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NZSL/HOD/5/4/31 · Item · 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections


To the Trustees of the
Royal College of Surgeons

During my residence in India I made extensive collections with a view to illustrate the Zoology of Nepal, and, being not insensible of the high importance of whatever tends to fix the Science of Zoology on the firm basis of structural peculiarities, I preserved a great many skeletons (more or less perfect) of such quadrupeds and birds as were procured by me as specimens and likewise procured anatomical notes to be occasionally made relative the soft as well as hard parts of the animals. It is my wish to present these materials if found worthy to the College of Surgeons. I regret that circumstances which it [?] need not here be referred to have rendered them far less complete than ones hope to have made them. These osteological remains are for the most part duly numbered with reference to the series of skins and drawings presented by me to the Brit. Museum. The species may be thus, for the most part at once identified, and I have only to add the expression of my hope that in return for the donation hereby proposed the College of Surgeons will be pleased to place me in communication with the person who may be directed to receive and examine these [?] and that that person may be authorised and required to put me in possession of the results of his examination of them, particularly such as are calculated to [?] on the Natural affinity or the habits and manners of the specimens.
(signed) B.H. Hodgson

[Note of reverse]
M.S. Collection declined in the reply
and therefore made over to Brit. Mus.
Jany 1845

NZSL/HOD/5/4/32 · Item · 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections


My Dear Sir

I am sorry that I am obliged to go out this morning but in case you should some I leave the following

dons 1. India House - Dr. Horsfield Thomas Horsfield 1773-1859
655 American

       2. Mus. Leyden - Director
536 Mr Temminck Coenraad Jacob Temminck
Dutch 1778-1858
3. Mus. Paris The Administrator

4. Mus. Berlin Director
411 M. Lichtenstein Martin Hinrich Carl Lichtenstein
German 1780-1857

5. Mus. Senkenberg. Director
Frankfurt Dr. Rupell Eduard Ruppell
352 German 1794-1884

6. Edin.....College Museum
321 Professor Jameson Robert Jameson
Scottish 1774-1854

7. Dublin University Museum
290 Secretary R. Ball Esq Robert Ball
Irish 1802-1858
Became Director in 1844

8. Newcastle

9. Canterbury

10. Manchester The Secretary

11. Earl of Derby

12. Hugh Strickland Esq Hugh Edwin Strickland
Oxford English 1811-1853

Yours Very Truly
J.E. Gray

NZSL/HOD/5/4/44 · Item · Jul 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Memorandum of the Zoological Specimens and Drawings presented to Mr. B. H. Hodgson to the several institutions specified

                                    BONES                                        SKINS
Bird Beast Bird Beast

British Museum 351 195 British Museum 1753 170
India House - 45 India House 655 102
Leyden 40 - Leyden 536 78 [70]
Paris 52 - Paris 462 40
Berlin - - Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt - - Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro - - Edinbro 321 -
Dublin - - Dublin 290 -
Newcastle - - Newcastle 259 -
Manchester - - Manchester 237 -
Canterbury - - Canterbury 213 -
Earl Derby - - Earl Derby 205 -
H. Strickland - - H. Strickland - -
College of Surgeons 140 58 College of Surgeons 169 -
Haslar Institute 79 - Haslar - -
India House


British Museum Total 1064 Sheets
July 1845 Alfred at sea
N.B. Bihar Birds two boxes omitted

NZSL/HOD/5/2/15 · Item · 6 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To B.H. Hodgson

British Museum
Feb 6th 1845

My dear Sir

I saw in looking over the list of Birds that the Tibetan Pheasant that the 2 [Grandalleus[em] Caldeola?] has not been marked, it was at the stuffers when the list was being prepared, so it escaped, we did not retrieve any specimens of the Ganges Pelican but only a head. Besides the [587?] Birds distributed according to the list there are numerous specimens in so bad a state as not to be of any use to any person. What shall be done with them?
The catalogue we are preparing will contain a detailed list of every specimen we have received from you between 1840 and now. I send herewith a list of the Mammalia shewing how they and their bones have been distributed. If you let me have the list of Birds for a day the distribution of the Birds since should be added to it.
I should recommend the Bird Bones to be sent

  1. To Coleges of Surgeons
  2. To Museum Haslar Hospital the second best anatomical hospital in England
  3. Leyden
  4. Paris
    2, 3 and [?] will be very small in number. Mr. Strickland has written to say he's very much obliged to you for having given him some of your birds. I saw his note
    Yrs very truly
    J.E. Gray

My brother desires me to inform you the Sun Birds stuffed they come to 1. 5. 0 case and all. Shall they be sent to Canterbury or where. I here from Mr. Rees that they have found 50 drawings of Birds at the Zoological Society but they say they are waiting for your instruction to deliver them. Pray write to them.

NZSL/HOD/5/4/14 · Item · 5 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

London February 5 1845

The Trustees of the Leyden
{Paris and etc} Museum


I have the honor to present to the Leyden Museum a series of Specimens illustrative of the Zoology of Nepal with Catalogues annexed. The Specimens amount to five hundred and thirty six Birds and sixty-nine Mammals [written above this figure is an amended pencilled figure of seventy]. In the Catalogue transmitted the whole of the Birds and Mammals discovered by me in Nepal are set down for the information of the Trustees and I may add that the complete series is deposited in the British Museum and amounts to
Mammals of Nepal 126 species
Mammals of Tibet 47 species
Birds of Nepal and Tibet 657 species
Frogs, Fishes, Snakes and Tortoises 80 species
The species now transmitted to Paris [Leyden] are transmitted through the obliging mediation to the British Museum and are distinguished in the annexed Catalogues by a cross prefixed.

I have the honor to be
Your most obt. Servant
B.H. Hodgson
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

The same to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Edinbro, Dublin, Newcastle, Canterbury, Manchester, Earl of Derby with the number of specimens altered as follows

Birds Mammals Bones

3 Paris 462 48
4 Berlin 411 41
5 Frankfurt 352 7
6 Edinbro 321
7 Dublin 290
8 Newcastle 259
9 Canterbury 237
10 Manchester 213
11 Earl of Derby 205
12 Hugh Strickland 169

                                             ADD                                               Bones

British Museum 1753 170 195

  1. India House 655 162 45
  2. Leyden 536 78
  3. Paris 462 48
  4. etc. as above
    add College of Surgeons
    Haslar Institute
NZSL/HOD/5/4/16 · Item · [10] Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Memo of Zoological Collections
Feby. [10?] 1845
Delivered to the British Museum as per letter 3rd January

Mam. Skins Bird Skins M[ammal] Skins Bird Bones
402 4444 406 + 663 = 1069
to these Brit. Museum added priorly sent collection and then distributed as follows, as by J.E. Gray's letter of 9 Feby.

                          Bird Skins    Mammal Skins    Bird Bones    Mammal
Bones and

British Museum 1753 170 337 195
India House 655 102 79 45 horns
Leyden 536 78 40
Paris 462 48 52
Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro. 321
Dublin 290
Newcastle 259
Canterbury 237 2
Manchester 213
Earl Derby 205
H. Strickland 169
Royal College of Surg. 140 58
Haslar College 1 79
near Gosport

                            5863                   443                                             300
NZSL/HOD/5/4/20 · Item · 12 Jun 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

University Museum
12 June 1845


My friend Mr. Grey has just forwarded to me your notification of your liberal donation of 290 Birds from Nepal, duplicates of the magnificent collection found by you in that country, on their arrival I will lose no time in brining the matter before the Board who will I have no doubt instruct me to convey their [marked?] thanks for your liberality in the [meantime?] while I beg to assure you that all possible pains will be taken to make your donations useful in promoting the study of Zoology here

I have the honor
Your obedient
humble Servant
R.H. Ball
Director of the Museum

To B. H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/22 · Item · 15 Aug 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Director General
of the Medical Department
of the Navy

Haslar Hospital Museum and Library

Admiralty 15th August 1845


I have much pleasure in acknowledging your Contribution, as per Margin to the Museum and Library established at the Royal Navy Hospital at Haslar, for the benefit of the Medical Officers of the Navy, and to request that you will accept my thanks for the support you thus afford to the Establishment

I am Sir
Your very humble Servant
[W Burnett]
Director General

[Margin notes]
2 skulls of Hill-man
from the Valley of Nepal
79 osteological specimens
of the Birds of Nepal

To B.H. Hodgson Esqre
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

NZSL/HOD/5/2/14 · Item · 14 Jan 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections


Jan[uar]y 14 1845

I know not how far I can put forward any right to intrude upon your attention still more to ask any favour of you but your well known attention and zeal in the adornment of all that may any way [tend?] to the furtherance of Natural History and in particular Zoology has been too conspicuous not to draw upon you the wishes if not hopes of others to obtain your aid and [?]. I have just learnt from my friend Mr. J.E. Gray that you are about to return to Nepal. I hope for an extended period and I am bold enough also to return to solicit your aid in the plans I have for some [few?] years of late been sedulously attempting but with hitherto but indifferentness to put in execution of bringing over to this country some of the interesting and [?] living [productions?] of those mountain [?] you are I believe aware of this fact both from the circumstances of your [late assistant?] [Lieut Smith?] having been a main support[er[ of my views and thro' D. McClelland and who by the way I learn from Mr Gray had stated himself to your to be an agent for me at Calcutt[a] and in that character obtained from you for me certain specimens which you have intended to bring in your own care to England which you suspect were never embarked at all, certainly they have never reached me, any of them. But you w[oul]d much oblige me by the statement of when this occured and what was the time of year. It is certainly perfectly true that tho' I could never have I could never have ventured to have so designated him, Mr. McC has been kind enough to act as an Agent for me on more than one occasion and especially in re[cent] things sent down from Catmandoo by Lt. Smith and shipping such as survived the [wight?] of Calcutta from that port to England. But I am sorry to learn that my first Mainstay in this business is now broken as I am told that Lt. S. has been ordered from Nepal to join his R[e]g[i]m[ent]. I have lately obtained also the assistance of Mr [Vansittart?] and I hope Major Jenkins at Assam to which I flatter myself I may add the aid of Mr. McClelland and Blyth at Calcutta together with a nephew of my own Mr Edw. [Champays?] who is now employed as Auditor of Military Accounts and is resident near the last placed. My new plan is that these gentleman sh[ould?] give me their kind [?] in collating Zoological Specimens in Life and transmit them to the care of any other [?] named who will take charge of them until a sufficient stock is collected for transfer to this country and give me notice of that occurence when I will take care that a person shall arrive at Calcutta on my part to receive the Collection into his charge and to return with them or the most delicate of them by the Overland Route, thus avoiding the risk which I have found as I [?] of twice crossing the Equator [?] the cold for a hot climate. Should you approve of this project which has obtained the sanction of Drs. Falconer and Forbes as well as their scientific friends, may I hope that you will allow me to consider you among the List of my other encouragers and supporters, and [?] will afford me the important advantage of your personal knowledge and influence among those Hills. I have omitted to mention that I have been advised to apply, which I have done, to the present Governor General for the encouragement of this [?] sanction and the permission that the stock when collected together may be received into the Government [?] at Barrackpore which I am informed [?] is Sir Henry's purpose to raise again from the [depression?] into which it was cast by L Ellenboro' and I have been [?] to expect that my request will be granted. I am well aware that you have already been kind enough on different occasions to favour me with your aid thro' the [medium] of Lt. Smith by making over to him for me several of the [?] among the Hill Pheasants, but unfortunately they have never reached me alive except in one instance a Male of the Phes. Lineatus which has resided with us here most admirably but will cross with a female I will put to him. The course of the [?] of those things when sent I attribute to the [?] period at which they were despatched to Calcutta and thence to England some little time since I was flattered with some hope of a visit from you to inspect the Collection here but that seems now to have faded entirely. I had the pleasure of a few days since a similar visit from Dr. Falconer and if you meet with him while in London, I have hopes that he will speak rather encouragingly of my attempts to introduce foreign Animals and Birds into this country Among them I have the pleasure of seeing a very fine specimen of the [Elaphoides?] as I believe it to be but unfortunately tho' in perfect health [?] arrived [?] [blind?] and has continued so ever since I fear [incorrectly?]. It annoys me [?] as I have never [?] to procure another specimen, and I have no doubt we sh[oul]d have established the Breed here. And now, having sufficiently trespassed on your indulgence I will sincerely repeat my apologies for the intrusion and [?] myself with [much regards?]
Sir your obedient and obliged [?] Serv.


Lord Derby to B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/2/17 · Item · 28 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

H. Piddington Esqr
Sub Secretary Asiatic Society

Feb 28

My dear Sir
Some weeks ago I called your attention and that of Mr Torrens to the non publication of several papers of mine on the Zoology of Nepal which were transmitted to your society at the close of 1842 and beginning of 1843 when specimens likewise were forwarded to your Zool. Curator either for examination with reference to those papers or as Donations to your society - the specimens lent in the first instance having been for the most part subsequently given to the Society through your Curator in January 1844, thereby with former donations completing for the Society the intire series almost of my Collections. I would not [desire?] to misconstrue appearances to any person's disadvantage, but it is remarkable that the donations in question still continue unacknowledged, and, the papers unpublished by the Society. while their Contents are [transpiring?] in the reports of your Curator to whom more especially both Specimens and papers were confided. Once of the papers [adverted?] to was a Catalogue of Birds partially published in No XXXVI of your Journal but the residue of which is not forthcoming. Another paper was on the [Leucotuchamian?] group. Another on the Larks, another on many new genera and species and being the complement of all my prior papers - besides may others of minor importance. The papers "on several new Genera and Species of Subhemalayan Birds" contained the description and definitions of a great many novelties of form which it was most desirable should be published immediately in order to prevent anticipation. This point was explained to your Curator of Zoology Mr Blyth to whom on the 22nd May 1843 sixty seven samples of the new genera and species contained in the paper in question were sent by DAK, with List annexed, and on the 7th August 1843 twenty one more specimens also by DAK, with a view to obviate the evils of delay. Now, it is under these circumstances (so far as known to me) that there appears in print in the CXL111 No. of your Journal the last yet in England a Zoological "report" of Mr Blyth which anticipates a deal of the matter contained in my papers in question, and especially in the long one just adverted to, several of the new genera of which (for example Pachyglossa Melanozantha) are actually published from my specimens while my papers describe them and which had been many months (twelve at least) in Mr. Blyth's hands. When that report was finally given in are still with held from the printer. Mr Blyth's "report" is called the report for 1842 but it was printed in June 1844 and it bears internal evidence of having been largely added to up nearly to the time of publication. The whole of the circumstances now stated to you may admit of Explanation@ but they at all events seem to require explanation and I therefore request you will submit them to the Society should the evils complained of not have found rectification before your receipt of this letter. In the "report" above specified the donations of several individuals are carefully ennumerated whilst mine are not noticed except incidentally and marginally save when these materials are transferred to Mr. Blyth's text in supression of my own prior descriptions that were in his hands waiting publication and had been so far above twelve months when the greatest part of this report was [personal?] and the designation of the paper "Report of the Meeting of 1843" being complete misnomer.
Believe me
Very Truly Yrs
B.H. Hodgson

[This list pairs with letter Feb. 28th 1845]

List of Birds transmitted to Mr. Blyth May 22 1843
1 - 2 Propyrrhula Subhimachalana
3 - 4 Procarduelis Nipalensis
5 - 6 Propasser Pulcherrima
7 - 8 Propasser Rodopepla
9 Propyrrhula Epauletta
10 Pyrrhula Nipalensis
11 Fringillarius Argent
12 Ioropus Strigula
13 Ioropus Nipalensis
14 Proparus Vinipectus
15 Ioropus Cyanopteris
16 Carthiparus Ignotinctus
17 - 18 Tarsiger Chrysaeus
19 - 2 Cyornis or Ignornis Ioncanea [?]
21 Digenea Leucomelanum
22 Dimorpha Strophiata
23 - 4 Myzanthe Ignipectus
25 Pachyglossa Melanozantha
26 Orthotomus Sutora
27 Prinia Fuscus
28 Nemora Rufilatus [?]
29 Rubecola Ferrea
30 Chelidorynx Chrysoschistos
31 Hemipus Piccator [Picacolor?]
32 Nemora Cyanara [?]
33 Leiothrix Calipyga
34 Larvivora Cyana
35 Hemichelidon Fuliginose
36 My[i]agra Occipitalis [?]
37 Cathiparus Castaneceps [?]
38 Poyodon Gularis
39 Polyodon Occipitalus [?]
40 Cisticola Subhem[him]alayana
41 Ixulus Flavicollis
42 Tribura Leuteoventris
43 Myzornis Flaviventris [?]
44 [H]oreites Pollicaris
45 [H]oreites Brunnifrons
46 Nivicola Schistilatum/s
47 Pnoepyga Albiventris
48 Oligura Flaviventer
49 Muscisylvia Leucurus [?]
50 Temnosis Atrifrons
51 Chrysomma Hypoleucos
52 Alcurus Nipalensis
53 Hemixos Flavala
54 Gymnoris Flavinostra
55 Brachytarsus Phaenicuroides
56 Decura Caudata
57 Digeula Tricolor
58 Stachyris Pyrrops
59 Chaimarrornis Leucocephalus
60 Saxicola Saturatior
61 Saxicola Melalenia [melaleuca?]
62 Muscicapa Leucoshistas
63 Musc [Hemileucara?]
64 Musc. Astigma[astiema]
65 Musc. Ciliaris
66 Prosorinea Purpurea [?]
67 Chaitaris Sundara