Letters from John Sabine regarding the housing of the Rhinoceros and Tapir, conversations with Fuller about a larger repository for the greater carnivores, committee meetings of the Zoological Society of London and the dismissal of the head gardener and his recommendation of Morris Burr as his successor
6 Descrição arquivística resultados para Tapirs
Letter from John M Down to Philip Lutley Sclater regarding his shipment of live specimens of Bairds Tapir
Letter from Robert Blake White to Philip Lutley Sclater regarding his research into tapirs
Correspondence between Alberto O E de Souza Aranha and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding a shipment of Tapirs from Rio De Janeiro
Letters from Sir Robert Ker Porter in Caracas thanking Bennett for the his letter and Proceedings of the Society's committees, the good health of a tapir, a bear belonging to a resident in Caracas, a bird called Curapoas (or Forvies), the shipment of a Capuchin Monkey, 'a very curious little animals of the weasel kind, and six land tortoises by the Brig 'Pedraza', a consignment he received save for the weasel which was washed overboard, and descriptions of the consignment in the 'Pedraza'
Correspondence between Alberto de Souza Aranha and George Soper Cansdale regarding a couple of Brazilian Tapirs to be shipped to the Zoological Society of London