Correspondence between Professor F Wood-Jones of the University of Manchester, the Zoological Society of London and the widow of Rev E J Synge regarding Synge's unpublished paper On the Forearm of the Koala
Correspondence and a paper regarding a course of instruction for Game Officers under the Colonial Office
Correspondence with Fellows, ballot papers and extracts from Council Minutes
Correspondence on article in FHM magazine about a student, Dr Jo Gipps and a Chimpanzee, and attempts to get an apology from the publishers
Correspondence between Peter Chalmers Mitchell, Sir Almroth E Wright and Captain S R Douglas about deaths from pneumonia among the animals at the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between the Sir Martin Wyatt Holdgate and Officers on matters relating to the Council of the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between London Zoo and Whipsnade Zoo
Correspondence between London Zoo and Whipsnade Zoo
Correspondence between London Zoo and Whipsnade Zoo