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ZSL Council
COU · Fonds · 1826-2019

Council is the governing body of the Zoological Society of London. It is made up of three elected Officers - the President, Secretary and Treasurer – and twelve elected members. Council members are the Trustees

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Form Letters from the Council
COU/7/2 · Dossier · 1849-1901
Fait partie de ZSL Council

Form letters from the Council of the Zoological Society of London regarding unpaid subscriptions, the election of new Fellows, balloting lists, extension of privileges and thanks for the gifts of animals

Council and Subscribers
COU/5 · Pièce · 1826-1829
Fait partie de ZSL Council

List of Council members and subscribers to the Zoological Society of London from 1826-1829

Minutes of Council
COU/1 · Série · 1826-2019
Fait partie de ZSL Council

Minutes of Council meetings of the Zoological Society of London

Draft minutes of council
COU/2 · Série · 1891-1935
Fait partie de ZSL Council

Draft minutes of Zoological Society of London Council meetings, from a select period