Item 12 - Letter from Adam Sedgewick to William Buckland

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Letter from Adam Sedgewick to William Buckland


  • 4 Jun 1835 (Produção)

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1 letter

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Can you make a party to suggest a motion?

Trinity Coll.
May 2

Postmarked J June 1835

My dear Buckland

Next Thursday will suit me very well, and I shall be happy to meet you and Lyell at the ordnance office at any hour that may be finally fixed on. On Wednesday I hope to have a paper on the Whitehaven Coalfield with some general remarks on the relations of the [Parton-Linston?] belt wh. runs to Egremont [?] foot of Staverson. The paper cannot be finished in the [?] but we can give the general ]?] and can have a page of details for the meeting of the October [?]. I shall rejoice to see Mrs Buckland and your children. I think it is about two years since I have shaken her by the hand. The Yorkshire [election?], a law suit and a bad cold has plagued me almost to death. The cold is [?] now that the wind blows from a quarter within two points of South. I heard from Langham a day or two since. William is doing very well [?] as and if God spare his health will work his way [?] to a Fellowship at Trin. Coll. Prey excuse this scrap of paper. It is the best I have.

Yours ever

A. Sedgewick

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