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NZSL/HOD/5/4/10 · Item · [6] Jan 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Canterbury Jan [6] 1845

To Professor Owen
College of Surgeons

My dear Sir,

I have the pleasure to acknowledge your letter of the 23 Ulto in reply relative to my osteological Collections averting to what you told me upon the occasion of my visit to the Museum of the College of Surgeons (viz that your space is very limited and your object, merely to exhibit the more striking diversities of structure in the animal Kingdom) I am afraid that my osteological Collection, which is very extensive and abounds in individual specimens, is unsuited to your institution and, as the British Museum has agreed to receive it I have determined to send the whole of the bones as well as the skins there, at least in the first instance and pending such ultimate arrangements as may seem most fitting. In every event I have provided that such of the duplicates shall be at your disposal for the College of Surgeons as that institution may desire to possess and I trust I may yet indulge the hope of obtaining the benefit of your opinion relative to the Collection

  • 1049 Specimens

Believe me
Yrs very truly
B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/12 · Item · 23 Jan 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

London Jan[uar]y 23 1845

The Hon [?]
The Court of Directors of the E[ast] I[ndia] Comp[an]y


I have the honor to tender to the acceptance of the Court of Directors a series of duplicates of my extensive Collection relative to the Zoology of Nepal and Tibet the result of several years research in the district heretofore unexplored

I have etc
B.H. Hodgson
Late Rest. Nepal

655 Birds
102 Mammals
45 Osteological

NZSL/HOD/5/4/21 · Item · 14 Jun 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

29 Bury Street
St James

June 14th 1845

My dear Sir,

A few days ago Mr J.E. Gray forwarded to me the collection of Nepalese birds which you have so kindly presented to me. They include many species new to my collection, and will be of the utmost service to me in identifying the many new species which you have added to science. I regret very much that your approaching departure for India will deprive me of the pleasure of again seeing you in London, or as I had hoped of shewing you my collection in Oxford. I send you herewith a copy of my Report on ornithology just published, and if it is not giving you too much trouble, perhaps you would kindly take chare a copy for Mr Blyth, whom I presume you will see in Calcutta. Hoping you may be enabled to resume your very interesting researches into Indian Zoology
I am with many thanks
very truly yours
H.E. Strickland

To B.H. Hodgson Esq.

NZSL/HOD/5/4/9 · Item · 3 Jan 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Canterbury January 3[r]d 1845

The Trustees of the British Museum

My Lords and Gentlemen
I have this day delivered to the Agent of the Museum at this place the following articles in continuation of the series of drawings and specimens illustrative of the Zoology of Nepal and Tibet already presented to the Museum
Drawings of Animals 15 +
Drawings of Birds 70 = 85

Skins of Mammals 402 +
Skins of Birds 4444 = 4846

Osteological specimens of Mammals 406+
Osteological specimens of Birds 663 = 1069
Grand Total as per details Lists delivered to Mr Gerrard 5996

The osteological Specimens have been added to the others in compliance with a suggestion of the Keeper of the Zoological department after inspection of them, and I believe they will be found of high value not only in helping to determine the important question of the true nature and limits of species, but also in forwarding the great end of natural classification not to speak of the aids they will afford towards [fixing?] the particular species of my large Collection upon a firm basis. I shall be glad to learn that the Trustees ratify the suggestion of their Officer.
This branch of the Collection, like the others, is rich in duplicates of which assuming that the originals are permanently deposited in the Museum, it is my request that one series may be hereafter delivered to the College of Surgeons if desired by that institution.
The drawings now presented, amounting to eighty one constitute the regularly numbered sequel of the series to which they belong (20 inches by 12) and which series they nearly complete. What remains to conclude the set shall be prepared and sent as soon as may be. Meanwhile I recommend that prompt measures be taken by the Museum to secure possession of those which went before them and which having fallen into various hands do not seem to be, all of them, forth-coming as they ought to be. The numbered Catalogues according to wh[ich] these drawings were prepared and despatched from India, will afford a ready clue to the amount of drawings that ought to be forthcoming according to the Catalogues adverted to, the number of Species is as follows -
Mammals of Nepal 126
Birds of Nepal 656
Mammals of Tibet 47
Most of these species were separately delineated and of many of them there were several delineations in this series of drawings, not, to mention the larger series preceding it and which likewise, so far as carried, ought to be forthcoming and has been presented to the Museum

B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/17 · Item · 4 Mar 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

British Museum
4th March 1845


Having laid your letter of the 4th February before the Trustees I am directed to express the hope that the tabular statement of your Collections which has been transmitted to you by Mr. Gray, is as far as it extends satisfactory I fear that we shall have very great difficulty in obtaining possession of the Drawings delivered to Mr. Howard. The Museum Solicitors have had an interview with the Solicitor of the party who levied the distress and from the facts which they elicited they incline to the opinion that you have lost all legal claim to the Drawings.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble Servant

J. Forshall

B.H. Hodgson

[Pencilled notes in the margin]
of Distribution:-
full of omissions and inaccuracies want copy of the thing when correct I will pay for its being copied

[Foot of letter]
I must compromise then what to pay? and I or the Museum?

NZSL/HOD/5/4/18 · Item · 15 Mar 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

British Museum
March 15 1845

My dear Sir
The Trustees have determined upon retaining in the museum a complete series of your Osteological Specimens, in the belief that these specimens will be of great use in the [?] necessary in the Departments both of recent and [?] Zoology.
They think it however right to appraise you that it is not their intention to articulate any of these specimens or to exhibit them to the public but to arrange and preserve them for the purpose of Scientific enquiries

I have the honor to be,
My dear Sir
Your very obedient Servant
J. Forshall

B. H. Hodgson Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/4/34 · Item · [1845]?
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Memos of Mr. Hodgson's Zoology

The species are:- Mammals of Nepal 126 - Mammals of Tibet 47 - Birds of Nepal 656

The Collections consist of Drawings of skins and of skeletons
The Drawings amount to 108 plates of anatomical delineations and 814 of ordinary fig. of Beast and Bird, the skins now brought to England and delivered to Brit. Mus. consist 402 Mammals and 4444 Birds
The osseous specimens delivered with them amount to 1069
Besides the above wh[ich] have been just now handed over by me to
the Museum, a large collection of specimens and drawings was made
over in Jany 1843 by my father, whereof I find Memo as follows:-
Drawings delivered to Mr Hawkins 709
Bird Skins - 408, Quadr. Skins - 49
The specimens and drawings having been presented to Brit. Mus. the desideration now is to ascertain that the whole are procured and properly preserved

NZSL/HOD/5/2/21 · Item · 29 Apr 1847
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Darjeeling 29th April 1847

To J. Forshall
Secy. British Museum

My dear Sir

I have duly received the twelve copies of the General Catalogue of the Mammals and Birds of Nepal, founded on my own Catalogues and corrected as to [Synonymes] by Mr Gray, by order of the Trustees of the British Museum wherein are deposited the specimens and Drawings. I request you will convey to the Trustees my sense of the high courtesy that has dictated the printing under their authority of this catalogue separately from the general one of the museum and to add that it shall be mu endeavour by transmitting fresh and superior samples of such specimens and drawings are still defective or missing to make the collection quite complete and this show myself duly sensible of the consideration that has been [?] towards me by this distinguished Patron of science and literature. With regard to the remaining copies of the Catalogue of Nepal Mammals and Birds respecting the disposal of which you consult me. I request that one copy having been sent to each of the public institutions abroad and home to which duplicated of the specimens were transmitted under the auspices of the Trustees, the rest m[a]y be distributed to the most eminent individual cultivators of zoology foreign and English, such as Mr Temminck and J. Cuvier and Geof. St Hilaire and Colonel H. Smith, and Professor Owen and Dr. Falconer and Mr. Yarrel and Mr. Ogilby Secy. Zool. Socty. and Colol Sykes India Director reserving only two copies to be sent to my father B. Hodgson Eqre Canterbury. This Trustees, have already approved the distribution to Institutions and will no doubt excuse the trouble now imposed of distribution to individuals, in consideration of my remote and disabling position. I have only to add the request that each copy distributed m[a]y have inscribed on the flyleaf "With Mr Hodgson's compts"
I remain
My dear Sir
Yours very truly