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List of Ethnographical Drawings by Brian Houghton Hodgson
NZSL/HOD/5/4/30 · Item · 29 Mar 1870
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

The Grange

March 29 1870

List of Ethnographical drawings numbered by sheets

  1. Nepal Series
    26 originals and 12 duplicates
    Also, in small 6 originals and 4 duplicates
    Also 16 photographs including one Toda woman and one Chinese man

  2. Sikim Series
    23 originals and 7 duplicates

  3. Rough drafts, 17 originals - No duplicates

1V. Three photographs of a native of the Andamans
And a set of Chines heads for comparison taken from Illus. London News and 12 sets of measurements of Himalayans

N.B Given to Anthropological Society through Hooker and Sir J. Lubbock Jany 1873

N.B May 1873
Destination altered and drawings presented to the Christie Collection as per list of the Superintendant Mr. Franks. The residue being duplicates and what not, kept and herein contained


NZSL/HOD/5/4/31 · Item · 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections


To the Trustees of the
Royal College of Surgeons

During my residence in India I made extensive collections with a view to illustrate the Zoology of Nepal, and, being not insensible of the high importance of whatever tends to fix the Science of Zoology on the firm basis of structural peculiarities, I preserved a great many skeletons (more or less perfect) of such quadrupeds and birds as were procured by me as specimens and likewise procured anatomical notes to be occasionally made relative the soft as well as hard parts of the animals. It is my wish to present these materials if found worthy to the College of Surgeons. I regret that circumstances which it [?] need not here be referred to have rendered them far less complete than ones hope to have made them. These osteological remains are for the most part duly numbered with reference to the series of skins and drawings presented by me to the Brit. Museum. The species may be thus, for the most part at once identified, and I have only to add the expression of my hope that in return for the donation hereby proposed the College of Surgeons will be pleased to place me in communication with the person who may be directed to receive and examine these [?] and that that person may be authorised and required to put me in possession of the results of his examination of them, particularly such as are calculated to [?] on the Natural affinity or the habits and manners of the specimens.
(signed) B.H. Hodgson

[Note of reverse]
M.S. Collection declined in the reply
and therefore made over to Brit. Mus.
Jany 1845

Letter from J E Gray to Brian Houghton Hodgson
NZSL/HOD/5/4/32 · Item · 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections


My Dear Sir

I am sorry that I am obliged to go out this morning but in case you should some I leave the following

dons 1. India House - Dr. Horsfield Thomas Horsfield 1773-1859
655 American

       2. Mus. Leyden - Director
536 Mr Temminck Coenraad Jacob Temminck
Dutch 1778-1858
3. Mus. Paris The Administrator

4. Mus. Berlin Director
411 M. Lichtenstein Martin Hinrich Carl Lichtenstein
German 1780-1857

5. Mus. Senkenberg. Director
Frankfurt Dr. Rupell Eduard Ruppell
352 German 1794-1884

6. Edin.....College Museum
321 Professor Jameson Robert Jameson
Scottish 1774-1854

7. Dublin University Museum
290 Secretary R. Ball Esq Robert Ball
Irish 1802-1858
Became Director in 1844

8. Newcastle

9. Canterbury

10. Manchester The Secretary

11. Earl of Derby

12. Hugh Strickland Esq Hugh Edwin Strickland
Oxford English 1811-1853

Yours Very Truly
J.E. Gray

Note by J E Gray regarding publications
NZSL/HOD/5/4/35 · Item · [Undated]
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Mr Gray engages to publish forthwith in London periodical the novelties (by Feby). Also to prepare in 3 months a corrected Catalogue of the whole to be distributed with the specimens and to be sent to me as well as copy of the above by overland to care of Sec. As. Soc. Bengal
3-4 To consult and arrange for the publication if possible be as soon as may be of a book of illustration from the drawings and of text from the skins and my notes [?] Gray wants List of works wherein I have published copies if may be [sent] and [?] depend on receiving a regular [set?] o9f the notes that they may [?] arranged here [?] the required additions

J.E. Gray Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/4/44 · Item · Jul 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Memorandum of the Zoological Specimens and Drawings presented to Mr. B. H. Hodgson to the several institutions specified

                                    BONES                                        SKINS
Bird Beast Bird Beast

British Museum 351 195 British Museum 1753 170
India House - 45 India House 655 102
Leyden 40 - Leyden 536 78 [70]
Paris 52 - Paris 462 40
Berlin - - Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt - - Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro - - Edinbro 321 -
Dublin - - Dublin 290 -
Newcastle - - Newcastle 259 -
Manchester - - Manchester 237 -
Canterbury - - Canterbury 213 -
Earl Derby - - Earl Derby 205 -
H. Strickland - - H. Strickland - -
College of Surgeons 140 58 College of Surgeons 169 -
Haslar Institute 79 - Haslar - -
India House


British Museum Total 1064 Sheets
July 1845 Alfred at sea
N.B. Bihar Birds two boxes omitted

Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Archibald Campbell
NZSL/HOD/5/5/2 · Item · 22 Dec [1848]
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Lingdam 2 Marches E of Pemiongchi
Dec 22 [1848]

Dear C
This will be given you by the Havild. and Lep[ch]as who have accompanied me from Wallanchoon. On the whole their conduct (and that of the others send home before) has been excellent, but I think the neglect I experienced returning through Nepal out of which Kingdom I was starved though passing through villages full of food - should be enquired into. Daily I told the H. I wanted food, and he as regularly told both myself and Serot, that he would get me some tomorrow, always pleading the villages to be too poor to bring backsheesh or sell. This is not true the Vs were as large and fine as any we ever saw, [Khabhang?] where we halted a whole day had countless flocks of sheep and cattle and extended over several miles, but though he was thick with the Soubah and villagers all day and night he pretended he could not get me a drop of milk, a fowl a vegetable or any one thing. Sablakoo was as fine a village and I could enumerate many smaller - At all of which his Tent was full of visitors to whom he did not insist either upon paying me any token of respect, or of bringing food to give or to sell. At another place, a leg of mutton was brought as a present to him (as all the people swear) to this I of course I have no objections, but where such things are to be so had the like are to be purchased. He denied its being brought at all but when proven said "it was taken away" and when asked why not offered for my purchase said "he had not orders to do so". The long and short I well know is that he made himself the Sahib received and kept all the presents. The total want of respect to me by the villagers, so different from their conduct the whole way up, is a grave matter then he always told them to go and Salaam to me whether or not they had backsheesh to spare and then I had [?] no lack of milk, fowls, eggs and vegetables. Indeed the Hav. quite forgot himself and twice left me to march without any attendance he busy with his Brahmins. In the mountains he bought a whole Deer unknown to me and never paid for it I am assured when we were all hard up and 3 days afterwards offered me a most microscopic portion. This was greedy and unfair, but I found no fault till the total want of food was accompanied by an equal want of respect on the part of the villagers and latterly himself, but that was I hope and believe a transient forgetfulness I reminded him of the Durbar order to which he answered "that was only to accompany me" he told both of us the contrary before. His helplessness at Wallanchoon I must report to the Durbar as I told him - please remind him of it then I did every-thing myself he was worse than useless sick and giving in to the [quabah?] before any reference was made to me, to the extent of wishing me to turn back as we came so that I always had first to undo what he had done, both as to visiting the Passes, [assistance?] and food. As to the Rupees and Rupete the nature of my duties rendered it impossible for me to keep any check on either. A glance at my observations and worked out day and night will prove my own Serot's general opinion is that the Rupete had vanished mysteriously fast and the Rupees too. The people accuse him of feeding his Lepas on their ghee, onions and chilis and Rupete and from the beginning and his friends too. The accusation came late and I refused to listen. Nimbo is I believe quite an honest man and he had better be examined if the affair be work it. I do not care a [rush?] but think it my duty to report it. I have fed both him and his Lep[ch]as and Coolies ever since the [18th?] Nov. and I expect before it too, was this right? In the snow I paid the men every attention, clothed them and nursed them gave them a share of my own stores (for they are [no wise?] particular to a shade). His subsequent ingratitude vexed me at first very much as I told him but the consequent obseqiousness of himself and Lepa have all but disgusted me. Still it is the way of the orientals. He has had many presents from me and I have no idea of making his final present the price of his [slave?] except you think proper - but this I leave entirely to your judgement for all the use he has been I should have thought 20 or 30R abundance and 8 or 10 to each of his Lep[ch]as. I thought of 50 before his ingratitude offended me so much and then of not a [pais?]. That he has feathered his own nest well on my Rupees I am sure as, also that the [cruise] has not cost him a penny. Since entering Sikkim he has had noble treatment from Meepo the smallest attention [in?] Nepal. The ghorka coolies, 6, behaved very well they were fed all along by me, as indeed I believe all hands have been and to this day. Here by backsheeshes of rice nearly keep me in Rupete. The Casi of Ling droom is also constant in his attentions to me and to the Havildar. I told you of a furious quarrel he had with some of his Lep[ch]as as in ghorka on the subject of his cheating me at Mywa Guola to which as conducted in ghorka I took no notice, but heard it talked over afterwards. I always [laid?] my account to a good cheating in the East. Pray read this carefully and act as you think proper, I do not want to disgrace or punish the man, only to let him know what these things do not pass unnoticed we part good friends.
Ever your troublesome
Jos. D. Hooker

There were 10 blankets bought by the Havildar we have of these only 5 4 went with Lepchas to [?] the Havild is responsible for the other which he takes with him [?] blankets are all right
Please send the [Chaprapin?] back to Lingdam and Pemiongchi with letters and a little parcel that Muller will send - and some loaves of bread.
P.S. Rain, every yday

My Havildar wants to talk to you about some [?] sent by him for sale to Titalya being [looted?] on the road some stupidity of his own or trespass on the Rajah's property - he begs me to mention it J.H.

Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Brian Houghton Hodgson
NZSL/HOD/5/5/3 · Item · 1848?
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Bhomsong Teesta
XMAS [1848?]

Dear H

Many happy returns of the day from Campbell and myself. I arrived here two days ago and yesterday the letters I first sent you from Pemiongchi were returned to C. both himself and Mrs. C being away. I want none of the things therein begged for except some [Hoolyrah?] Tobacco which perhaps [Eli R.?] will get for him and a light load of brown paper - [Langrip Lepcha?] is a good faithful coolie and will soon find a companion to follow him - them the books and the cigars are all I want and a little parcel of note-books which Muller will send you. I wrote you last by the Havildar and the letter went 3 days ago. I was then on my way here where I found Campbell waiting for me to my surprise for my [?] were all fake ones and denied to be so. I suppose to facilitate my sending away the Havildar. It rained hard and always so that I have little to say of the route. The Rajah is here such a droll little object, the presentation etc is a perfect mummery conducted with propriety enough but a perfectly tedious show of poverty and pride. The Dewan is a thorough faced liar still a well conducted man in all his intercourse with us except on politics. A yellow striped Buceros here do you know it? He has been all over Thibet and gives the information most willingly - is a [Shukan?] and jolly rogue - we get on capitally for he is always civil and respectful though I would not trust him 2 days running for the latter qualities. Politics have progressed C insists on a proper [?] and the only one [?] and fit is the [Heir app's]. Dewan, a dead enemy of the R's D and a man of more liberal and enlightened ideas. He also insists on my visiting Lachen and Lachong next year. March-April. The R. is thoroughly frightened, or rather I should say bewildered we are off at once for Mainanchoo the high Mt. with the rock you see from [fillapabar?]. I shall then go S. along the spur which divides Teesta from Gt. Rungeet. Then across to Pemiongchi and so on to Jongri. I do hope to get some geology this way. I like the Lepchas betteer the more I travel amongst them.
Please send to Pemionchi

Ever your affectionate
Jos. D. Hooker

P.S. I send you a fine Yak