Correspondence with the District Commissioner Borama/Zeilah regarding breeding Civet Cats in captivity
Keeping animals in captivity
23 Archival description results for Keeping animals in captivity
Correspondence between Copenhagen Zoo and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding a visit to London and Whipsnade Zoos, with arrangements regarding the transfer of animals
Unmounted colour transparencies of captive snakes
Colour negatives of Indian python in captivity, dated 3 January 1976; captive jaguars, dated 17 June 1977; a hatching budgerigar and of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby, dated September 1977; snakes in captivity, and some personal images, dated 25 December 1979
Reports by the Curator of Mammals for the Breeding Policy Committee, later the Committee of the Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology, of the Zoological Society of London
Black and white photographs of 'unusually coloured cobras' (Naja naja) in captivity in Hong Kong, dated 21 December 1979 and 12 January 1980
Black and white negatives and accompanying proof sheet of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 1 January 1972; colour negatives of a young jaguar with J D Romer, and of snakes (Rhabdophis subminiatus) in captivity, probably in Hong Kong, dated February to March 1980
Black and white and colour photographs, mainly of various zoos, including Frankfurt, Berlin, Jersey, Antwerp, Stuttgart, Bristol, Paignton, Thoiry, Ueno (Tokyo) and Singapore, as well as images of herpetological specimens in captivity
Black and white and colour photographs, including images of herpetofauna (snakes, turtles and frogs) in captivity and in the wild, as well as views of habitats in Hong Kong
Letter from George Atkins to Philip Lutley Sclater regarding an animal that was found in Sierra Leone and exhibited at the Sierra Leone Exhibition