Item 15 - Letter from Adam Sedgewick to William Buckland

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Letter from Adam Sedgewick to William Buckland


  • 13 Nov 18[?] (Produção)

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1 letter

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Dear Buckland

The bearer Mr Rifaud has been spending about ? Days in Cambridge among other things seeking subscriptions for his great work on the natural history of [the] Antiquities of Egypt and Nubia. I dare say to have seen a few [?] of his work and [?] [rapport?] of it by [?] Of the [Parisien?] [?]. His collection of drawings is truly astonishing, they are the wealth of twenty two years almost [?] labour. His very body is no small [curiosity] as it bears the mark of about 17 wounds from the spears of [Arabs?]. Which seem to have been stuck in his body to [?] as arrow heads seen in the thighs of the [?] [?]. I have taken the liberty of giving him a letter to you believing that you will be delighted to [?] his drawings, be happy to make his signature, to put him on the [?] of knowing some of your librarians and other book buying people. Pray what are you doing at Oxford about Carrier's monument [?] me a letter from [Pentland?] on the subject but the stupid Irishman then gives me no address. Pray do you know if I am [?] to him?
Pray excuse writing and believe me
Yours Ever

[?] Coll Nov 13 18-

P.S. Mr Rifaud is accompanied by Mr [Dorling?] and Mrs [?] Who acts as interpreter for Mr. R speaks English no better than a creaking door.

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