Telegram to Mrs Aldridge requesting her to report for evacuation
Correspondence between Tel-Aviv Zoological Garden Society and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the exchange of specimens between the Zoological Society of London and Tel-Aviv Zoological Garden Society
Correspondence between Tel-Aviv Zoological Garden Society and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding membership and fellowship of the Zoological Society of London and guidance on income and taxes
Correspondence between Tel Aviv Zoo and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding an exchange of animals between the Zoological Society of London and Tel Aviv Zoo
Letter from William Bernhard Tegetmeier to Philip Lutley Sclater to offer a badger to the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between Julian Sorell Huxley and Tecton Group regarding the construction of the new Elephant House
Letter regarding Malabar Squirrels and Mongooses for the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between Taylor, Sons and Humbert and Clarence Bartlett regarding the feeding of pythons and other snakes upon live animals
Letter from Richard Taylor to Edward Turner Bennett to assure him that he will be at the Royal Institution to assume the duties of Scrutineer