cuvier and Geof. St Hilaire and Colonel H. Smith, and Professor Owen and Dr. Falconer and Mr. Yarrel and Mr. Ogilby Secy. Zool. Socty. and Colol Sykes India Director reserving only two copies to be sent to my father B. Hodgson Eqre Canterbury. This Trustees, have already approved the distribution to Institutions and will no doubt excuse the trouble now imposed of distribution to individuals, in consideration of my remote and disabling position. I have only to add the request that each copy distributed m[a]y have inscribed on the flyleaf "With Mr Hodgson's compts"
I remain
My dear Sir
Yours very truly

NZSL/HOD/5/2/4 · Item · 12 Jan 1843
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

January 12 1843

H. Torrens Esqre
Sec. Asi. Society

Dear Sir

On the 13 May last I had the honour to transmit to you thirty one large sheets of Drawings as per accompanying 'List' - for the purposes of their being submitting to the Society's inspection and of their subsequent transmission [thru?] it if deemed proper, to England - As these drawings have an extreme value for those whom their peculiar subject concerneth and no value whatever for any one else, I trust the Society will be sensible that it's honour is much concerned in their alleged disappearance, without a word of explanation from the very hour of their known arrival with you up to the present moment
I have the honour to be
Dear Sir
Your faithful servant
B. H. Hodgson


  1. Newars or aborigines of Nepaul Proper (Two Sheets)
  2. Trans Nivean Bhoteahs
  3. Cis Niveanor Cachari Bhoteahs
  4. Heads of Newars
  5. -ditto- of Cachari Bhoteahs
    1. Elephant of Saul Forest
    1. Martes Toufous
    1. Lynchus Vulgaris of Tibet
    1. The Habshi [Tangam] of Des Dharma
    1. Hemitragus Quadrimammis
    1. Ounce of Tibet
    1. -do- -do- Junior
    1. Felis Nigripectus Manul
    1. Mustela Canigula
    1. Sorex Nemorivaguset Pygmaeus
    1. Lepus Pallipes
    1. Vulpes Ferrilatus
    1. Aquila Crassipes
    1. Totanus Glareoloides
    1. Dicrurus Albirectus
    1. Vultur Fulvus
    1. Vinago Maronatus
    1. Egretta Grayii
    1. Crypsirina Simoniiset Vagabunda
    1. Carduelis Spinoides
    1. Phasianus Pictus et [Amherstii?]
    1. Mesidus Nivicola
      28.23. Caracias Bengalensis
    1. Thonicarnis Princeps

Total 31 Sheets
Notes at the end of the list
6 Haman to Lord Auckland
Lent 24 animals to British Museum whereof 12 Mammals and 12 Birds

6 Haman
12 Quadruped
12 Birds
To British Museum by my father brought home by H.J. Princeps
'List of drawings sent home by H. J. Princeps and delivered to Brit. Museum by M.H. Senior 1844'


7 Nov 1837
A minute of this date refers to Mr Hodgson's proposed publication on the Zoology of Nepal, and gives a statement from one of Mr Hodgson's letters to the effect that he had despatched to the care of the Royal Asiatic Society, 26 sheets of Mammals and Birds and will continue to send others till the series be completed which he commends to the keeping of the Society; stating also, that he had despatched 5 in Jany last by Capt. Robinson, with directions to deposit them with the Royal Asiatic Society, in case his prior stores should have been removed from the keeping of the Zoological Society - The minute concludes thus:- None of the above articles having been received, the committee directed that the matter should [lie?] over the present

15th March 1838
The Chairman read before the Committee a letter written to him by J. Princep Esq. of Calcutta, relative to Mr Hodgson's work of the Mammalia of Nepal, the the publication and circulation of which the Bengal Society are desirous of furthering etc. etc. "Sir Alexander Johnston stated that he had communicated the content of Mr Princep's letter to Sir Wm. Jardine who had expressed his willingness to cooperate in any measures whereby Mr Hodgson's labours might be given to the world."
19th Apl. 1839
The Chairman now read a letter from Mr J Princep, dated Calcutta 7 Sept 1838 respecting Mr Hodgson's proposed work on Nepal Zoology and recommending application in support to the Court of Directors.
5th March 1842
A minute of the Council of this date accepts Mr. Hodgson's offer to dedicate Mr Hodgson's Mammals of Nepal to the R. Asiatic Society; and promises to subscribe for a copy of the work.

NZSL/HOD/5/2/17 · Item · 28 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

H. Piddington Esqr
Sub Secretary Asiatic Society

Feb 28

My dear Sir
Some weeks ago I called your attention and that of Mr Torrens to the non publication of several papers of mine on the Zoology of Nepal which were transmitted to your society at the close of 1842 and beginning of 1843 when specimens likewise were forwarded to your Zool. Curator either for examination with reference to those papers or as Donations to your society - the specimens lent in the first instance having been for the most part subsequently given to the Society through your Curator in January 1844, thereby with former donations completing for the Society the intire series almost of my Collections. I would not [desire?] to misconstrue appearances to any person's disadvantage, but it is remarkable that the donations in question still continue unacknowledged, and, the papers unpublished by the Society. while their Contents are [transpiring?] in the reports of your Curator to whom more especially both Specimens and papers were confided. Once of the papers [adverted?] to was a Catalogue of Birds partially published in No XXXVI of your Journal but the residue of which is not forthcoming. Another paper was on the [Leucotuchamian?] group. Another on the Larks, another on many new genera and species and being the complement of all my prior papers - besides may others of minor importance. The papers "on several new Genera and Species of Subhemalayan Birds" contained the description and definitions of a great many novelties of form which it was most desirable should be published immediately in order to prevent anticipation. This point was explained to your Curator of Zoology Mr Blyth to whom on the 22nd May 1843 sixty seven samples of the new genera and species contained in the paper in question were sent by DAK, with List annexed, and on the 7th August 1843 twenty one more specimens also by DAK, with a view to obviate the evils of delay. Now, it is under these circumstances (so far as known to me) that there appears in print in the CXL111 No. of your Journal the last yet in England a Zoological "report" of Mr Blyth which anticipates a deal of the matter contained in my papers in question, and especially in the long one just adverted to, several of the new genera of which (for example Pachyglossa Melanozantha) are actually published from my specimens while my papers describe them and which had been many months (twelve at least) in Mr. Blyth's hands. When that report was finally given in are still with held from the printer. Mr Blyth's "report" is called the report for 1842 but it was printed in June 1844 and it bears internal evidence of having been largely added to up nearly to the time of publication. The whole of the circumstances now stated to you may admit of Explanation@ but they at all events seem to require explanation and I therefore request you will submit them to the Society should the evils complained of not have found rectification before your receipt of this letter. In the "report" above specified the donations of several individuals are carefully ennumerated whilst mine are not noticed except incidentally and marginally save when these materials are transferred to Mr. Blyth's text in supression of my own prior descriptions that were in his hands waiting publication and had been so far above twelve months when the greatest part of this report was [personal?] and the designation of the paper "Report of the Meeting of 1843" being complete misnomer.
Believe me
Very Truly Yrs
B.H. Hodgson

[This list pairs with letter Feb. 28th 1845]

List of Birds transmitted to Mr. Blyth May 22 1843
1 - 2 Propyrrhula Subhimachalana
3 - 4 Procarduelis Nipalensis
5 - 6 Propasser Pulcherrima
7 - 8 Propasser Rodopepla
9 Propyrrhula Epauletta
10 Pyrrhula Nipalensis
11 Fringillarius Argent
12 Ioropus Strigula
13 Ioropus Nipalensis
14 Proparus Vinipectus
15 Ioropus Cyanopteris
16 Carthiparus Ignotinctus
17 - 18 Tarsiger Chrysaeus
19 - 2 Cyornis or Ignornis Ioncanea [?]
21 Digenea Leucomelanum
22 Dimorpha Strophiata
23 - 4 Myzanthe Ignipectus
25 Pachyglossa Melanozantha
26 Orthotomus Sutora
27 Prinia Fuscus
28 Nemora Rufilatus [?]
29 Rubecola Ferrea
30 Chelidorynx Chrysoschistos
31 Hemipus Piccator [Picacolor?]
32 Nemora Cyanara [?]
33 Leiothrix Calipyga
34 Larvivora Cyana
35 Hemichelidon Fuliginose
36 My[i]agra Occipitalis [?]
37 Cathiparus Castaneceps [?]
38 Poyodon Gularis
39 Polyodon Occipitalus [?]
40 Cisticola Subhem[him]alayana
41 Ixulus Flavicollis
42 Tribura Leuteoventris
43 Myzornis Flaviventris [?]
44 [H]oreites Pollicaris
45 [H]oreites Brunnifrons
46 Nivicola Schistilatum/s
47 Pnoepyga Albiventris
48 Oligura Flaviventer
49 Muscisylvia Leucurus [?]
50 Temnosis Atrifrons
51 Chrysomma Hypoleucos
52 Alcurus Nipalensis
53 Hemixos Flavala
54 Gymnoris Flavinostra
55 Brachytarsus Phaenicuroides
56 Decura Caudata
57 Digeula Tricolor
58 Stachyris Pyrrops
59 Chaimarrornis Leucocephalus
60 Saxicola Saturatior
61 Saxicola Melalenia [melaleuca?]
62 Muscicapa Leucoshistas
63 Musc [Hemileucara?]
64 Musc. Astigma[astiema]
65 Musc. Ciliaris
66 Prosorinea Purpurea [?]
67 Chaitaris Sundara

NZSL/HOD/5/3/9 · Item · 11 Feb 1870
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Alderley Grange
Wotton under edge

Feb. 11 [18]70

My dear Marshall

I have your letter and its enclosure from Hume to you, and as you tell me you are satisfied of Hume's [power] and will to go through with his projected work on the general ornithology of India I have resolved to act, on your suggestion that your brother should take out with him to India the whole of my material to be turned to use in Hume's work. This I may say will save time when time is precious seeing that the work is rapidly progressing, and that there will be no difficulty arising out of your temporary absence in regard to the reading of the Hindi problem of the memorandum. Wherefore I mean the day after tomorrow to send to you in a big deal box the four portfolios of drawings together with my own m.s list of birds so far as the Nepal collection goes (2) my native painter's Hindi list of the whole including the Sikim collection (3) Red bound vol of Manners of Birds done in Nepal by my writer from, viva voce statements of my Shikaris (4) Eight volumes unbound of Ditto Ditto done at Darjeeling (5) Sundry m.s Mems. by myself done in Tarai in 1846 (6) two copies of my printed catalogue from Zool. Miscellany 1844 (7) Six copies of reprint of 6 at Calcutta in 1846 (8) Sundry printed papers/original to Marshall (copy) 15th Feby to be signed. See Grote and let me hear of safe arrival of the box.
and believe me always Sir
Yrs. B H Hodgson

X I return this herein

To G. F.L. Marshall

received from B.H. Hodgson the loan of his Ornithological Drawings and Notes consisting of
1st Eleven hundred and four sheets of Drawings
2nd Mr. H's own Ms. List of his Birds so far as the Nepal collection goes
3rd His native painter's Hindi list of the whole collection including the Sikim portion
4th one red bound volume of the Manners of the Birds done in Nepal by his writer from viva voce statements of his Shikaris
5th Sundry Ms. Memos done by himself in the Sikim Tarai in 1846
6th Two copies of his own catalogue as printed in London
7th Six copies of reprint of 6 in Calcutta in 1846
8th Sundry printed papers being author's copies

G. Marshall
London Feb 1870