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NZSL/HOD/5/4/14 · Unidad documental simple · 5 Feb 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

London February 5 1845

The Trustees of the Leyden
{Paris and etc} Museum


I have the honor to present to the Leyden Museum a series of Specimens illustrative of the Zoology of Nepal with Catalogues annexed. The Specimens amount to five hundred and thirty six Birds and sixty-nine Mammals [written above this figure is an amended pencilled figure of seventy]. In the Catalogue transmitted the whole of the Birds and Mammals discovered by me in Nepal are set down for the information of the Trustees and I may add that the complete series is deposited in the British Museum and amounts to
Mammals of Nepal 126 species
Mammals of Tibet 47 species
Birds of Nepal and Tibet 657 species
Frogs, Fishes, Snakes and Tortoises 80 species
The species now transmitted to Paris [Leyden] are transmitted through the obliging mediation to the British Museum and are distinguished in the annexed Catalogues by a cross prefixed.

I have the honor to be
Your most obt. Servant
B.H. Hodgson
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

The same to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Edinbro, Dublin, Newcastle, Canterbury, Manchester, Earl of Derby with the number of specimens altered as follows

Birds Mammals Bones

3 Paris 462 48
4 Berlin 411 41
5 Frankfurt 352 7
6 Edinbro 321
7 Dublin 290
8 Newcastle 259
9 Canterbury 237
10 Manchester 213
11 Earl of Derby 205
12 Hugh Strickland 169

                                             ADD                                               Bones

British Museum 1753 170 195

  1. India House 655 162 45
  2. Leyden 536 78
  3. Paris 462 48
  4. etc. as above
    add College of Surgeons
    Haslar Institute
NZSL/HOD/5/4/16 · Unidad documental simple · [10] Feb 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Memo of Zoological Collections
Feby. [10?] 1845
Delivered to the British Museum as per letter 3rd January

Mam. Skins Bird Skins M[ammal] Skins Bird Bones
402 4444 406 + 663 = 1069
to these Brit. Museum added priorly sent collection and then distributed as follows, as by J.E. Gray's letter of 9 Feby.

                          Bird Skins    Mammal Skins    Bird Bones    Mammal
Bones and

British Museum 1753 170 337 195
India House 655 102 79 45 horns
Leyden 536 78 40
Paris 462 48 52
Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro. 321
Dublin 290
Newcastle 259
Canterbury 237 2
Manchester 213
Earl Derby 205
H. Strickland 169
Royal College of Surg. 140 58
Haslar College 1 79
near Gosport

                            5863                   443                                             300
NZSL/HOD/5/4/20 · Unidad documental simple · 12 Jun 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

University Museum
12 June 1845


My friend Mr. Grey has just forwarded to me your notification of your liberal donation of 290 Birds from Nepal, duplicates of the magnificent collection found by you in that country, on their arrival I will lose no time in brining the matter before the Board who will I have no doubt instruct me to convey their [marked?] thanks for your liberality in the [meantime?] while I beg to assure you that all possible pains will be taken to make your donations useful in promoting the study of Zoology here

I have the honor
Your obedient
humble Servant
R.H. Ball
Director of the Museum

To B. H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/22 · Unidad documental simple · 15 Aug 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Director General
of the Medical Department
of the Navy

Haslar Hospital Museum and Library

Admiralty 15th August 1845


I have much pleasure in acknowledging your Contribution, as per Margin to the Museum and Library established at the Royal Navy Hospital at Haslar, for the benefit of the Medical Officers of the Navy, and to request that you will accept my thanks for the support you thus afford to the Establishment

I am Sir
Your very humble Servant
[W Burnett]
Director General

[Margin notes]
2 skulls of Hill-man
from the Valley of Nepal
79 osteological specimens
of the Birds of Nepal

To B.H. Hodgson Esqre
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

NZSL/HOD/5/4/24 · Unidad documental simple · 7 Apr 1848
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall
Cal. 7 April 1848

My dear Sir

The specimens of wild silk etc and the drawing of the [Eri?] and Tussah moths reached me safely some time ago; the larger specimen of raw silk alluded to in your note of the other day, has also come to hand. Mr Frith has been comparing with your drawing certain specimens in the Society's Museum and has drawn up a Memo on the subject; Mr Laidlay has the silk in hand and will report on the quality of it. I hope to submit these papers, with yours, at the next general meeting of the Agricultural Society after which I will do myself the pleasure of addressing you more fully on the subject.
Will you oblige me with a few leaves and flower of the Pooah plant for Dr. Falconer's examination? I presume you have seen Capt. Thompson's favourable report on the fibre.

Yours very truly

James Hume

B.H. Hodgson

Stamped Calcutta
1846 Apr. 7

NZSL/HOD/5/4/25 · Unidad documental simple · 12 Jun 1848
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall, Calcutta
12 June 1848

My dear Sir,

I have now the pleasure to enclose for your information copy of a Memo which Mr. Frith has been kind enough to draw up regarding the silk alluded to in your communication to my address. I regret the delay that has occurred in sending you this paper, the fact is I received it some time ago but was waiting a report on the raw specimens from Mr Laidlay which he promised me - but which, from present business, I have not yet received from him. Had I any idea of this delay on his part I should have sent Mr. Frith's paper to you long since

Yours very [truly]
James Hume
Hon. Secy

B.H. Hodgson Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/2/2 · Unidad documental simple · 6 Jul 1836
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

To Brian H. Hodgson Esq
Political Resident in Nepal

From The Royal Asiatic Society London

My dear Sir,

London 6th July 1836

I have to return you my thanks for your very interesting letter of 28th June 1835. As soon as I received it I called upon Sir James R. Garnac, the then Deputy and the present Chairman of the East India Company. I also called upon Colonel Sykes. I shewed your letter to them, to the first with a view of pointing out to him and through him to the Court of Directors, the value and importance of your intended publication; to the second with the view of ascertaining from him in what manner the Royal Asiatic Society could most effectively forward your object. Sir J.R. Carnac assured me that he was fully aware of the [utiIity?] of such a publication; and that he would give it every encouragement in his power. Colonel Sykes explained to me the nature and extent of the support which you may expect to receive in London. I likewise consulted with your relative the Dean of Carlisle and with Mr. Bennett the secretary of the Zoological Society, and I called the attention of Sir William Jardine, of Jardine Hall in the county of Dumfries to the subject. Sir William who is equally distinguished by the knowledge he possesses of Natural History and by the zeal with which he himself cooperates with others in promoting its ability study, enters very warmly into your views, and has, at my request, as he tells me, written to you explaining the course which he would advise you to pursue. I am convinced that no person in this country is more capable than he is of affording you valuable assistance; and I am therefore extremely happy to find that he has opened a communication directly with you. I shall as soon as you let me know the details of the plan which you have adopted, be most ready to lay them before the Royal Asiatic Society, the Board of Control, and the Court of Directors, and to urge each of these powerful bodies to afford such aid as they may respectively be enabled to do. I shall, in a short time, send out to Lord Auckland a resolution of the Committee of Correspondence, expressive of their sense of the great advantages which the peoples of England and the Natives of India must derive from your exertions, and of their hope that Lord Auckland wiIl both publicly and privately, patronize your researches to the utmost of his power. Allow me to add that all my friends in this country entertain the greatest admiration for the activity which you shew in promoting science and literature and will feel the greatest pleasure in taking every opportunity to make the public aware of the debt of gratitude which all those who have an interest in the improvement of the native of British India ought to acknowledge to you for the able manner in which you have directed your researches to the investigation of questions which are so intimately connected with their happiness and prosperity . I think it of so much importance that your views as to the Natural History of India should be generally known on the continent of Europe and in America that I shall have your letter to me upon this subject published in the next number of the Quarterly Journal of the R.A. Society, a work which has I understand a very extensive circulation. I send you a copy of the Proceedings of the last Anniversary meeting of the R.A.S. By this you will be able to see that I alluded to your
plan in my Report as Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence.

I remain etc etc
Alexander Johnston