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Mongoose Enclosure
  • The small open enclosure south east of the Elephant and Rhino Pavilion was built in 1922 as a racoon enclosure and used for red pandas before passing to mongooses. It consists of a grassy mound within a reinforced concrete octagonal retaining wall. This wall has an inwardly splayed upper lip to prevent escape. An ailanthus tree at the centre of the mound was uprooted in the destructive storm of October 1987. Demolished and area used for the new Children's Zoo in 1995.
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Cormorant Pond
  • The Cormorant Pond was formed as a Panda Pit, then converted to a Seal Pond, before being used for cormorants. Built about 1950. Converted 1959-60, Franz Stengelhofen, architect. The Children's Zoo is now on the site of the Cormorant Pond.
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Children's Zoo and Farm
  • The Children's Zoo is set off from the rest of the Zoo as an area where children can come into close contact with animals, generally those that are either young or domesticated. In its early years most of the site remained open. Scattered across the Children's Zoo is a miscellany of small buildings dating from the period 1959 to 1975, when the Zoo as a whole was undergoing redevelopment. The curved paddock railings are reused public barriers from around one of the outdoor cages of the 1875-77 Lion House. Founded in 1938, incorporating deer shed of about 1920. Western stables, 1959; Nocturnal House, 1963; Milking Parlour, 1963 as Chimp Den, converted 1973-75, with addition of stable sheds and enclosing walls; Animal Handling Building 1967; eastern farm pens, about 1938, rebuilt 1967, paddock layout altered 1977, dens inserted 1983. All by Zoological Society of London architects.
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Parrot House
  • The Parrot House was built as the Zoo's Refreshment Rooms. (The building has been identified as the Fellows' Tea Pavilion of 1898. In fact this stood north of the Clock Tower). It went up in three phases. The south block, or Dining Room, came first as a virtually free standing adjunct to an iron and glass refreshment room of 1862 on the site of the north and west blocks. The replacement north block Refreshment Room was designed at the same time but the west block, built as a Second Class Refreshment Room, was an afterthought, a fact that is evident in the meeting of the roofs. The north block later became the Fellows' Dining Room and the west block a Tea Room. Following the construction of the superior Regent Restaurant, the whole building was converted for the display of parrots and diving birds. Built 1868-78 as the Refreshment Rooms; Anthony Salvin Junior, architect, cost £6,636. (South block 1868-69. North block 1873; Simpson and Company, builders. West block 1877-78; George Smith and Company, builders). Converted 1929-30 with addition of Garden Cafe and K3 telephone kiosk; Edward T Salter, architect. K3 telephone kiosk listed Grade II. Refurbished in 2003 for a school lunchroom. Funding was from Thames Water. It was demolished in 2011 for Penguin Beach.
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Pavilion Building
  • The Pavilion Building was put up as a tea pavilion. First set out as part of Captain's George Swinton's 1913 redevelopment scheme, it was intended as the central of three buildings on the north side of a court looking down an axial walk. It is a development of the Italian Renaissance theme introduced by Joass in the Mappin Cafe. Built 1921-22, John James Joass, architect; J Jarvis and Sons Limited, builders. Converted 1989; John S Bonnington Partnership, architects. The ground floor, converted to a gift shop, was originally a tea room. The first floor room, with the roof terrace, was designed for special parties; since the 1960s it has been the Zoo's staff canteen. Its basement is a store.
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Lifewatch Centre
  • The Lifewatch Centre is a single storey flat roofed building erected at the Zoo's shop at the south end of what was formerly a rose garden. It had been converted to serve as an information centre and first aid station. Built 1962, extended 1968. Converted 1989-90. Demolished in 2003.
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Main Gate Women's Lavatory
  • This facility is concealed under rising ground between the Main Gate and the African Aviary. Built 1973-74, John Aviary, architect.
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Nuffield Building
  • The Nuffield Building was erected (to plans prepared in 1962) as the Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, for the study of disease in animals, with the Zoological Society of London's Meeting Rooms adjoining. The greater part of the building comprises research laboratories for what has now become part of the Institute of Zoology. The Zoological Society of London Meeting Rooms occupy the east part of the ground floor. Built 1964-65, Llewelyn-Davies, Weeks and Musgrave (Michael Huckstepp), architects. The mobile was restored and rehung by Susan Tebby in July 2009.
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Parish Boundary Markers
  • The boundary between the parishes of St Marylebone and St Pancras passes through the Zoo. Markers were put in place soon after the formation of Regent's Park and the Regent's Canal, and before the formation of the Zoological Gardens. Four pairs of these parish boundary markers survive within the Zoo: on the north bank of the canal just south of the Owl Aviary; on the south bank of the canal north of the Clore Pavilion; on the north side of the Outer Circle south east of the Clore Pavilion; and on the south side of the Outer Circle north of the Keepers' Lodge. Other pairs on the canal's north towpath and on the pavement on the south side of Prince Albert Road are just outside the Zoo. Installed in 1821, some replaced 1854.
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Land of the Lions
  • Land of the Lions is an enclosure for London Zoo's Asiatic lions. The enclosure is 2,500 square metres in size, and designed to resemble the Gir Forest National Park in India. The exhibit, also home to a troop of Hanuman langurs and a band of dwarf mongoose, demonstrates how the lions' natural habitat overlaps with the local urban environments.
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