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SEC/5/1/2/1 · File · Undated
Part of ZSL Secretaries

My dear Sir
I saw the skin of O Brevirostus this day at one o'clock' and examined it attentively without discovering the ocellus spot though in the other two skins it is of considerable extent too large. I should think to be so completely concealed by, a partial contraction of the skin. However Mr [Gould's?] observation in this aspect may possible be correct but as far as for the bill extending during the process of softening the skin he is altogether mistaken unless he maintains equally as the bones of the head will be prolonged in the same operation. There are besides other characters connected with the animal in question which confirm me in the idea of its being a distinct species and therefore I must request that the description be published in its present form. If there be any alteration or modification necessary it will be more properly the subject of a future notice, but delay on the present occasion would be only giving an opportunity for some other person to describe it in the meantime. I shall therefore be obliged to you to have the impression struck off as I sent it to you corrected.

Yours ever sincerely

W. Ogilby

To E.J. Bennett Esq

SEC/5/1/2/2 · Item · Undated
Part of ZSL Secretaries

Tuesday morn
51 York St

My dear Sir
I am truly sorry that you should have had so much trouble about a thing in itself of very small consequence. I shall therefore leave the matter entirely in your hands, as I must cordially agree in your observation of the misapprehensions which might possibly arise from the description in its present form. I had intended to have called at the Society today but find that I shall not have time. Add therefore one other favour to your former goodness by either suppressing the notice for the present or treating it in whatever other manner being most proper to yourself.

believe me my dr. Sir
Ever Sincerely yours

W. Ogilby

To E.J. Bennet Esq
4 Bulstrode St

NZSL/BUC/1/31 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections


Dear Sir

I thank you for your note and shall be glad to see the particulars of the Lease at [Harborough?] when I am next here a few days hence. I must go to Town again this morning. I inclose a Draft for you but I am obliged and [?] [Servant]

Wm Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/58 · Item · 25 Jul 1840
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Ch. Ch. 25 July 1840

Dear Bull
Hudson has been with me this morning and represents the difficulty of getting the best Bath stone to be now so great that he can with difficulty get the smallest quantity. The reason is obviously one which will continue to operate during the whole of the next 12 months more forcibly than in any other year from the Creation to the general conflagration viz the construction of the Works of the Great Western Railway in the midst of the Country that supplies the Bath stone. The Railway Engineers sharp fellows and always on the spot will be sure to want and to select for their own use all the best stone that can be got out and if we buy this year we shall only get their leavings and at a price exaggerated for the present year only beyond the normal amount as was the last with [Young?] Barnes Building at Ardington. Is it not prudent therefore to postpone our [conjunction?] of 100 tons of Bath Stone or more, at least for one year? by the end of which the Rail Road will be finished [for?] the extraordinary demand of 1840-41 will have passed away.

Believe me

Truly yours

W. Buckland

You will hear from Barnes respecting Col. Wood's Agent who has been here today we told him the Chapter had long and duly considered the principle of valuing their renewal where [Commutation?] has taken place according to the scale of the [Commutation?] Tables and as they had resolved to make no exception from their Rule in the case of [Enstone?] Dr Barnes and I had no authority and saw no reason to open any discussion of the principle on which Col. Woods fine out to be estimated.

To the Revd Dr Bull

NZSL/BUC/1/36 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

6 Jany [18?]

To Mrs. Buckland
Ch. Ch.

My dear Mary

I go Friday morning to Cirencester with John who will return to Oxford with me Saturday to sleep at our house in the best Bed Room and dine Saturday with [Daubeny?] to meet Dr. Graham and Professor Johnson.
A good meeting last eve.

Ever yours
Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/34 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mr Sewell
Thursday 11

Dear Sewell
Many thanks for your Note of yesterday. I am very sorry it will not be in my power to have the pleasure of meeting the [Club] at your Rooms this evening.

I remain
Truly yours
W. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/68 · Item · 10 Aug 1849
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Malvern Friday
10 Aug
Postmarked 1849

My Dear Mit

Your note has been forwarded to me here on College [?] and I send you the half of two £5 notes and desire you by return of Post to acknowledge their safe arrival that I may forward the remainder from London where I hope to sleep this evening and shall till about Wednesday when I propose to return to Islip for a month or 5 weeks. I trust you will take care of your knee and retain it in repose in a horizontal position till it is to be used without [?] and are without [?] it feeling [?]


Wm. Buckland