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NZSL/HOD/5/2/22 · Pièce · Spring 185-
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

To The Secretary Bengal Asiatic Society Spring 185-


When I went to England in 1844 and presented my immense Zoological Collections (10,000 specimens to the National Museum osteological and ordinary) I was immediately asked how many of the species had been named. I answered that all the new Mammals had been so, by myself in the Bengal A.S Journal or in the India Review that a vast number of the new genera and species of Birds had been described in a paper sent from Nepal just before I left it. But that paper it was replied to me had not appeared and I was requested to recast it, so well as I could from rough notes, not having returned a copy of the MS. I did so and the papers was printed. But it did not include the whole of my ornithological [stores?], and it seemed expedient to put at once in print, my own Complete Catalogue of Birds. Accordingly I placed that catalogue in the hands of Mr. Gray for publication and it soon after appeared in London substantially my own, but with its groups disposed according to the system followed in the National Museum [tear in paper] Catalogue. The alterations I think were not always for the better, my own [distribution] having been founded on a [-ful] [tear in paper] examination of the entire [tear in paper] of species in a fresh [tear in paper] vast advantage, though one, no doubt [tear in paper] qualified by my non access to Library [tear in paper] Museum. In due time another [complete] catalogue of all my Collections appeared under the auspices of the Trustees of the National Museum the Museum and therein the Curator of Zoology in that institution made such rectifications of my printed [J].M.S. Catalogue as seemed proper to them. No doubt there was upon the whole much improvement upon my unaided work performed in the Jungles. But for the reason I have already assigned the new determinations of species and allocation of types according to their affinities were not always sound, and students of Himalayan Zoology have accordingly found it expedient to refer consult the priorly made Catalogue of Birds which with notwithstanding the changes made in it also by the same hands yet more clearly than the latter and official one reflected my own conceptions particularly as to novelty of species.

Accordingly I have been frequently asked for copies of this prior Catalogue which is frequently cited by writers in Europe. But I have no more copies left and cannot comply with these requests. It seems to me that the republication of the Catalogue giv[ing?] [tear in paper] it is the great aim of our Journal to as[sist?] [tear in paper] and facilitate; and that this Catalogue giv[ing?] [tear in paper as it does in one view, a complete [?] of Nepalese Species, must a [tear in paper] be convenient for consultation, notwithstanding its errors. I therefore forward for publication if the society see fit and have marginally noted the chief points in which I think Mr. Gray has unwisely deviated from my own allocation of new types

I am Sir
B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/2/1 · Pièce · 16 May 1835
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

23rd May 1835

Lt. Colonel Sykes
Albion Street
Hyde Park

My dear Sir
Owing to much [hurry?] in various ways I have to apologise for delaying this
to the moment of my leaving London
Very truly yrs.
Brian Hodgson Thursday [morning] 16 May

Proposal to publish
Through Swainson


Mem[oran]dum of Agreem[en]t. between Brian Hodgson of Canterbury Kent Snr. on the part& behalf of his son B.H. Hodgson now in India - and Mr. Swainson of Tyttenhanger Green, Herts. Esq. on the other.

  1. On the part of Mr Hodgson it is agreed to place at the disposal of Mr Swainson all such materials whether of “ Drawings. Specimens, or Descriptions, in his possession as Mr Swainson may require for publishing an Atlas, or collection of Plates, as hereafter specified relative to Mr. Hodgson’s researches hereafter on the Zoology of India and to assign to Mr. Swainson the sole right & title to the copyright of the said work.
  2. A duplicate series of specimens. When the specimens are in duplicate will be given to Mr Swainson on the part of Mr [?] Swainson it is agreed as follows: -
  3. That the atlas or collections of Plates relative to Mr Hodgsons researches shall be published in folio (17 y2 inches by 12 inches) and in monthly or alternate monthly numbers, - each to contain twelve colored(sic) plates - price one guinea each number and the whole to be completed in fifteen numbers at the cost of Fifteen Guineas to Subscribers - a few large paper copies to be printed and published at two guineas each.
  4. The original drawings and specimens, where [when?] no longer required, shall be returned to Mr Hodgson
  5. Mr B.H. Hodgson’s names of all new species will be retained & all the errors of nomenclature will be rectified by Mr Swainson on behalf on the part of Mr Hodgson
  6. The whole of the funds for publishing this work will be provided by Mr Swainson but each party will pay their own postage & parcels
  7. This Agreement to have the same force and efficacy as if drawn up in legal language.
    Witness our hands this 23d May of 1835
    Signed William Swainson
    Apt. Commisary General
    Note: Six colored copies of the entire works will be supplied to Mr Hodgson gratis W.S.
NZSL/HOD/5/2/2 · Pièce · 6 Jul 1836
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

To Brian H. Hodgson Esq
Political Resident in Nepal

From The Royal Asiatic Society London

My dear Sir,

London 6th July 1836

I have to return you my thanks for your very interesting letter of 28th June 1835. As soon as I received it I called upon Sir James R. Garnac, the then Deputy and the present Chairman of the East India Company. I also called upon Colonel Sykes. I shewed your letter to them, to the first with a view of pointing out to him and through him to the Court of Directors, the value and importance of your intended publication; to the second with the view of ascertaining from him in what manner the Royal Asiatic Society could most effectively forward your object. Sir J.R. Carnac assured me that he was fully aware of the [utiIity?] of such a publication; and that he would give it every encouragement in his power. Colonel Sykes explained to me the nature and extent of the support which you may expect to receive in London. I likewise consulted with your relative the Dean of Carlisle and with Mr. Bennett the secretary of the Zoological Society, and I called the attention of Sir William Jardine, of Jardine Hall in the county of Dumfries to the subject. Sir William who is equally distinguished by the knowledge he possesses of Natural History and by the zeal with which he himself cooperates with others in promoting its ability study, enters very warmly into your views, and has, at my request, as he tells me, written to you explaining the course which he would advise you to pursue. I am convinced that no person in this country is more capable than he is of affording you valuable assistance; and I am therefore extremely happy to find that he has opened a communication directly with you. I shall as soon as you let me know the details of the plan which you have adopted, be most ready to lay them before the Royal Asiatic Society, the Board of Control, and the Court of Directors, and to urge each of these powerful bodies to afford such aid as they may respectively be enabled to do. I shall, in a short time, send out to Lord Auckland a resolution of the Committee of Correspondence, expressive of their sense of the great advantages which the peoples of England and the Natives of India must derive from your exertions, and of their hope that Lord Auckland wiIl both publicly and privately, patronize your researches to the utmost of his power. Allow me to add that all my friends in this country entertain the greatest admiration for the activity which you shew in promoting science and literature and will feel the greatest pleasure in taking every opportunity to make the public aware of the debt of gratitude which all those who have an interest in the improvement of the native of British India ought to acknowledge to you for the able manner in which you have directed your researches to the investigation of questions which are so intimately connected with their happiness and prosperity . I think it of so much importance that your views as to the Natural History of India should be generally known on the continent of Europe and in America that I shall have your letter to me upon this subject published in the next number of the Quarterly Journal of the R.A. Society, a work which has I understand a very extensive circulation. I send you a copy of the Proceedings of the last Anniversary meeting of the R.A.S. By this you will be able to see that I alluded to your
plan in my Report as Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence.

I remain etc etc
Alexander Johnston