Unidad documental simple 4 - Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Brian Houghton Hodgson

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Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker to Brian Houghton Hodgson


  • 1849 (Creación)

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1 letter

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Alcance y contenido

Sunday 1849

My dear H
I have just got through all I intend to send down and thats but half my collections and will be with you as soon as I possibly can get the coolies away with safety. That must not be till the weather breaks for here we are delayed with rain and such miserable wretched weather - It blew so hard t'other night as to wet my boxes in the Verandah, with the torrents of rain it is indeed a dismal climate and if my things are caught in such weather as this going down it will be much deplorable. I sent you Lyell pray excuse my cutting it to which I was irresistabl[y] impelled. I quite envy you the first reading of it, being convinced you will be greatly gratified.
For heavens sake say nothing of it at present but I do believe that I have caught Waugh in an error of 100ft in the height of fillapahar! Muller is convinced I am right. What a delicious morsel it will be: just fancy the [?] snob who measures Kinchin to inches with 1000 guineas appliances out of a hundred in the fillapahar. The fact is I expect he did this sort of work very carelessly devoting the [?] minute attention only to the great objects - in this he is right and were it not that he is a bombastic fellow this would be beneath my notice. As however fillapahar is my station from where I work all other heights I must not be 100ft out in it. W. says "fillapahar highest point" 287ft above Darjeeling hill - now your house is fully that, whether worked by Calcutta or Muller's house, or by angles all of which agree to 3ft [?] Lane's house which perhaps he means for top of fillapahar is good 160 above your's. The real top of F.P. is a mile further back, but that he cannot mean, or else his map is wrong and his height 200ft wrong. The document is Waugh's own and pompously signed "compared" A.S. Waugh and yet we have it in Tenglo 11,0076 feet! I mention these things to shew you how sloppy he is and how ridiculous his pretentions. I send you a few letters which I think will please though hardly interest you - I was joking with [Tim] Thurman/Thuman who asked me to meet him at Sahamupore but I suppose I was awkward in my wit, for I cannot allow that (like some other people) he can't understand a [repartee?]. Harvey is Prof. of Botany at Trin. C. Dublin a most gentlemanly and dour fellow was even Col. Treasurer at the Cape whereby hangs a most pitiful tale of real life. Bowling writes to ask C to come up and take his duties. C responds asking B to ask me when Thurman/Thuman is coming up. They must be very green to suppose I would allow [Tim] (who comes up to [?] with me) to be trapped into medical duty for his 2 or three month's holiday!
[Sammler?] ejects Muller on the 1st February and I do not think his house will be ready for him as however he will be able to get all his things in it and only want a [dry] sleeping room. I have so far trespassed on your kindness as to offer him my bed at fillapahar for a week during our absence. A bed is all he wants. I will give you two days warning of my advent. There is no prospect of its clearing up for several days Muller says - it is just raining as hard and foggy as last August cold withal and gusty at times
Your ever affectionate
Jos. D. Hooker

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