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NZSL/HOD/5/4/16 · Stuk · [10] Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Memo of Zoological Collections
Feby. [10?] 1845
Delivered to the British Museum as per letter 3rd January

Mam. Skins Bird Skins M[ammal] Skins Bird Bones
402 4444 406 + 663 = 1069
to these Brit. Museum added priorly sent collection and then distributed as follows, as by J.E. Gray's letter of 9 Feby.

                          Bird Skins    Mammal Skins    Bird Bones    Mammal
Bones and

British Museum 1753 170 337 195
India House 655 102 79 45 horns
Leyden 536 78 40
Paris 462 48 52
Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro. 321
Dublin 290
Newcastle 259
Canterbury 237 2
Manchester 213
Earl Derby 205
H. Strickland 169
Royal College of Surg. 140 58
Haslar College 1 79
near Gosport

                            5863                   443                                             300
NZSL/HOD/5/4/20 · Stuk · 12 Jun 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

University Museum
12 June 1845


My friend Mr. Grey has just forwarded to me your notification of your liberal donation of 290 Birds from Nepal, duplicates of the magnificent collection found by you in that country, on their arrival I will lose no time in brining the matter before the Board who will I have no doubt instruct me to convey their [marked?] thanks for your liberality in the [meantime?] while I beg to assure you that all possible pains will be taken to make your donations useful in promoting the study of Zoology here

I have the honor
Your obedient
humble Servant
R.H. Ball
Director of the Museum

To B. H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/22 · Stuk · 15 Aug 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Director General
of the Medical Department
of the Navy

Haslar Hospital Museum and Library

Admiralty 15th August 1845


I have much pleasure in acknowledging your Contribution, as per Margin to the Museum and Library established at the Royal Navy Hospital at Haslar, for the benefit of the Medical Officers of the Navy, and to request that you will accept my thanks for the support you thus afford to the Establishment

I am Sir
Your very humble Servant
[W Burnett]
Director General

[Margin notes]
2 skulls of Hill-man
from the Valley of Nepal
79 osteological specimens
of the Birds of Nepal

To B.H. Hodgson Esqre
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

NZSL/HOD/5/4/24 · Stuk · 7 Apr 1848
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall
Cal. 7 April 1848

My dear Sir

The specimens of wild silk etc and the drawing of the [Eri?] and Tussah moths reached me safely some time ago; the larger specimen of raw silk alluded to in your note of the other day, has also come to hand. Mr Frith has been comparing with your drawing certain specimens in the Society's Museum and has drawn up a Memo on the subject; Mr Laidlay has the silk in hand and will report on the quality of it. I hope to submit these papers, with yours, at the next general meeting of the Agricultural Society after which I will do myself the pleasure of addressing you more fully on the subject.
Will you oblige me with a few leaves and flower of the Pooah plant for Dr. Falconer's examination? I presume you have seen Capt. Thompson's favourable report on the fibre.

Yours very truly

James Hume

B.H. Hodgson

Stamped Calcutta
1846 Apr. 7

NZSL/HOD/5/4/25 · Stuk · 12 Jun 1848
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall, Calcutta
12 June 1848

My dear Sir,

I have now the pleasure to enclose for your information copy of a Memo which Mr. Frith has been kind enough to draw up regarding the silk alluded to in your communication to my address. I regret the delay that has occurred in sending you this paper, the fact is I received it some time ago but was waiting a report on the raw specimens from Mr Laidlay which he promised me - but which, from present business, I have not yet received from him. Had I any idea of this delay on his part I should have sent Mr. Frith's paper to you long since

Yours very [truly]
James Hume
Hon. Secy

B.H. Hodgson Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/5/35 · Stuk · 25 Jul 1849
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Tungu July 25th 1849

Maps, charts, sections plans answers etc in my next -

My dear B

At last I have been to the frontier and stood upon the bona fide Thibet plateau, for to such I was well assured this Lachen river would leas, as soon as the Singtam Soubah described Kongra Lama to me. Yesterday I went thither having [carried?] my point as to proceeding from Samdong by a happy accident of which Campbell will inform you. Tungu is some 6 miles a little W of North from Samdong. The road along the E bank of the Lachen is excellent [?] in many places broad enough and flat enough, but ever interrupted by hills ridges and spurs - vegetation rapidly decreases, the Mts. become lower instead of higher and are still more sloping and beautifully green - here the Tungu choo enters from the West and the valley is very broad quite flat and with but a stunted Webbiana, Birch and little Juniper. I collected 15 new plants on the road up and 40 more in two hours about the camp. Astragalus Fumaria and other Tibetan types rapidly increasing. The Lachen Soubah waited on me, swore himself to truth and took me to the pass yesterday good 12 miles [and linear?] north of this, with a good road all the way direction about North soon after leaving Tungu 13,000ft cross the Lachen (12 yards, tem 50!) it here runs through a narrow glen with rugged Mts. of P.S. in the west which run North in a splendid line of snowy cliffs called Chomiomo but flanked by low hills along the river and this said loft snowy range is continued South to the fork of the Genui and Lachen is low ranges after passing Tungu above this the Lachen Valley expands and receives 2 streams from Chomiomo, both large, on the [N/W?] are low hills running South from Kinchin jow without a particle of snow. All along the river is flanked by broad stoney flats and spurs with only grass and tufted herbs, a little Juniper (creeping) and Rhododendrons. Some 5 miles up we passed a shallow glen opening up to Chomiomo with [lots?] of Perp. Snow at 14,500ft or 15,000ft. The river meanders and splits much, its [Channel?] very tortuous, and above there feeders from the W, is a placid stream abt. 14,500ft or so. We arrived at the Lachen Soubah's black tents, [gates] and [horses] and were welcomed by his Squaw to a sumptuous meal of Tea with salt and butter, curd, [parched?] rice, maize etc. we halted an hour when a tremendous peal like thunder woke every [?] in the glen, it was a thick fog and drizzle - the Bhoteas started up saying "the mountains are falling, we shall have rain" I was vastly puzzled, for I thought heavy Thunder storm had broken overhead, but it appeared that it really was the noise of falling masses of Kinchin jow and Chomiomo - we started and soon after it poured with rain - the roar of the falling hills was truly terrible and incessant for the hour. I never heard any thing more awful and I cannot say which Mt. contributed the most, they returned salutes and echoes so incessantly. The low hills flanking each prevents a fragment reaching the valley. The rain [ducked us/drenched us?] and cleared off; the valley opened with a funnel mouth and at 15,000ft we were on a bona fide plateau, between these two great Mts. Some 3 or 5 miles apart From either hand low flat terraces all stony and bare slanted up and down, met, joined [missculated?] and waved across the surface for 4 miles more or thereabouts we hardly ascended 500ft to a low very broad and hardly distinguishable E or N ridge, of Kongra Lama, which runs a little N of West from the N.W. extreme of Kinchin jow When on it you find it is culminant, but so low that the cairn on it is not seen half a mile off. The top is an indefinable flat into which other similar low ridges dip, producing so confined a surface that it is impossible to say what was higher and what lower of great broad ridges not 50 or 100ft above the mean level of the land, for 4 miles South and many more North. The Lachen forms a semicircle round this spur from Kinchin jow comes from N.E. of it and flows West along its N. base turns South cutting through, then East and again "South down the valley" - so confusing in the surface that standing at [HERE A TRIANGLE IS DRAWN REPRESENTING A POINT ON THE MAP] Neither Soubah nor Serot could convince me that the Lachen at A was not much lower than at B, and B, lower than C and to their division I had to walk thither some half mile to convince myself - North of A low flat spurs succeed one another, the land dipping very considerably to [Geeree], the [cheneu] but a few miles on where is a Dingpun and guards they say, it is invisible from this at time and now the storm that had pelted us passed over and hid the distance - all assured me that should the clouds lift I would see low ranges of hills with stones, hardly a rock, running in all directions - N. East the plain continues as Cholamoo and was backed at [5 or 8?] miles by a low awkward oblique range of grassy round topped hills ["Pentha-T'Hlu?] say 10 miles long and 1500 above Kongra Lama, pretty steep but not a particle of rock, theyr rise from the N slope of Cholamoo plain belong to nothing and look as if dropped from Heaven. Due E and between East and N.E. was blue sky, vry fine and not a hill of any kind [?] snowy or other one exist in that direction, all were low waving slopes of Cholamoo. Doubiah Lah passs opens on this plateau to the South of East of this Pass hence, as I said on first arriving at Dorjiling my dear Kinchin jow is the nothernmost of all the Sikkim Himalaya and must rise clear out of the Thibetan plateau? and so it does, abruptly in a wall of beare rock and slopes of debris behind which a precipice of snow towers up perpendicularly to 20,000ft capped with prodigious beds of snow west - low spurs of Chomiomo rise out of their plains steppe by steppe and S.W. the [ground] but itself, not inferior to Kinchin jow, reared its walls of snow alas all perpendicular and [trending?] South to a little north of Tunga - South the plateau contrasts as a [farewell?] and then dips down to the valley of Lachen. I walked about a great deal, for views, the people having no objection to my putting foot in Cheen, indeed we halted without Sikkim, but I could get no views, the surface is so wavy that you are lost the moment you leave the roads, as far as knowing by land marks which way to turn - It is like the Dunes in Holland on a gigantic scale, a labyrinth of mere nothings, with the stream so tortuous that you cannot guess which way they run. North of Kongra the Lachen appears all pool and marsh and though at its [?] hardly flows. I thought the flats of its North bank a good deal lower than Kongra which is the flat of its South bank, but nothing but a delicate level could determine that - be that as it may, the Lachen rises from S.E. or rather from the South of East Kongra, flows along Kongra's North flank and appears to cut the ridge between Kongra and Chomiomo and to get down the valley

July 26th
This is a splendid morning and I must make use of it - so cannot write more I was writing all last night and I am excessively busy - Many thanks for the queries of 4th and 7th and the books

Ever yr affect[ionate]
J.D. Hooker

I have finished and send the Terai Journal - very foul I fear, please send it to Campbell when read

P.S. Not a particle of snow the whole way not a speck on Kongra Lama at 15,500 nor for 1000ft up the Mts, facing Thibet. Temp. of Lachen at 15,500 47° at Thlonok at 10,000 you know was 40° Muller will send you the true height of Kongra Lama

NZSL/HOD/5/5/40 · Stuk · 27 Sep 1849
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Momay Samdong
Sept. 27/49

My dear B

Your long & kind letter of Sept 11th has just arrived but those preceding it are still on the road, so you must excuse my apparent negligence in reference to them. Pray understand that when I complain of long silence on your and Campbell's part, I refer solely to the Post and roads it is impossible that any one could be better and more kindly treated as a correspondence than I have been, and am, by you both. So many and so long communications as I receive, were wholly unexpected, much as you have to think about of greater impact than the Wandering Jew. I am greatly delighted with your hints about Nepal coming as they do to meet my inclinations half way. I do assure you I was [activated?] in my choice, no less by my Father's wish as I understand that, than by the feeling that you would approve of my choice and that perhaps the best tribute of gratitude I can offer yo yourself and Campbell is to throw light upon a country to which (in a certain light) you are both fondly attached. Campbell's kind regrets at my giving up the Himal. smote me too. It affords too a small hope that I may see you both in India again, as I pray God I may eventually in England, at present I feel overwhelmed with the matter of lingos and [?]. It is impossible to exaggerate the difficulties arising from the wanting of a tolerable colloquial knowledge of Hindustani even, where I am and of Bhote beyond all but my powers in that direction are 0-3 separate times I learned and could converse in German now I cannot translate the simplest fable in that language. I must confess too that my protracted wanderings in solitude are rather dull. I have been off and on 11 years a voyager and traveller, and never one with a soul who cared a nub for my pursuits. Hence if one of the many reasons for keenly appreciating our Terai cruise it was a pleasure to bring my flowers to some one who cared to see them, for their own sake as well as mine. I am puzzled about Mrs. Lydiard's wishes really there is absolutely nothing that will succeed in the plains reasonably well but few do and the wetter climate of Bengal and both [Napleton] and [Pontet] (skilfull men) are [?] [?] I need not tell you that more opposite conditions of climate are hardly elsewhere found so proximate. Certainly I think a lot of air plants the prettiest most valuable and hopeful present, and I will when I send Hopman and give particular instructions as to his packing as many baskets as you please for Mrs. L. Hop. is a good packer and plantman also honest to a [straw] In every other respect the most useless, careless, idle, inattentive, dirty hound I ever had any thing to do with. The lethargic [G] cannot be worse so I will try him here. Hopman is, I beleieve a steady and safe [inmate?] and if he will only keep [?] to work and pack roots he may do good service at [?] seeds of course from these elevations are useless in the plains, but I will make a selection when I go below for you. My best compliments to Mrs. L do not agitate yourself about my abolishing the Himal. nor take what I said to the letter I really was and am struck by the Aruns's long course and as to abolishing the Himal. I spoke only in a comparative sense, as one who previously looked on them as all the watershed directly in the south. By my [?] you will see that I hold them as still more the watershed than ever and expect that the mean level of the Himal. [band?] may prove even greater than all beyond it that one expects. Your remarks upon the [?] drainage still returning to [?] are remarkably astute and what I have been lumbering my brain with an awkward form. I was not aware that the N.W. tried to abolish the Himal. Thomson seems on the contrary to throw overboard my idea of there being any watershed [to] the South, from North and through the [?] range. On such puzzling points I find it extremely difficult to express myself. I will swear by the limits by the [?] of [B's] denial if every river and its every feeder come from N of the chain what I want to get at is, the idea that your watersheds are of more paramount importance than we can guess, till we know more of the country N of the chain that in Thibet N. of Sikkim we have a basin of the Arun. How far West does it go? thus the Eastern branch, cannot have less than a 70 miles course! more probably 110 linear. The Eastern and Western gradients both I think you say come from beyond the snow. What are these basins? Whatever range confines the waters of the [?] must be I should think in reference to the Himal. in the North which the sub-Himal are - One of the Bhotean rivers is [?] as having a Thibetan course, equal to the Arun! In short what I would say perhaps comes to this - that we limit the Himal too much, calling Thibet rightly in one sense, what is strictly the N. slope (range upon range) of the Himal. The subject is infinitely more complicated that I ever guessed it would prove. The mountainous nature of the country N of Cholomar whether (as we cannot deny) the basin of the Arun, or no have given one a wholly different notion of the great Plateau. In this direction I do assure you I beg all I can to lower my estimate of those Mts. and to attribute much to disappointed expeditions, but it is all of no avail the very fact that any country should look mountainous from 17,500 or 18,000 is staggering and I have now been over and over again, and I believe to 19,000ft. and these mountains do not smile on the horizon they occupy a whole quarter of the compass. Hardly recovered from the shocks you will not wonder at my feeling unhinged and in [?] waters they presume to dictate to me what my watersheds are to be and where I am to cut my snow-line Not that what I think we may exaggerate their feelings and intentions - I don't care a fig about them one thing I must stick to and that is the climate of the Dorjiling range. If the outer range of Sikkim receiving an oceanic current from 250 miles distancer over the Sonderbunds, unchecked in influence by an intermediate range is not to differ in ranges of temperature and in humidity from the NW mountains which receive a similar wind from a distance of 700 miles over an intermediate range of great breadth (and on an average 15,000 high) and over the [?] plains. If I say these differences are not to make a wide difference between the climate of Dorjiling and [?] then there is an end of physical climateology. I think your long residence at Khatmandu, which should present intermediate features leads you exactly to halve the total amount of difference. This year you say is exceptional, but since Madden's letter of last August 12 month complains of a threatened loss of all the crops from want of rain and if only I remember right the plain beyond. Patna, Delhi Agra [etc?] were dried up till way late in the season. Depend upon your, my and our range from Rajmalal to [Condeiel?] is "il diavolo" my findings the inner ranges of Sikkim in all respects tallying with the outer ranges of the N.R is another curious fact. As to the absence of Leguminire [Granime] and [?] I am indeed a naughty boy, but it is all the worse for myself - as to [?] and [?] they together as N at [?] form 1/7th of the flowering plants of the whole world! and a fair quarter proportion is [?] flowers and immeasurably greater still in alpine and high temperate regions - I have not 20 sp of Leguminire! nor 50 of grapes! what you say of their [?] on the outer range being [carried] by the forest vegetation etc is true to the most, and I have [?] them and other [reasons] in my [?] and other [?] Campbell is wrong in supposing I get in a passion or show the least signs of anger. I have not since I was in Choongtam in May been out of temper. I take all with perfect self possession. I say freely what I think, of this and that piece of insolence, and that it is reported to Campbell for him to settle even this last was of flogging the coolie in my service and enjoining silence in my, your and his [?[ never called forth in an angry expression of look, I heard dispassionately all each had to say which was little enough, I said "I consider it as grave an insult as could be offered me, and report it to Campbell as such" Alas! my conscience whispering that it was all mere talk. Even should C take it in hand, 50 stories will be trumped up, and the original evidence I have extorted separately from the people before there was time for [combination] and [coniving] will be to to what these liars will be ready to say and swear to. Enough I, will bore you nor him more, my say is said that if required to state my opinion of Cs proceedings it must be in terms of the strongest disapprobation I am not vexed or angry with him, I address him in strong language, for that alone can rouse his torpid energies. I am your better pupil in self possession and calmness though perhaps wrong in practicing these qualities here where wrath and bluster are my only weapons for I have no ammunition at Dorjiling to fall back upon - no ally here though it be headquarters

Ever your affectionate
Jos. D. Hooker

On second thoughts I send [?] to Campbell and ask him to forward it you telling him I retain your copy have been hard on the poor Devil and in difficulties, after all it is more poor Devil than any thing and he, he has not firmness and that is his fault, he is the essence of kindness and friendship I do believe and the most aimiable of men, but even these generous qualities may be masked. Campbell has one glorious, brilliant, shining spirit, which I who know the Scotch so well cannot overpraise in him, the frankness with which he speaks of the poverty of his family and the nullity of his origin - that mark in a Scotchman and a Celt above all is beyond praise - it makes a man of him whatever be his foibles. I took the liberty of chasing the [purses] between you Campbell and Muller. I think you would rather have this as a matter of taste and had I sent all Mrs. C to divide the gaudy one (which I think vile) would of course been your lot. The Cs have no taste and will duly admire it most people too will say you come of here again 2nd best in my estimation! Thanks many for sending down to Titalya for Gomez and a descendant of Ferdinand I suppose La "Cid Campeader" by birth the Florentine (del Crusea) could not come under R40 - food again I warned him of the danger he was running in treating me as he did and now he finds it [?] Short of all his power and faced to contradict all his former ties, he now comes back to stake a most humiliating position in the scenes of my former glory. The now-line is down 1000ft since August! and so my point of its Sikkim elevation is settled. We are marching all day [?] at Sunrise which does not leave me the time I need to have to write you it is wretchedly cold now [?] [?]

Ever your affectionate
Jos. D. Hooker