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            13 Archivistische beschrijving results for Belgium

            Hopkinson, W
            SUP/6/1/1/52 · Bestanddeel · 1949
            Part of Superintendents

            Correspondence between W Hopkinson and George Soper Cansdale regarding an enquiry from the Zoological Gardens Board of Western Australia in connection with the offer they had received from Poly-Zoo Ltd of Antwerp, for the supply of a pair of Polar Bears

            Aquarium Early Papers
            CUR/2/2 · Bestanddeel · 1913-1930
            Part of Curators and Keepers

            Early papers regarding the Aquarium at London Zoo, including correspondence, price lists, reports on visits to Hamburg, Berlin, Brussels and Dresden

            REP/4 · Bestanddeel · 1934-1940
            Part of Reports

            List of American zoos by A Lindsay; Report of a visit to New York and Chicago (1936); 'Notes on visits to some foreign zoos, 1934 and 1935' by Huxley (covering New York Bronx, Philadelphia, Washington, Paris Vincennes, Hamburg, Berlin, Munich Hellabrun, & Frankfurt); extract from report on the British Colonial Exhibit, World's Fair, New York, 1939; Report on visit to Austria and Germany by D Seth Smith (c1937); Report on a visit to the Zoological Gardens at Antwerp, Rotterdam and Amsterdam (1935); Report on a visit to France (1938); letter from Chalmers Mitchell to the Directors of Zoological Gardens in Germany, introducing Huxley, 1935; handwritten notes on zoos; notebook; 'La Reproduction des Animaux Sauvages en Captivite' by A Urbain; Report on visit to Brookfield Zoo (1940); guide to Internationalen Jagdaustellung, Berlin, 1937.

            SUP/5/1/2/201 · Bestanddeel · 1946
            Part of Superintendents

            Correspondence between the Societe Royale de Zoologie D'Anvers in Antwerp and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding a lioness called Raie which was sent by the Zoological Society of London, and a Chimpanzee which was sent by the Societe Royale de Zoologie D'Anvers to the Zoological Society of London

            Antwerp Zoo
            SUP/5/1/4/3 · Bestanddeel · 1948
            Part of Superintendents

            Correspondence between Antwerp Zoo and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding an exchange of animals between the Zoological Society of London and Antwerp Zoo, and a paper called 'Notes about our attempt to present snakes separated from the public by an invisible obstacle'

            NZSL/ROP/25 · Bestanddeel · 1975
            Part of Non-ZSL Collections

            Colour negatives of Mrs Ray Romer with a baby gorilla at Frankfurt Zoo, and views of Antwerp and Stuttgart Zoo, along with some personal images, dated June to July 1975; Colour negatives of Mrs Ray Romer with a baby gorilla and a baby orangutan at Frankfurt Zoo, along with various views of that zoo and of Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, plus some personal images, dated July 1975

            Borre, A de
            SEC/7/2/29 · Bestanddeel · 1870
            Part of ZSL Secretaries

            Letters from A de Borre of the Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle Brussels, to Philip Lutley Sclater

            Henry, M Robert
            SUP/5/1/1/63 · Bestanddeel · 1945
            Part of Superintendents

            Correspondence between the Zoo-Centre in Brussels and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the transfer of birds and Wallabies