Conveyance between E G F Pittar to Zoological Society of London, of freehold of land at Whipsnade in the county of Bedford
Letter from Sheffield Airey Neave to the Rt Hon H B Hynd of the Control Office for Germany and Austria regarding an instalment of animals sent to the Zoological Society from Germany
Memorandum by the Secretary on control of Whipsnade
Correspondence between the Control Commission for Germany and George Soper Cansdale regarding the death of an Ostrich on deposit from Hamburg, and a question as to whether or not the Zoological Society of London wished to return the animals on deposit from Germany before the end of the agreed period of loan, i.e. 1950
Contract documents, specifications and plans for the Tropical Bird House, ZSL London Zoo
Contracts, agreements, specifications and plans for the Main Office refurbishment at Regent's Park
Schedules of works, contract, specifications and plans
Stage 4 Drainage construction: form of tender, conditions of contract, and specifications; Forms of Tender, Agreement and Bond; and Bill of Quantities. Includes drainage layout drawings (sheets 1 and 2); Longitudinal sections through drains
The terms of reference were:
'To review the Charter, Byelaws and Regulations of the Society and the organisation of the Society with particular refence to:
(1) the categories of Fellows, Associates and other interested persons such as Lifewatch members;
(2) the status of the persons mentioned in (1) and the facilities that should be provided for them;
(3) the rates of subscription that should be levied in the light of any changes in (1) and (2);
the rules governing the nomination and election of members of the Council;
(5) the arrangements for meetings of members of the Society, whether formal or informal, in order to facilitate contact by members with the Officers and Council and the exchange of views."