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NZSL/BUC/2/40 · Item · 20 Jun [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

June 20 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I am anxious about the Deer Horns you so kindly allowed me to describe. Shall I send them at once to you at Windsor or should I send them to [Rulich?] to be mounted. He might then bring them down with the Stags foot, would you like them mounted on a stuffed head or on a bit of board.
I enclose your article by General Walker of Berlin

Your obedient and obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/41 · Item · 19 Jul [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

I returned home
at 4.15am this morning

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W

July 19 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I am afraid I shall not be able to meet you at the Zoological tomorrow morning as I must go to Brighton to help them on to get the Aquarium opened on the 27th. When at the Duke of Northumberland's fishing trap on the [?] last Tuesday I [saw?] the fish you have received swimming about alive and I asked the conservators to send him to you. I am glad you got him all right. At page 8 of the report sent herewith you will see what is going on in the [?] whence came your trout. If you see the Duke of Northumberland please talk to him about it.

Yours most
obedient and obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/44 · Item · 31 Oct [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4, Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

37 Albany St

Wed Oct. 31 187-

Your Royal Highness

I am indeed most obliged to Your Royal Highness for your great kindness in sending me up the magnificent Pike which the Fishman has brought with the greatest care. I have made two models of this splendid fish (one I will beg leave to present (when cast) to Your Royal Highness to put in the Hall at Cumberland Lodge. I will get Mr. Rolfe to pain the cast for you, the other cast I propose to place in my Museum as presented by you. The fish himself, I will get stuffed. It has indeed been a treat to cast such a beauty and I am most obliged.

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/45 · Item · 25 Nov [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster SW

Nov. 25 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I called upon Mr Gould last night. He will be very pleased to show you his Humming birds tomorrow Friday as you have been good enough to appoint.
I told Gould you would call between 12 and 1.
His address is
26 Charlotte St
(corner of Great Russell St) British Museum

Yours most obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/48 · Item · 21 Dec [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

Dec 21 [187-]

37 Albany St
Regents Park

Your Royal Highness

I send an advanced proof of Land & Water which I think will interest you.

Thanking you for all kindness

Yours obliged

Frank Buckland

I am very busy getting ready to collect Salmon eggs for New Zealand the Ship goes Jan 21
I want 50,000 eggs but shall have to work very hard with the nets to get the spawning fish. Please read my 'Exhibitions outside the [Cattle?] Show' tomorrows Land & Water

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/50 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

I have spoken to [Sleene/Keene?] about the live fish for Southport [Sleene/Keene?] says if you will kindly give the order he thinks he will be able to obtain the fish - and should you kindly allow it assist in their transport to Southport.
I beg to enclose you my account of Southport Aquarium that you may gave an idea of what sort of place it is.

Again thanking
Your Royal Highness very much
I remain
Yours most obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/52 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Land & Water
OFFICE 169 Fleet St


Your Royal Highness

I have brought down for your inspection the Salmon that was caught at Gravesend yesterday. I am most anxious that you should see it.
With your permission I will call with it to-day at Frogmore about 6-0pm I am now going down the river with Menzies.

Your most obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
SEC/5/1/5/1 · Item · 1839
Part of ZSL Secretaries

Answered July 26th 1839

Dear Sir

By one of the recent arrivals from the Cape I learn that my friends there have been kind enough among other things to send over for me what they call a large Male Water Buffalo by this I imagine they mean what I know by the name of the Bos Caffer and that is an animal that I fear is of too violent and savage a nature for me to receive him here but it is undoubtedly an animal of great rarity having I believe never before made its appearance in England (if in Europe) before above. If in that character, or any other the Council wd. consider him an acquisition to their Collection in the Park. I shall be very glad if they will do me the Honour to receive him. It will be still almost as gratifying to me as having him here at Knowsley without the continual dread I shd. be under of accidental injuries happening were he to come down hither when I have nothing like the appliances and means of Security than wd. be [?] with you. He is at present in your neighbourhood being under Mr [Garnett's?] care to whom I have also written by this Post authorising the transfer of the Beast to any one who may apply for it under authority of the Society. I have also had some intimation of a very [savage?] Black Tiger and of a very [tame?] Royal Bengal [?] being coming to me. I know not how or from whom but as another of them are in my [?] I shall beg to offer their [refusal?] to the Council if they would honour me with by their acceptance. I only heard of them casually from my Son who said someone had told him they had seen them I think at the Cape and understood they were for me. It is thus a very blind offer I am making but I thought it best to be sure of the Council's inclination against their [?] as, if declined I should [?] them to be immediately disposed of. I have also been lucky enough to enlist [Gen. J/T Anna?] in my service for [Mexican Roosters?] in return for English. I think this may be a promising speculation for me I hope you find matters [?] satisfactorily. For [?] of as I refer to Fuller to whom I also write today

Yrs very truly


To Wm. Ogilby Esq

SEC/5/1/5/2 · Item · 1847
Part of ZSL Secretaries

Aug 8th 1847

Dear Sir

I am glad to learn by your Note of yesterday's [recd?] that the Council have agreed to your proposal of rather Warwick's and shall be very glad to receive a copy of the agreement when finally drawn up. I ought though to have replied to your Note on this matter by the last Post as you have put to me a material question, but to own the truth, I am still rather puzzled how to reply as I own I do not exactly understand what it is that Warwick wishes me to bind myself to as far as I do understand it tho' I cannot wonder at his desire to [?] himself as far as possible, it seems to me requiring me too be bound to purchase particular animals without knowing any thing as to their condition, quality or sex for it might occur that he might succeed in bringing only one sex where I desire a Pair, or that the sex may be exactly that not desired, nothing do I at this moment recollect which are the [sorts?] he alludes to. I fear therefore that without farther explanation I can hardly bind myself to that for supposing anything to happen in the interim to me, nor by [?] a claim on my successor to [make?] him buy something he might not be at all desirous of. I have again to thank you for your communication to-day of Mr ['Serright's] letter and I will lose no time in forwarding to you a Note to Messrs Drummond for the sum you mention as the amount of freight and for Mellish and his Live Stock to whom I believe Thompson will perhaps send some advices. He I find has left at The Gardens the Birds he carried up for the [?] Show, and perhaps if not inconvenient to the Socy. it might be as well to take this opportunity of coming hither by Mellish. I take this opportunity of mentioning that it is probable I may shortly have occasion to make some drafts from my animals here among others of the Hog and Barbary Deer and [?]. Would the Socy wish for any of these and what? As I should of course wish to give them a preference when I can in these matters I am glad you have heard of the [Snooks?] I had some conversations with [B. Bornon?] about them when here as he opined the emperor had not forgotten his promise. I find from Sir Robert that he has agreed to take 2 Pair of Bustards of Richter which I am glad of
Yours very truly
I fear I shall not be able to succeed with Tyler about the Impeyan Pheasants as he says he has already refused 100 for them. I wonder who has offered that sum, as I pay [?] [?] [?] not I suppose you are aware that there is a pair of Cyrus Cranes lately imported but the owner says he might be tempted by 150!! Guineas tho' he too has refused 100 It is too much - for me at least

NZSL/HOD/5/4/1 · Item · 2 Jan 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Jan 2 1844

Received of B.H. Hodgson Esq the following bird skins

4 of [Lopia?] (Himalayana
2 of Heterura (Sylvania)
1 of Pachyglossa (Melanozantha)
1 - Tarsiger (Chrysaeus)
1 - Epornis [Epornis?]
1 - Myzornis Pyyhoura
1 - Myzornis
1 - Vivia
2 - Parus


Edwd Gerrard