Notice restricting access to the Sanatorium or Isolation Ward by Fellows, visitors or owners of animals
Papers regarding a fatal accident in the Lion Pit at Whipsnade
Correspondence, reports and photographs regarding an accident at the Mappin Terraces when a child fell 25 feet
Correspondence between C S Webb, Alfred Ezra and L K Acooli regarding the supply of animals to London Zoo, including Pheasants, Pandas, Partridges and Crane
Details of accommodation at Whipsnade Zoo
List of accommodation at Whipsnade with a report by Captain Beal
List of members of staff who wished to take advantage of the offer of accommodation for their families to Whipsnade in the event of war
List of accommodation available at Whipsnade Zoo, including Chapel Farm, Mrs Haines' Bungalow, Army Huts and The Bothy
Report of the state of accommodation for catering staff at Whipsnade Zoo