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Ascension Island 1 0
Falkland Islands 5 0
Arabia 0 0
Antwerp 9 0
Giraffe House
  • The Giraffe House was built as a direct result of the acquisition of the London Zoo's first four giraffes, Selim, Mabrouk, Guib-allah and Zaida. It was built 1836-37, designed by Decimus Burton, architect. Wings were added 1849-50. It was bomb damaged in 1940 and largely rebuilt 1960-1963 by Franz Stengelhofen and Colin Wears, architects. It is Grade II listed. The central block is flanked by rebuilt low wings. That to the east was the Hippo House from 1850 when Obaysch arrived at the Zoo. The giraffe enclosure features a high-level viewing platform to give the public face-to-face contact with the giraffes and the 1837 Giraffe House is the oldest zoo building in the world still used for its original purpose.
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Cotton Terraces
  • The Cotton terraces form the west section of the Middle Gardens, standing on the south bank of the Regent's Canal. The Cotton Terraces were the first major project to result from the 1958 redevelopment scheme. The accommodated ungulates - camels, deer, antelopes, cattle, horses and giraffes. It was designed to be in keeping with Decimus Burton's Giraffe House and to make the most of the landscape potential of the canal bank. It was built 1960-63, following a benefaction of £250,000 from Jack Cotton. Franz Stengelhofen and Sir Peter Shepheard, architects (Margaret Maxwell, assistant architect); F J Samuely and Partners, consulting engineers.
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Raven's Cage
  • The former Raven's Cage is a rebuilding of an aviary put up as summer caging for macaws. It originally stood just north west of the clock tower. No longer used as an aviary, it survives simply as a decorative and commemorative object. It was built 1829, Decimus Burton, architect. 'Renovated' 1927. 'Reconstructed' 1948 following war damage. Moved 1971. Grade II listed. By the 1840s the cage had been converted to accommodate a vulture and a small house had been added on the north-western side. This was removed, probably in 1948.
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North Pheasantry
  • Built about 1900. Resited further north 1906-7. More than doubled in length to the west 1913-14. Additions cleared in 1960s.
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South Pheasantry
  • The South Pheasantry comprises two ranges of cages to the south west of the Bird House. Built 1962, Franz Stengelhofen, architect.
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Snowdon Aviary
  • The Northern Aviary, widely known as the Snowdon Aviary, is the largest of the Zoo's aviaries. It is a large tension structure and made of aluminium. An early example of a walkthrough aviary, its landscaping is integrated with the circulation system to allow the public close up views of birds in a variety of habitats. The aviary arose from Sir Hugh Casson's 1958 Development Plan as a replacement for the Great Aviary of 1888, situated near the Main Gate. Anthony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon) was commissioned to design the building in 1960 on the strength of his design for a birdcage at Mereworth Castle and a recommendation by the Duke of Edinburgh, then President of the Zoological Society and Lord Snowdon's brother-in-law. Armstrong-Jones had trained (but not qualified) in architecture so Casson brought in Cedric Price, who was soon joined by his friend Frank Newby. Built 1962-64, with a benefaction of £50,000 from Jack Cotton; Anthony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon) and Cedric Price, architects; Frank Newby (of F J Samuely and partners), engineer; Leonard Fairclough (London) Limited, general contractor; Carter Horsley, suppliers of super-structure; Westminster Engineering, suppliers of mesh cladding; Margaret Maxwell (of Bridgwater, Shepheard and Epstein), landscape consultant. Cost £125,000. In July 2021, restoration work started on the aviary which will repurpose it to house colobus monkeys.
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