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NZSL/HOD/5/4 · File · 1840-1873
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

November 1840 List of mammal skins sent home Prospectus of proposed work by Hodgson on Zoology of Nepal 3 January 1843 Memorandum of skins sent by Hodgson from Canterbury to E Hawkins at British Museum December 1844 Letter from Hodgson (Canterbury) offering collections and asking for help in publishing drawings 15 December 1844 (Canterbury) Letter from Hodgson proposing to present finished drawings and specimens to BM. Requests patronage for proposed publication and help in recovering specimens from Mr Howard 20 December 1844 from Sec. BM thanking Hodgson for gift but expressing Trustees inability to give financial help with publication 28 December 1844 from College of Surgeons accepting gift offered 23 December 1844 from See BM arranging collection of specimens and stating intention to arrange cataloguing 27 December 1844 Hodgson (Canterbury) to JEGray re original and fair copies of drawings 2 January 1845 List of mammal and bird skins in boxes No date. Hodgson to RCS offering boxes [Note dated Jan 1845 of refusal] 3 January 1845 Hodgson records handing over specimens of skins, osteological materials and drawings to agent of BM. Some of osteological material to go to RCS 8 January 1845 Hodgson (Canterbury) to RCS offering osteological materials 23 January 1845 Sec BM to Hodgson acknowledging receipt of specimens and requesting names of institutions and individuals to receive duplicates No date Dr JE Gray (BM) suggesting institutions and individuals to receive duplicates 23 January 1845 Hodgson to Court of Directors of EICo offering specimens 4 February 1845 Hodgson to Sec of Trustees of BM with names to receive duplicates. Mention of people who have missing drawings. Request for help in recovering set of drawings of mammals from Mr Howard. 5 February 1845. Hodgson offering specimens to U. of Leyden 6 February 1845 India House to Hodgson accepting offer of specimens 10 February 1845 Memorandum of zoological collection delivered to BM and how to be distributed 4 March 1845 Sec BM to Hodgson. No realistic chance of recovery from Mr Howard's receiver 5 March 1845 Sec BM to Hodgson. Acknowledging and thanking for osteological specimens 23 May 1845 HE Strickland (The Lodge Tewkesbury) thanking Hodgson for offer of specimens 12 June 1845 Robert Ball (Dublin Museum) thanking H for specimens presented 14 June 1845 HE Strickland acknowledging receipt of collection of Nepal birds Memo of zoological specimens presented to various institutions 15 August 1845 Dr Burnett (Haslar Hospital) acknowledging receipt of 2 human skulls and 79 osteological specimens 1 February 1847 Dr JE Gray sends 12 copies of letter 7 April 1848 James Hume, Sec Agricultural Society (Metcalfe's House, Calcutta) enclosing RGW Frith's memo on silk worms 12 June 1848 Full description of specimens (silk worms) with 2 memos from RWG Frith. Reference to delay. 4th August 1848 29th September 1853 Classified catalogue of collection of skins presented to EICo by Hodgson November 1852 13 March 1860. Letter from F Moore with list of birds of Nepal and Tibet collected by Hodgson August 1869 Memo by Hodgson in event of his death. [Portfolio of drawings 2 of mammals 4 of birds to be given to Zoological Society] January and May 1873. List of Ethnographical drawings numbered by sheets. Jan 1873 to be given to Sir John Lubbock. May 1873 altered to be given to Christie Collection No date Memo of numbers in collection 2 pages of cuttings from "Indian Field" - Article by Blyth on bovine animals

NZSL/HOD/5/5/55 · Item · [n.d.]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

...paper. Here there is no such excuse, and the rarity of grapes in the Alpine region is wholly a mystery to me. as also of [Legun?] and Campbell this a fact. and that is all I can say and it diminishes the Himal flora by good [1000] species I cannot doubt. I doubt not I shall like your [?] as I wholly adopt your notices of the general features of Thibet [?] the plains N. of this which we have not discussed for God's sake don't harrass me with the [?] of my letters such as that about abolishing the Himal. I do wish you had waited till I had been to Doubiah. I speak truth that I have 10 times more pleasure in, giving you and indeed in [?] for you these results than I ever shall have in [?] them. myself, so you must please me and make a supplement [?] Turner's sheds and [?] rightly with mine. This tremendous [?] is enough to [?] anyone and I do not wonder at T's silence about [snowy] mts. which he must have had all the way to Dijauli and in sight of the [Road] Cathcart is a [Judas?] he knows quite well that I asked expressly for the Annals a two-penny-half penny periodical costing a shilling a month in which my journal is promoted. Thomson's and others and I believe I expressly mentioned not, the magazine, an expensive [?] cold work. He [?] answered that he was afraid of the Annals and Magazine being [soiled?] he takes the same [handle] to you n'importe it is too late and the old [?] may help this/these book/books it was only the shilling book I asked for - I forgot to tell you I have a copy of it from my Father to you. It is down at Yeumtang and I will send it as soon as it arrives here so we neither want Cathcart's [Stellee and Plantie?] what [?]. I never ate such Tabasco. I have had a nice present from manufacturers of equal flavoured but never got such! [?] [?]. If the top ones are not only samples there never was such material on sale. I expect they were sent to Wilson because too big for ordinary me one [?] what am I to say about the magnificent donation of the picture? for which I am equally indebted to yourself and Tayler. I am quite overcome about it for I know T himself valued it very highly indeed I certainly should have chosen by Father as the recipient but for your gallant hint and offer of [?] the [?] [Lenelle?] propria mana which [?] the thing and I joyfully accept ten thousand thanks, they will be delighted at home with it, all hands
Sept 28
Dear B
I thought I would just run and look at the Pass view again, before sending this, so though finishing the answer to your of the 12th I [interculate] the date 28th I spent all day there
yesterday and have little alteration to make to my previous report. Cholamoo [?] looks like [?] is certainly not 3/4 mile long perhaps not 1/2 mile. It is not a geographical feature of any importance (like Turner) It [neither?] [?] the way back of the hollow between Doubiah and K. Jhow and sends a tiny rill to meet the Lachen which flows from the N.W. face of Doubiah. This about 800ft below the top of the Pass, a [?] good guess is Campbell's route. As to Thibet beyond Cholomoo, and East and W of Cholamoo, I had a superb view for 1000ft above the Pass it is a tremendous country. I levelled 5 or 7 places between W. and N. where not peaks but groups all were. I doubt not 20,000ft, more probably some 22,000ft. The snow which before the [?] and during them lay 4 feet for [?] [?] N. of Doubiah is now all gone and there is much less snow than I ever saw. The Thibetan rains are over - some of the mountains I saw are certainly north of Dejauli - The first great range beyond Cholomoo is that of [Kambajang?] no where rising to P.S. [Perpetual Snow] but they tell me nearly as high as Doubiah and it appears on the level it is probably 28" 15' or thereabouts: immediately beyond a [?] broken ridge rises to P.S. in two great groups N. N. W. and [N. W. and N?] or there away, Beyond [?] others to the most distant horizon. Little specks of white beyond the Tsampa viewed with the telescope revealing [?] and great plains of snow miles long N.W. the mountains are tremendous and very distant. I do assure you the whole view has staggered me to the last degree, nay stupefied me for I need to say that supposing the mean level to be 15,000ft the [?] rising snows [?] looking down from 19,000

NZSL/HOD/5/4/34 · Item · [1845]?
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Memos of Mr. Hodgson's Zoology

The species are:- Mammals of Nepal 126 - Mammals of Tibet 47 - Birds of Nepal 656

The Collections consist of Drawings of skins and of skeletons
The Drawings amount to 108 plates of anatomical delineations and 814 of ordinary fig. of Beast and Bird, the skins now brought to England and delivered to Brit. Mus. consist 402 Mammals and 4444 Birds
The osseous specimens delivered with them amount to 1069
Besides the above wh[ich] have been just now handed over by me to
the Museum, a large collection of specimens and drawings was made
over in Jany 1843 by my father, whereof I find Memo as follows:-
Drawings delivered to Mr Hawkins 709
Bird Skins - 408, Quadr. Skins - 49
The specimens and drawings having been presented to Brit. Mus. the desideration now is to ascertain that the whole are procured and properly preserved