Unidad documental simple 81 - Letter from George Bunsen to Mr Buckland

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Letter from George Bunsen to Mr Buckland


  • 15 Apr 1880 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

Volumen y soporte

1 letter

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Historia archivística

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Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido


My dear Mr Buckland
I was just leaving the house to see the first boxes unpacked, which were advised yesterday, but am anxious to catch the early post in order to tell you of the intense relief your letter has brought me. A report had reached us yesterday, through Professor Wm. Peters, of your grave illness. Most truly thankful I am that you can report yourself better. I will do my best to ensure the best possible exhibition of your treasures. The [locality?] is excellent. You will have guessed from the fact of my not having written to you what had happened, viz that the correspondence with England had been taken out of my hands entirely, by our chief Manager who thought that everything could be done better in the old fashioned red-tape bureaucratic manner. Now my predictions have been most completely verified. I am sorry to say. It is a comfort for me to have the superintendence of the English department, together with my brother. We shall exert ourselves to the best of our ability, and keep you informed as we get along.

Believe me
With Kind regards to Mrs Buckland
Go Bunsen

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      Puntos de acceso por lugar

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      Estado de elaboración

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      Fechas de creación revisión eliminación




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