Stuk 83 - Letter from George Bunsen to Frank Buckland


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Letter from George Bunsen to Frank Buckland


  • 19 Apr 1880 (Vervaardig)



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1 letter


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My address is:-
W. Postamt 30

19 April 1880

Dear Mr. Buckland
It was a great pleasure to receive your letter as a proof of your progressing recovery. Since I wrote last, we have worked hard to mend the plaster, & today a respectably recommended painter is at work to cover with color the mended portions, the cracks d(itt)o. No care was omitted when opening your boxes I was personally present. Never did I see a greater havoc as that which this short & easy journey had produced. The damage is practically irreparable. Alas! there is no hope, apparently of seeing the rest of your boxes in time for the Opening & for the Crown Prince’s official visit. My hope is that they may arrive in time to be shown to Their Majesties who have announced their visit for Thursday 22nd out of courtesy to their Son, & wishing to leave him the first place at the
opening ceremony, they have preferred not coming on the First Day. You will receive by next mail a Newspaper -! ‘Berliner Tageblatt’ containing a brief notice of your exhibits in an article which bears my name. The number is printed expressly in honour of the

I shall send you whatever comes under my notice in other papers

Let me confess to you (privately) that there is a rage a fury here against the English for having affronted Germany by refusing to take part in our Exhibition. I do my best to tranquillize the correspondents of English newspapers here, also who feel the approbrium cast upon England by that abstention. Lord ----Rupell/Russell I am informed is very much displeased too. Under the circumstances, it will be difficult to create anything like a kindly feeling here, unless you can come yourself & carry everything before you by your enthusiasm

Believe me
Yours very sincerely
Go Bunsen

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