Pièce 4 - Letter regarding an archaeological meeting

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Letter regarding an archaeological meeting


  • [Undated] (Création/Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 envelope, 1 sketch

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Nom du producteur

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

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Portée et contenu

My dear Dean

The Archaeological Meeting

This year it is to be at Norwich & not at Hereford - The [final] sermon for me, thinking of Hereford for our Fenchurch meeting was your idea of visiting the Wye, & now we find that the Bishop will be glad to receive us. The installation will be I believe on the 6th or 7th of [July]? at or possibly 5th or 8th. After that it we shall go on to Fenchurch [?] but until we know the day of the installation we can not fix the exact day. I must be back at Ashby on Monday the 19th of July, on account of the Agricultural Meeting which takes place at Northampton in that week & some of my [?] will possibly come to me on Tuesday, & possibly even on Monday- you remember you arranged to come to me I am WORD hoping that I can [?] ask Mrs Buckland at that time as my time will be full, but I hope she will when with you [?] [?] to see my Museum in its original state. The Norwich Meeting is to [?] on the 29th July. The dates then will be thus [V & Mat]? 5 to 8th July, Hereford, Fenchurch between 9th & 17th July Agriculture between 19th & 24th July. Norwich between 29th July & 5th Aug.

Yours most truly
[?] [?] March 16 1847

I have today received a letter from the Dean of Ely - He proposed times for our excursion sent to him

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


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