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Monkey House
  • Built 1926
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Lion House
  • Built 1875-1877 by Anthony Salvin
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Cattle Sheds
  • Built 1869. From 1967 it had included Chi-Chi's Giant Panda Enclosure.
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Owls' Aviary
  • The Owls' Aviary of 1905 is a pheasantry-like structure with caging around as if with a 'palace front'. The 100 ft (30 m) row consists of fifteen open cages in front of simple shelter huts, probably of timber originally but rebuilt in concrete blocks.
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Owl and Parrot Aviaries
  • The Owl Aviary north of the East Footbridge and the Parrot Aviary north east of the Parrot House were both built as parts of public toilet blocks. Built 1957, Franz Stengelhofen, architect.
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Flamingo Pool
  • The Flamingo Pool was formed on the site of a wolverine, jackal and fox enclosure. Latterly used by pelicans, it has now reverted to its original use. Built 1965. Relandscaped 1992 with funding from BOC Limited.
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New Lion Terraces
  • The New Lion Terraces displaced Anthony Salvin Junior's Lion House of 1875-77 and the Cattle Sheds of 1869 which, from 1967, had included Chi-Chi's Giant Panda Enclosure. It came in the 150th anniversary year of the foundation of the Zoological Society of London and was the final component of the post-war reconstruction programme. The terraces are a rambling complex covering two acres of largely open space. The buildings are deliberately obscured in favour of landscaping that was intended as an improvement in the display and welfare of the animals, an approach that relied on the precedent of the lion and tiger exhibits at Whipsnade. It was built 1972-76, funding from Government and Sir Charles Clore; brief by D M R Brambell, Curator of Mammals; John Toovey, Colin Wears and Roger Balkwill, architects; Margaret Maxwell, landscape architect; R T James and partners, engineers; J Jarvis and Sons Limited, building contractors. It cost £666,232. Sculpture enrichments include a finely lettered slate dedicatory plaque designed by Banks and Miles and cut by David Kindersley. Another stone inscribed 'The Lions House' was taken from above the entrance of the 1875-77 Lion House (the 'S' is a 1970's insertion). A large lion mask was similarly resited and there is a cast lion's head presented by its sculptor, William Timyn, in 1976.
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African Aviary
  • The African (formerly Eastern) Aviary replaced an aviary of 1827-28 by Decimus Burton on the same site. The Victorian building, now largely remodelled, was claimed as the best of its type in the country when it opened. To protect vulnerable birds there was a hot water heated interior with indoor cages viewable from a public passage. The floors of these cages were set close to eye level to make the birds more readily visible. Originally, there were ten outdoor cages on the south side, the two largest at either end. Built 1863-64, Anthony Salvin Junior, architect; Lucas Brothers, builders. Cost £2,688. Remodelled with new outdoor caging and renamed 1989-90, brief from Peter Olney, Curator of Birds; John S Bonnington Partnership, architects; Whitby and Bird, structural engineers; landscaping by Derek Howarth and Ron Whittle, filmset experts. Cost £485,000.
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Wolf Wood
  • Wolf Wood is an areas of fenced parkland backing on the Broad Walk. The land was brought into the Zoo in 1935, intended for the Children's Zoo. Built 1963, Franz Stengelhofen and Colin Wears, architects.
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Main Gate
  • The Main Gate replaced a narrower gate set between twin lodges. It is in the Italianate style that John James Joass had introduced to the Zoo. A semicircular court within the gate was originally enclosed by a colonnade of similar design, its purpose to fan visitors out across the gardens. Built 1928, brief by Sir Peter Chalmers Mitchell and Joan Beauchamp Procter; Sir Edward Guy Dawber, architect; columns made by G E Wallis and Sons Limited. South west kiosk added and south terrace laid out 1971 with the Sobell Pavilions, John Toovey, architect. Terrace layout altered 1984 and 1988.
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