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NZSL/HOD/5/2/13 · Item · 26 Dec 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Brian Houghton Hodgson

British Museum
26 Dec 1844

My Dear Sir

Herewith as you wished I send you the following abstract of my letter to the Secretary of the British Museum respecting your collection
"Mr Hodgson wishes the museum to prepare at once "a short description of the new species to appear in one" of the Monthly scientific Journals and then to print a short "catalogue of the specimens and drawings presented by Mr. Hodgson to the Museum referring to where he has described them that he may have the credit of his discoveries which have been very numerous" "The collection of Specimens and Drawings are certainly the most extensive and complete materials which have ever been collected together for the Fauna of any country and of Europe (excepting perhaps those made by Mr Gould in New Holland) and it is very desirable that Mr. Hodgson should have every credit for the very great exertions he has used to make us acquainted with the Natural History and habits of the Mammalia and Birds of the provinces of India and Thibet "with the patronage of the India Company and the list of subscribers which Mr Hodgson informs me he has in India. I think it is very probable that before the end of the two years specified by Mr Hodgson (during which he has reserved to himself the exclusive privilege of using his [figures[ as specimens) It is very probable that some artist with the consent of Mr Hodgson may be induced to undertake the publication of a selection of them. If this should be the case I have promised Mr. Hodgson that every facility and assistance which it can be in the power of the Zoological department (consistent with their other duties) to afford him shall be given to him to forward his wishes.

Yrs very truly
John Edw. Gray

[Written on outside of letter]
Gray's pledges
and report to the Trustees

He promises
1st describe new species within a month
2nd to make catalogue in 3 or 4 months
3rd to exert himself touching publications of Drawings

N.B. Catalogue to be distributed with each set of duplicated forwarded to the following by Brit. Mus. Paris, Leiden, India House, Canterbury, Newcastle, Plymouth, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinbro., Dublin
Their address?

NZSL/HOD/5/2/15 · Item · 6 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To B.H. Hodgson

British Museum
Feb 6th 1845

My dear Sir

I saw in looking over the list of Birds that the Tibetan Pheasant that the 2 [Grandalleus[em] Caldeola?] has not been marked, it was at the stuffers when the list was being prepared, so it escaped, we did not retrieve any specimens of the Ganges Pelican but only a head. Besides the [587?] Birds distributed according to the list there are numerous specimens in so bad a state as not to be of any use to any person. What shall be done with them?
The catalogue we are preparing will contain a detailed list of every specimen we have received from you between 1840 and now. I send herewith a list of the Mammalia shewing how they and their bones have been distributed. If you let me have the list of Birds for a day the distribution of the Birds since should be added to it.
I should recommend the Bird Bones to be sent

  1. To Coleges of Surgeons
  2. To Museum Haslar Hospital the second best anatomical hospital in England
  3. Leyden
  4. Paris
    2, 3 and [?] will be very small in number. Mr. Strickland has written to say he's very much obliged to you for having given him some of your birds. I saw his note
    Yrs very truly
    J.E. Gray

My brother desires me to inform you the Sun Birds stuffed they come to 1. 5. 0 case and all. Shall they be sent to Canterbury or where. I here from Mr. Rees that they have found 50 drawings of Birds at the Zoological Society but they say they are waiting for your instruction to deliver them. Pray write to them.

NZSL/HOD/5/2/10 · Item · 26 Jul 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Brian Houghton Hodgson

26 July 1844
Brit. Mus.

My Dear Sir

I am sorry that you did not tell me you intended to send me a preamble or I would have directed the press to have been stoped to insert it when sent, the list was printed off last Friday with the corrections you made when you read the list over here. I don't think its important as very ornithologist of any reputation will duly estimate the value of the list and clearly see that it was prepared so as kindly to over look any errors in the nomenclature any they must be fully aware whenever your numerous and valuable papers have appeared if they are not, their appearance in my estimations would not be worthy of attention. The last was made out with care and verified so I don't see how any species could have been left out. Mr Brother desired Longmans & Co to send you the genera as he understood, you ordered him to do so. If you don't wish to keep it please send it back to him here, as soon as convenient Mr. brother assures me he has not in any way interfered with nor copied any of your [novelties?] nor will he do so without your express permission. The Indian Vulture was figured from a specimen from Bengal given to the Museum by General Hardwicke to which my brother had given a new name but when your list was received, he finding that you had already named it, out of compliment to you he adopted your name instead of his own. I have directed the duplicate specimens of your collection to be packed together into the Boxes. Shall they be sent to you? and what is the best manner of doing so. I know nothing of Mr [Howard] nor of his Proceedings nor of the specimens he has. I shall be detained in town until the end of the month by the marriage of my friend so that if you are ready, I can still come to make the selection
Believe me Dear Sir
Y[ou]rs Very Truly

J.E. Gray

The duplicates amount to almost 860 birds and [20/28] Mammalia
the latter are all in bad condition

NZSL/HOD/5/2/20 · Item · 29 Jan 1847
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

British Museum

To Brian Houghton Hodgson

29 Jan 1847

My dear Sir

As we are sending some of the copies of the catalogues I take the opportunity of sending you some letters which have been [waiting?] here. I hope the catalogue will be satisfactory to you, there are some points on which we may differ but such differences elicit truth while easy compliances only perpetuate error. I have just had a visit from Mr. Grace who gave me an account of you. I have looked over his skins he has no Mammalia and only three kinds of Birds not in your collection. Blyth appears to have treated him as he did you as he passed Calcutta. Your skeleton(s) has caused us to go on collecting others and now we have three times as many as they have in the College of Surgeons and nearly as many as they have in Paris except in [?]. We are printing a catalogue of them and your specimens will there appear again as they will in my new catalogue of Mammalia and Birds now in the press. You will see by the catalogue what are the desiderata of Skin and Bones but I shall be very glad to receive good fresh skins of each species and they shall be duly stuffed and [protected?] from London dust [?] soon makes new ones requisite and desirable. I shall send you a list of the Drawings but we have not so many hands here as you have in India and these things take time. I should much like to have the Wild Horse and Ass. What is the Kiang? I shall have a fine work on antelopes for you shortly
Ever yours truly

J.E. Gray

NZSL/BUC/1/1 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Dear Miss Buckland

If you per Mit me to try to Mit-igate
the wildness of Mit I hope you
will ad-Mit that I re-Mit her in a
Mit-igated condition - if not we
must make out a Mit-timus &
send her to a Mit-tan

Pray send her in her Mittens

Yours ever


NZSL/BUC/1/88 · Item · 26 Jun 1880
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Postkarte aus Deutschland

26 June 1880

To Frank Buckland Esq
H.M. Inspector of Fisheries
37 Albany Street
Regents Park
London, England

Today we received your payment of 27 Marks and sent to your address (Der Sohe Fischeres Zeitung?] of 1879 and 80. The following Nos. up to the end of the year will be regularly transmitted. A catalogue of our publications is placed inside. We beg to inform you, that the yearly price of the Gazette for abroad is 10M instead of 8M. Thus 4M being still to our credit.

Truly yours
Herrcke & Lebeling

NZSL/HOD/5/2/11 · Item · 21 Sep 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Express overland
B.H. Hodgson Esq
Care of Messrs Coutts & Co
Strand, London

Sept 21 1844

My dear Hodgson

[Maddock?] sent me a few weeks ago an extract from a letter of yours [reverting] to the publication of your Zoological Drawings by Mr. Howard I would gladly do my utmost in furtherance of so desirable an object but as I told Maddock I thought you were in a better position by proximity to artists and publishers to ascertain if at the high rate the drawings must be sold, the subscription could fill and secondly whether the addition of a more obscure name be interested in the progress of the work might not interfere with its success. I did what I could in giving publicity to your prospectus and publishing in the Journal a coloured specimen of your [reduced?[ drawing: I think England and not India is the place to ascertain the two main points noted over page and you will oblige me by letting me know how these stand after enquiring and how you wish me to act. Yours of the 20th July has been sent me by Piddington would you know the arrogance Blyth has given us by disobedience, shuffling and erosion of his duty as we acquire it to be done, you would not wonder at any thing from him, he now says as an excuse for three years delay in editing [B's?] Zoology of the subject on the plates which [?] that he has lost [Dr Ford's?] notes on them! I will see about your papers the man is [deluded?] by that wretched professional English [?] which insists in denying all merit and if possible interfering with all success of any other naturalist more especially one not professional:- the [?] of his finding him has been [?] discussed and I am ready to carry it through for the amount of arrogance I undergo from the jealousy, arrogance smugness and absurd pretentions of all my subordinates in the Society requires a thinking example you shall have by the next mail of the fate of your papers and I hope have copies sent you as desired. Allen & Co have also written good accounts of the progress of the Bust, it's place is empty but the [?] say the vacant pedestal waiting it with impatience at least [?] impatience as that of which [?] I [shall] be proud [?] of having seen these noble busts of great and good names added to our collection in my time [?] Princep, Hodgson: - we are going on in all departments though not exactly straight as in Blyth's and Sir [B] Hardinge will be our President. I trust you enjoy England:- I doubt much if I will see England again. I have played a great game and tried to come in and drew the stakes just as I hoped for success. Let me hear from you, and believe me
Very sincerely
H. Torrens

NZSL/HOD/5/2/9 · Item · 1 Jul 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Calcutt 1st July 1844

Per overland via Southampton

B.H. Hodgson
Care Messrs Coutts & Son


My dear Sir

The enclosed I thought you would like to see and both Torrens and myself are desirous that you should known that we at least are not to blame in this dirty job which is neither more nor less than disgraceful for it at least or best deprived you of the honour of simultaneous discovery and publication. My [notice] was written much fuller and stronger for I detailed all the various untruisms in what Blyth had been [?] by us officialy and [?] of this beautiful plate and specifically that at the wanting to your honour though Sciurop.dx was produced, not a syllable was said by him!
[?] from us again as you will of course send the Sc. we will manage with your contribution as in the case of [?] for i doubt not that though in [?] you will bear us in mind for any thing which may offer to you[r] Zoological, Geolog. or Mineralogy etc. I shall be most happy to [?] to yourself or friends here be assured. We are just bringing our poor Herbert's geol. map of the Himalayas effodiated from the shelves of Leadenhall Street and a very creditable one it is.

Pray believe me very f[aith]f[ully] yours
H. Piddington

X Torrens did not like to be too full less it might appear personal. Pray [?] if the Mag. Nat History Society between 70 and 85 and we known we (Society) are made footstools of it

NZSL/HOD/5/4/19 · Item · 23 May 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

The Lodge
May 23 1845

My dear Sir

I was much obliged by your last communication announcing your very handsome donation to me of 205 specimens of Birds. These will be of the highest interest to me as being original and authentic types of the numerous novelties which you have described in various works. I hope to be in London about the middle of June and to see you then.
Ever yours
very sincerely

H.E. Strickland

To B. H. Hodgson