Report of the Veterinary Officer for the Animal Welfare and Husbandry Committee of the Zoological Society of London
Veterinary medicine
188 Archival description results for Veterinary medicine
Reports of the Veterinary Officer and Honorary Parasitologist for the Animal Welfare and Husbandry Committee of the Zoological Society of London
Reports of the Veterinary Officer for the Animal Welfare and and Husbandry Committee of the Zoological Society of London
Reports of the Pathologist and Veterinary Officer for the Animal Welfare and Husbandry Committee of the Zoological Society of London, a list of additions to the catalogue of preserved specimens in the Prosectorium and a report by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on helminths received from the Zoological Gardens
Reports of the Director, Pathologist, and Curator of Birds for the Animal Welfare and Husbandry Committee of the Zoological Society of London. Also, memorandums, zoo development plan, agendas and minutes, list of tranquilizers used in hospital, a syllabus for keepers' instructional course, and a preliminary list of proposed names of persons to be circularised in connection with morphological work to be carried out on rare animals at present in or likely to arrive at the prosectorium
Bound volume of minutes of the Animal Welfare and Husbandry Committee of the Zoological Society of London
Proposals concerning the Royal Bardia National Park, Nepal