Expulsions - Cobden Turner & Finch, 1959; Pamphlet & Proposed Friends of the Zoological Society, 1959; Circular letters, 1959.
Zoological Society of LondonPapers regarding an extension of catering activities which regards to the Zoological Society of London's exemption from payment of income tax
Leaflet for the Extinction, and exhibition at London Zoo
Zoological Society of LondonExtracts from Minutes of the Council of the Zoological Society of London regarding Mr J T Cunningham
Extract from the minutes of the Publication Committee regarding members selected to retire, and Fellows to fill the vacancies
Extracts from a report by the Council to the Ordinary General Meeting of the Zoological Society of London
Extract from a report by the Council of the Zoological Society of London to the Ordinary General Meeting
Extracts pasted on paper and underlined
7 Nov 1837
A minute of this date refers to Mr. Hodgson's proposed publication on the Zoology of Nepal, and gives a statement from one of Mr. Hodgson's letters to the effect that he had despatched to the case of the Royal Asiatic Society, 26 sheets of Mammals and Birds, and will continue to send others till the series be complete, which he recommends to the Keeping of the Society: stating also that he had despatched [8] boxes in Jany last by Captain Robinson with directions to deposit them with The Royal Asiatic Society, in case his prior stores should have been removed from the keeping of the Zoological Society - the Minute concluded thus:-
'None of the above articles having been received the Committee directed that the matter should lie over [for] the present.
15 March 1838
The Chairman read before the Committee a letter written to him by J. Princep Esq of Calcutta relative to Mr. Hodgson's work on the Mammalia of Nepal, the publication and circulation of which the Bengal Society are desirous of furthering etc. etc. 'Sir Alexander Johnston stated that he had communicated the contents [of] Mr Princeps letter to Sir Wm Jardine, who had expressed his willingness to cooperate in any measures whereby Mr. Hodgkin's labours might be given to the world
5 March 1842
A Minute of the Council of this date accepts Mr. Howard offer to dedicate Mr Hodgson's Mammalia of Nepal to the R. Asiatic Society, and promised to subscribe for a copy of the work