Letters from Sir Robert Ker Porter in Caracas thanking Bennett for the his letter and Proceedings of the Society's committees, the good health of a tapir, a bear belonging to a resident in Caracas, a bird called Curapoas (or Forvies), the shipment of a Capuchin Monkey, 'a very curious little animals of the weasel kind, and six land tortoises by the Brig 'Pedraza', a consignment he received save for the weasel which was washed overboard, and descriptions of the consignment in the 'Pedraza'
Correspondence between Sydney Porter and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding donations of birds to the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between Portland Zoological Park and Geoffrey Marr Vevers, and newspaper cuttings, regarding an exchange of reptiles, wallabies and hedgehogs
Memorandum by the Secretary on the position of officials with regard to the Fellowship of the Zoological Society of London
Document on possible changes in the Fellowship of the Zoological Society of London
Papers regarding the possible transfer of land from Regent's Park to the use of the Zoological Society of London
Papers regarding a possible winter closure of Whipsnade Park