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Three Island Pond
  • Three Island Pond is an irregularly shaped artificial pond of about 130 ft (40 m) by 165 ft (50 m) in extent, the south side of which has been incorporated into the New Lion Terraces. The enclosure is inhabited by pelicans, coots and ducks, and the three islands are planted with large willows and other trees. Built 1832, Decimus Burton, architect. Enlarged 1852. Altered 1961 and 1876.
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Former Prairie Dog Enclosure
  • To the north of Three Island Pond there is an irregularly shaped grassed enclosure. Formed in 1905 for the display of squirrels, but soon given over to prairie dogs, it is about 55 ft (17 m) across. A small budgerigar aviary stood on the site before it was again used for squirrels and then abandoned.
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Prairie Marmot Enclosure
  • The Prairie Mar mot Enclosure was formed as a Coypu Pond and built with the Insect House to the north. At the time of its construction it was a novel display because it was free of bars or fencing. It was built 1912-13, with funding from Sir James K Caird. Relandscaped 1983. Altered in 2003 to incorporate a large otter enclosure.
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Penguin Incubation Centre
  • This enclosure immediately north west of the Children's Zoo was formed as small seal pond. Its back areas were reconstructed to accommodate capybaras, but occupancy has since passed to penguins. Built about 1960. Reconstructed 1971. Now the site of the Children's Zoo.
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Pergola North of the Staff Car Park
  • The semicircular area across the Outer Circle from the Main Gate was laid out by Decimus Burton in 1830-31 as a carriage sweep. From at least the mid 19th century there was an exit only turnstile leading into the centre of this area. The semicircle came into use as the Zoo's car park around 1920 and the exit remained in use until much later. A relic of the exit survives in the form of a two-bay iron pergola that adjoined the turnstile to the north.
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East Footbridge
  • The East Footbridge was erected to link the Middle Gardens to the Zoo's grounds north of the Regent's Canal, newly leased in 1869. The bridge is made of iron and bears the founder's name. Built 1872, R Masefield and Company, founders; D Cross and Son, builders. Cost £1,334. Abutments partly rebuilt 1930.
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Primrose Hill Footbridge
  • The Primrose Hill Footbridge is a replacement of a suspension bridge of about 1842, one of the five put up in Regent's park by James Dredge, engineer. Another Dredge suspension bridge was replaced in 1864 by the Broad Walk Footbridge, located just east of the Zoo, following slippage of the canal bank. There was a gunpowder explosion on the canal in 1874 and further slippage of the banks occurred in 1879-80. The latter is more likely to have been the cause of the replacement of the Primrose Hill suspension bridge. In 1906 the Zoo expanded its premises north of the canal westwards up to the Primrose Hill footbridge, the boundary of the gardens passing along the centre of the bridge. Built 1874 or 1879-80, to plans by John Fowler, engineer. Deck replaced 1906 and around 1930. Grade II listed.
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Discovery Centre
  • The Discovery Centre, formerly the Penguin Cafe, was built as a 'cheap' or 'popular ' tea house. It has since been remodelled as an exhibition space and shop. Built 1923-24, Walter Hearn and Chuter, architects. Converted 1988.
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Regent Building
  • The Regent Building or Restaurant replaced the earlier Refreshment Rooms (now the Parrot House). it was built to provide improved lunch, tea and dining facilities for visitors and Fellows. To fulfil part of the 1913 scheme for a focal court, Joass prepared detailed plans for this building in 1914-15. The plans were subsequently revised slightly, the work being held in abeyance pending completion of more urgent projects. The ground floor was originally the public restaurant, with a still room and servery to the west, a buffet to the east and an outdoor terrace to the south. The indoor space is now divided as the Regent Cafe, the Raffles Bar and the Restaurant. The first floor Regency Banqueting Suite, originally the Fellows' Restaurant, has also been refitted. Land to the west of the building was laid out as a Fellows' Tea Terrace and Lawn, the latter serving as the site of the Chimps' Tea Party in the 1930s. Built 1928-29, John James Joass, architect; G Godson and Sons, builders. First floor veranda enclosed 1937. Addition to south 1965, Franz Stengelhofen, architect. Addition to east 1971, John Toovey, architect. First floor altered 1975. Ground floor altered 1983-84 and 1989-90.
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Zoo Sports and Social Club
  • The Sports and Social Club for the Zoo staff accommodated a bar, billiard room and caretaker's flat. Built 1963, Franz Stengelhofen, architect.
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