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SEC/9/2/1/1 · Item · 23 Jun 1908
Part of ZSL Secretaries

Letter from Peter Chalmers Mitchell regarding a meeting of the Council of the Zoological Society of London to consider the advisability of selling freehold premises at 3 Hanover Square

SEC/1/11/1 · Item · 20 Aug 1832
Part of ZSL Secretaries

Monsieur Telfair

Celle ci est pour repondre a la lettre que vous m'avez fair l'honneur de m'ecrire. Je suis flatté de la preference que vous m'accorder. Vous pouvez etre persuade qu'a la premiere occasion. Je ferai tous mes efforts pour vous envoyer Vivans un ou plusieurs de ces oiseaux que vous desirez. Je ferai aussi toutes les recherches & [fouills?] dans les environs pour les [?] que l'on pouvais y trouver. S'il y a quelques autres [?] a [?] que vous desirez ne [?] pas de me commander ou sera toujours un vrai [?] pour moi de vous etre utile. Cet oiseau est nomme dans le pays Oiseau Boeuf nom qui l'on a tire de son cri qui est absolument celui du veau. Je me souviens qu'un jour l'avons entendre crier moi & des [?] nous avons ete a la recherche d'un veau & nous avons trouve cet oiseau dans un arbre. Je suis [?] [?] de m'avais [?] [?] pendant le sejour de la fregate [?] i'le constamment avec [?] Messieurs les accompayons dance leur recherche & avec la plus grand partir de mes [?] M. G[?]y n'avons pas ete dans la meme [?] [?] plus heureaux ces [?] [?] pres deux de ces oiseau Je le repete Monsieur Je ferai tous a qui repondre de mois pour vous etre utile & agreable - vous pouvez compter sur moi.

J'ai le honneur d'etre avec un profond respect Monsieur votre tres humble & tres obeissant serviteur

Rodriguez 20 Aout 1832

Letter from Nathaniel Gould
COU/7/1 · Item · 1831
Part of ZSL Council

Letter from Nathaniel Gould to the Council of the Zoological Society of London regarding societies in north America

NZSL/BUC/1/49 · Item · 23 Dec 1824
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Mr Sowerby presents his respects to Miss Morland and in consequence of Mr. Buckland’s desire he has sent her the following shells

Helix Congenda two specimens 2
Helix Shinulosa -ditto- 4
Helix Lachlamensis 4 4
Helix Glutinosa 3 3
Turbo [Sudens] 6 6
Turbo Nautilens 4 2
Turbo Laminarsus 4 4
Trochus [scarestus?] 4 4
Nautilus Lacustris 4 4
Mya[ [magarusiferia] 1 1
Turbo labiatus 1 5

                                                                  £1  15  0

Miss Morland will please to observe that Mr. Sowerby has sent her but one specimen of Turbo labiatus because though he has more, the price is so high that he fears she might not like to go to the expense. The other species that Miss Morland desires Mr. S.
has not got at present. He can however obtain most of them at some future period. Mr. S has the pleasure of send to Miss M. two specimens of a new British [?] of which he begs her acceptance

1567 Regent Street

Decr. 23 1824

NZSL/BUC/1/52 · Item · 26 Jul 1826
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Jul 26

To the Revd
Professor Buckland
Post Office

My dear Sir
Thank you for your last kind letter, I am very glad to hear your voyage proceeds so [propiciously?] and that you have had such pleasant companions - it was very provoking to miss of the Giant's Causeway, but I hope a fair voyage to Staffa may compensate in some measure for your disappointment, I congratulate you on your satisfactory visit to Arran I have no doubt your researches will throw much light on those perplexing trap rocks, though Dr Shuttleworth may say what he please of Isap being understood by most Professors its history appears to me very little known by any of them. Dr McCullochs account of Arran is not at all intelligible - I should think the S.E of Sky will prove very interesting is it not there that a Isap Dyke converts some of the Lias into Marble as on the C. of [Ireland?] I wish I had any entertaining matter to communicate to you but I have only everyday occurrences to detail - My dear father is returned from his journeys in high health and, I trust he will continue to be free from gout - I have not heard from Miss Ayling and I begin to be astonished at her silence, but I am known so wonderfully patient under the influence of my watchword "[?] tranquille" that I seldom permit myself to fidgit, tho' Nature certainly did not make me a stoic. I hope you will meet with no greater dangers than occur from the [?] [?] and that your Trap hunting will not lead you into unnecessary risks, if I don't hear from you at no very distant intervals, I shall fancy in spite of "[?] tranquille" that you have tumbled over a Gneiss Precipice, or that a huge [?] has swallowed you or a thousand other terrible disasters. Your last letter was an unexpected pleasure to me, for I did not think to hear quite so soon - I hope I may often have such agreeable surprises. I have found a rare and very pretty shell in the Coppice and my Collection of fresh-water shells comes on very well it is surprising how much thicker a shell becomes when the animal dies in it and it is gradually dried up by the sun and air - I find that the animals inhabiting the shells contain, apparently dispersed over their bodies very minute grains of lime and very pure Carbonate I should imagine, from their [efficasing] so violently with acids. In some the larger grains of lime are as large as a small pin's head will [?] [torn paper] this account for the Shell becoming nearly [Paper missing] twice as thick under the circumstances I have mentioned and I think this may be the reason why many fossil shells which appear to have been originally very fragile are still so well preserved. I have had a present of two tame Plovers and a Curlew. Alas! I found my pretty Curlew lying dead yesterday morning - he was so tame as to eat from my hand and was very handsome with the brightest eyes I ever saw. John Hughes and his wife are staying here Mrs H is a particularly nice woman, very clever and intelligent you would like her very much - I am profitting by Mr Hughes' instructions in sketching and I mean to surprise you by my performances in that way. Mrs [Wraughton?] has just sent me a large ugly Yucca to paint for her - I do not like the employment at all - you had some difficulty in getting your Church [?] when you were here last - if you want any person now, there is a Mr Thomas of [Painbeck?] a gentlemanlike small man who dined here the other day and who I believe is unemployed. I hope a letter from you is now on the road if not pray write when you can that you may return in good health and safely is the constant prayer of
Yrs ever most Truly


NZSL/BUC/1/48 · Item · 15 Jul [1824]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To The Rev. Professor Buckland
Post Office

July 15 [1824?]

Write in detail and on Foolscap if you have time, I do not wait for any answers

My dear Sir,

It gave me sincere pleasure to hear that your Party promised to well, and I trust that the sea may now cease to be Ipecacuanha to you and that you may have every enjoyment possible in your Scottish excursion. To be sure three months is a long time to look forward to your absence and, I miss you very much already, but it would be the extreme of selfishness to wish you anywhere than on the spot where you are now - there seems to be an ample field laid open to you in Scotland, and I anticipate your doing great things there while you are traversing the Sea and the Land and contemplating Nature in her wildest and most imposing attire pursuing enquiries so highly interesting to yourself and to science. I am employed in tying up flowers and killing snails - the comparison makes me appear somewhat contemptible in my own eyes and, I could almost wish myself a man - but, were I one of the Lords instead of the Ladies of Creation I might probably have been envious and jealous of your fame and success whereas they now afford me the highest gratification so that I believe matters are better as they are. I only wish that among those nearest and dearest to me I could find some Companion in my noble pursuit of gardening and snail destroying, but, Alas! I fear they are not [?] to it, as old Isaac Walton says of a man who does love fishing. I have tried to make all my sisters from the biggest to the last take some sort of interest in these things but in vain and, in the midst of a large family, I live in solitude as far as lies in community of pursuits and occupations. I often fear I shall grow absolutely stupid, if it were not for your society [occurs?] to rub up my Intellects I think I should, nevertheless, it is a mortifying fact that I always feel conscious of being particularly dull and flat in your presence - this dullness appears to be extending itself into my letters but it is unavoidable , for I have not the least interesting matter to communicate to you. Mr [Tuckwell?] dined here last week to see Lady [Pegge?] but he told no Oxford news worth relating. I have not yet heard when I am to go into [Sussex?] I wish you had seen the Aylings on your [road?] hope you will see more of Dr. Chalmers [hole in page] Did you ever read his Sermons? On the Impiety of Modern Philosophy? I believe he alludes more particularly to Geology. I mean to the fanciful theories put forth concerning that science. Mr [?] orations lie before me speaking of the neglect of spiritual things among the higher classes of society, he says "The [rocks] from promintory residences among the clouds to their deep rests in the dark bowels of the Earth, have a most bold and [venturous] priesthood who see in them rough and flinty, faces a more delectable image to adore than in the [?] countenance of God happily your Geology has been turned to a better account that do deserve [?] such a censure. I hope you mean to give me a series of Scottishrock specimens of your own collecting - I would suggest the plan of your keeping the corner of a box for my exclusive use, or I shall get none for you have left me with a single stump of an [Elysenses?] tooth by way of "Specimens found of Kirkdale" Pray don't use me so shabbily again for I want to keep up my small geological collection -
I think as soon as you have filled a little box you had better send it off to me at once - I find the books you were so kind as to send me on shells very useful. Did I tell you that Mrs. Duffield's governess who is so perfectly acquainted with Italian has taken me in hand and I am making good progress in the language, so that the next time you give me an Italian letter to translate I shall be au fait in the matter. I am very sorry the bone was broken - I acknowledge my unskilled packing, however, remember this is the first accident that ever befel the numerous bones which have for years journeyed to and fro, in Mr. [Chees's?] cart. Being come to the end of my paper I have only to say God Bless You - the oftener you can write, the oftener will you give pleasure to yours

Most truly

