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NZSL/BUC/2/27 · Item · 14 Mar 1879
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

Albany St

March 14 1879

Your Royal Highness

I have been at work nearly all day at the Deers Foot [?]. the Printer said he must have 20 lines more to fill up the page see copy enclosed so you see I have taken the liberty of using the information Your Royal Highness kindly sent me this morning. If you will kindly send copies of the paper to owners of Deer Forests in Germany and I will forward copies as I am anxious to obtain as much information as I can for you.

Thanking you very much
Yours most obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/28 · Item · 23 Apr 1879
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Land & Water
Office - 176 Fleet Street
London E.C

April 23 1879

37 Albany St

Your Royal Highness

[Breton?] has been here. He agrees with me that the marks in the last Fox's skin are the marks of a dog's teeth and I have tried the holes with the fangs in the skull of a hound and they match exactly. I will look up the tests of Strychnene Please send me the other Foxes - I agree with Your Royal Highness the matter is very mysterious and ought to be settled.

Yours most obedient and obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/29 · Item · 22 Dec 1879
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

Dec 22 1869

Your Royal Highness

I have seen Mr. Bartlett of the Zoological about your pheasants
1st He quite agrees with me that dampness is the cause of the malady and that therefore if it be possible the birds should be removed to a dryer place
2 He agrees with me that the place where they are confined should be roofed over, if the birds can not be removed.
3 He thinks that they should have pepper corns and that the person who feeds them should mix up some pepper corns in the food if they will not eat the pepper corns placed for them to pick up
4 We think that gravel is better than turf but that the best thing for them to walk on would be old brick and mortar rubbish - Mr Lee will make enquiries about the mole skins for them. The best man to dress them is Mr [Rulich] 8 Bettisland Street Hoxton. You can easily get enough for a waistcoat this year.

Your Royal Highness
Most Obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/31 · Item · 13 Dec 1879
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

37 Albany St
Regents Park

Dec 13 1879

Your Royal Highness

Will you allow me to beg your acceptance of a copy of our Deep Sea Fishery report which we have just presented to Parliament through Mr. Cross. Please especially look to my History of Sea Fishes Appendix No.2 Page 178. You will also see that I have followed the [?] you once gave me at the Museum and have given at P 246 a table showing the fish in season during every month of the year. I am now getting ready for the Berlin Fishery Exhibition which is to be held in April 1880.

I remain Your Royal Highness
most obedient and obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/33 · Item · 22 Feb [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster SW

Feb. 22 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

Will you allow me to put your name down as a supporter the enclosed movement for the 'Protection of Sea Birds' I enclose you the papers.
Christopher Sykes M.P. will bring forward the Bill next Friday and we hope to have a meeting on the 10th of March of which I will not fail to send you notice.

Yours most obedient

Frank Buckland

HRH Prince Christian

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/35 · Item · 11 Mar [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

37 Albany St
Regents Park

March 11 [197-]

Your Royal Highness

I have just received the enclosed proofs of the accident to your Stag. Will you kindly look at them and suggest any alteration you may like made. Please send them back to my by return of post as I am anxious to put them in next weeks paper. Do the Red Deer east Ivy in the Winter what was your Stag trying to get at if not Ivy.

Yours most
obedient and onliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/46 · Item · 27 Nov [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Fisheries Office
4, Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

Nov 27 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I am exceedingly obliged to you for your very kind letter which I have forwarded to my sister. She will I am sure be highly delighted with it. If you would kindly allow it the [?] shall be left till Monday on the chance of Her Majesty the Queen wishing the inspect it. Again thanking you much

Your most obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/49 · Item · 22 Dec [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

There is a Whale off
Tenby. I wish you
would go and shoot him

Dec 22 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I am indeed most obliged to you for a splendid haunch of Venison. I has subscribed to a 'goose club' for Christmas but now your Venison will take the goose's place. I thought of you yesterday at Leadenhall Market such a show of poultry the largest Turkey was 30 lbs an old Cock very tough I should think he brought seven guineas, There was also a wild Swan and one (Capercaelyie) but he was not fresh. You said you would like one, shall I send you one. Splendid birds but I expect all poached. Most of the geese I saw come from Iceland/Ireland. There was a lovely Snowly Owl 5£ and several Common Owls also a wild Swan. I finished my evening on Crab experiments. I want to stop them putting Crabs into cold water and boiling them alive.

Again thanking you
very much
Yours most obliged
Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/4 · Item · 3 Mar 1870
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

March 3 1870

Your Royal Highness

I regret exceedingly that I was unable to be at the Museum to-day as I did not arrive at the office till past two. I was dissecting some fish and it was then too late for the chance of going to the Museum. Will you kindly fix your own day for next week and Mr Lee and myself will be in attendance. We will then send full particulars as to the place where the furs will be on view.
I trust your Royal Highness will forgive me for not meeting you to-day

Your most obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/9 · Item · 13 Jan 1873
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

Jan 13 1873

3.00 om

Your Royal Highness

I am much obliged for your letter just received. Dr [Vougar/Zougar?] arrived from Switzerland Friday night with 100,000 eggs of great Lake Trout and was very busy all day Saturday sending them away to different people I should be most obliged if you would kindly always write me
37 Albany St
Regents Park
not at the office. The Pheasant is come I will report on him after dissection to you R.H. I shall be delighted to come to Windsor any day this week, your R.H. may appoint after Wednesday

Yours most obedient

Frank Buckland

H.R.H. Prince Christian
Please write to
37 Albany St
Regents Park
and give me your orders

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan