Zoological Museums, Research Institutes, Learned Societies, Libraries, Universities

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        Termes hiérarchiques

        Zoological Museums, Research Institutes, Learned Societies, Libraries, Universities

          Termes équivalents

          Zoological Museums, Research Institutes, Learned Societies, Libraries, Universities

            Termes associés

            Zoological Museums, Research Institutes, Learned Societies, Libraries, Universities

              133 Description archivistique résultats pour Zoological Museums, Research Institutes, Learned Societies, Libraries, Universities

              133 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
              Zoological Society of Scotland
              SUP/5/1/2/246 · Dossier · 1946
              Fait partie de Superintendents

              Correspondence between the Zoological Society of Scotland and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding fibre used for bedding sent by Dr Osman Hill, an offer of Coypu, Dr Hill's collection, stock from Cleland Scott, collecting by Webb and Frost, Import Licences for importing zoological specimens, and a sighting of a humming bird hawk moth

              NZSL/HOD/5/2/6 · Pièce · 10 Feb 1843
              Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

              My dear Hawkins
              Having heard from Mr. Gould that Sir William Jardine had a bag of birds which Mr Gould told me he knew was sent to him when he was in communication with Mr. B.H. respecting the publication of the [works?] and that Jardine considered only as deposited with him and still had packed up in his hall I therefore wrote to him and have received the accompanying reply. We cannot make certain that we have all the specimens sent home without we had the opportunity of examining [his/this] bag and it is curious that Sir William should have considered that he was not at liberty to described or figure the specimens if they were absolutely given to him. Willyam communicated with Mr. Hodgson respecting them

              Yrs very truly

              J.E. Gray
              10 Feb 1843

              NZSL/HOD/5/2/16 · Pièce · 13 Feb 1845
              Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

              To B.H. Hodgson

              13 Feb. 1845

              Dear Sir
              The Boxes of Birds have now been examined and divided into four collections thus

              British Museum 352 Specimens
              Collection No. 1 140 "

              • No. 2 79 "
              • No. 3 40 "
                Besides these are 52
                either evidently [?[ named or not named at all which are therefore of comparatively little use to any person. Pray indicate who is to have Series 1.2.3 I have kept every horn of the [Javai] but evident duplicates you will observe that I have now put aside to keep in the Museum a complete series of the Skulls and Horns of Mammalia and of the Bones of the Birds. I have not as yet done anything with regard to the more or less imperfect skeletons of the Mammalia which are evidently are not filled. For the Zoological Collection (as I told you when first I saw them) but I hope to have to communicate with you respecting them hereafter.
                If you will sign the inclosed order and return it to me I will send to Mr. Rees from the Drawings of Birds which I hear they have lately finished.
                Yours very truly
                J.E. Gray
                13 Feb 1845
              NZSL/HOD/5/2/18 · Pièce · 23 Apr 1845
              Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

              To B.H. Hodgson
              Long Port

              23 April 1845

              My dear Sir

              The description of the Mice and Shrews were printed in the Annals but I have not received any separate copies so that I cannot send them to you. My brother sent the descriptions of the bird you indicated but they are to be printed in the Annals [Journal?] for May as they had no more room. I don't know what is [?] with respect to the Paper on Birds sent to the Zoological Society. We have not yet received the drawings of the Mammalia but that is not much importance as they can be added to the catalogues as soon as they arrive and as the Birds require much more time for their examination and comparison than I expected, the absence of this [head?] drawing have so far caused no delays I am going to Leyden [Leiden?] on the first of May for a few days and I shall take that opportunity to make some comparisons.

              Yours Very Truly
              J.E. Gray

              [Note on back of letter]
              J.E. Gray
              Papers printed by him on the [Murines?] and some Birds

              NZSL/HOD/5/2/27 · Pièce · [Undated]
              Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

              To B.H. Hodgson

              Lord Derby wrote to me that you have written to him shall I send off his box of Specimens? The list of Drawings only refer to The Mammalia

              My Dear Sir
              The list sent are correct in the numbers but the names as I am aware are ludicrously wrong but this arrived from the ignorance of the copyer but I thought you would be able to recognise them when you send them back the names shall be corrected. It was quite impossible to describe the new species until the whole collection was [sorted?] that the new and old might be compared and you appeared so fearfull that we should keep all that I concluded the sooner we could get the duplicates out of the Museum the better you would be please. The Mammalia their Heads and Horns exclusive of the of the more or less imperfect skeletons which are not yet unpacked have been sorted as follows
              Skins Head and Horns
              British Museum 170 195
              Skins Skull and Horns
              Collection n. 1 102 Ind. H
              n. 2 78 ? [Leiden]
              n. 3 48 Paris
              n.4 37 Berlin
              Collection Skull etc for Col. Surg 50 [58]
              Horns for India House 45
              Collection 5 - 7 For Mus. Frankf
              6 - 1 [?] taken by Mr. Ogilby
              Horns [Promican?] to Mus. Canterbury 2-

              Bird Skins
              British Museum 1753
              No 1. Leyden M 655
              2 Paris Leyden 536
              4 Berlin 411
              5 Frankfurt 352
              6 321
              7 290
              8 259
              No 9 237
              No 10 213
              11 205
              12 169

              The birds names are nearly finished I much fear that there are many errors in the numbering of them two very differing kind[s] having the same number and the Bills shew they evidently do not belong to the genus of the [?]

              We have seen no more of Mr. Howard. Have you written to Mr Rees of the Zool. Soc. about the Drawing? I believe they have no or very few Birds [Bones] at the Zool. Soc. The anatomical museum I mentioned was Haslar near Gosport under the care of Dr. John Richardson the arctic traveller.
              Yours ever
              J.E. Gray

              NZSL/HOD/5/4/3 · Pièce · 15 Dec 1844
              Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

              Dec 15 1844

              To the Trustees of the British Museum

              My Lords and Gentlemen,

              With reference to my recent letter to your address relative to my zoological collections and researches I have the honor to inform you that, my immediate return to India having just been decided on, I conceive it to be on many accounts most desirable that I should carry back with me my original Drawings as well as my Notes and Memoranda, leaving only my finished series of drawings together with the whole of my specimens in the possession of the Museum to be appropriated and distributed as already proposed.

              1. Accordingly I now request that my first proposition to you, my Lords and Gents. may be modified upon this plan because, in order to enable me on my return to India to resume and complete my zoological researches with the greatest rapidity and effect I shall need the whole of my original drawings and Notes, while my departure is so near that no time is left for any further proceedings in conjunction with the proposed Nominee of the Museum than the transfer to him of the specimens; and, indeed, to ensure that transfer being satisfactorily made it had become indispensable that not a moment be lost in the selection and despatch to Canterbury of the said Nominee.
              2. I beg leave therefore to solicit an early decision upon this point; for the specimens to be disposed of are exceedingly numerous and valuable and have been collected at so great a cost that it is most desirable their dispersal should be adjusted as far as possible before my departure.
              3. Of the series of finished drawings which I propose to present to the Museum a considerable number have been lent to an Artist of the name of Howard who [proposed?] their publication but has now desisted from that intention I recommend that steps be immediately taken by the Museum to recover possession of these drawings which were lent to Mr. Howard after they had been deposited in the Museum to which they are now presented by me, their sole and absolute owner.
              4. The small portion of the series which is unfinished, shall be transmitted by me from India as soon as may be, it being no longer possible to have them finished in London as before suggested by me.
              5. I return to India with the full purpose of effectively completing those researches which my sudden departure thence so sadly interrupted, and, in order, to their completion in the most satisfactory manner, I beg leave to suggest that some competent officer of the Museum be placed in communication with me and be authorised and directed to be [concert/consort?] which was mentioned in the prior letter, it being my anxious wish still to carry out, with the sanction and support of the Trustees, the complete original idea of an Illustrated Fauna of Nepal and Tibet based on these drawings; and I would accordingly hereby solicit the separate favourable consideration of the Trustees for that eventual undertaking which with the patronage of the British Museum would be extensively aided by subscriptions in India where when by sudden departure dislocated all my plans these drawings had already attracted general admiration owing to their extraordinary Zoological accuracy and to the quality of collateral illustrations of the habits and manners as well as the structures of species which they embrace and the fruit of years of continuous toil aided by the unique and irrevocable opportunities

              I have [the honor to be]
              B.H. Hodgson
              Late Minister at The Court of Nepal

              Correspondence with Alan Francis Brooke
              PRE/5/1 · Dossier · 1951
              Fait partie de ZSL Presidents

              Correspondence between Sheffield Airey Neave and Alan Francis Brooke regarding Webb's resignation, transcripts of minutes of an Ordinary General Meeting, Bye-Laws of the Zoological Society of London, the re-creation of the Secretaryship Committee, presentations of the Gold Medal and visits to Whipsnade

              PRE/6/1/2 · Dossier · 1953
              Fait partie de ZSL Presidents

              Correspondence between Sir Arthur Landsborough Thomson and L Harrison Matthews regarding outside activities of members of staff, Scientific Meetings, an invitation to the dinner of the British Ornithologists' Union, meetings of the Council and Honorary Life Fellowships

              PRE/6/1/4 · Dossier · 1955
              Fait partie de ZSL Presidents

              Correspondence between Sir Arthur Landsborough Thomson and L Harrison Matthews regarding meetings of the Selection Committee, the Annual Report, meetings of the Finance Committee, meetings of the Publications Committee, statement of the duties of Honorary Officers, the arrangement of Committees, abstracts in the Ibis, the Zoological Record, the Chairman of the Pink Elephants, the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Scientific Meetings, the British Guiana expedition, meetings of the Prosectorial Committee, the United Workers' Association, Professional Fellows, the Medical Research Council, the Centenary celebration of Madras Zoo, allegations against staff, Gerbils of the genus Meriones, and cases of controlling inter-current tuberculosis among colonies of monkeys

              PRE/6/1/13 · Dossier · 1964
              Fait partie de ZSL Presidents

              Correspondence between Sir Arthur Landsborough Thomson and L Harrison Matthews regarding Dr Harrison Matthews' memorandum for a Council Meeting, articles in the International Zoo Yearbook, and candidates for the Scientific Fellowship