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NZSL/BUC/2/36 · Item · 31 Mar [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Land & Water
Office 176 Fleet St

31 March 187-

37 Albany St

Your Royal Highness

I beg to enclose you my report on the Fox of which I trust you will approve. Thanks for asking me to the gardens tomorrow. They tell me I must wait till the weather gets a little more settled.

Yours most obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/40 · Item · 20 Jun [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

June 20 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I am anxious about the Deer Horns you so kindly allowed me to describe. Shall I send them at once to you at Windsor or should I send them to [Rulich?] to be mounted. He might then bring them down with the Stags foot, would you like them mounted on a stuffed head or on a bit of board.
I enclose your article by General Walker of Berlin

Your obedient and obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/41 · Item · 19 Jul [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

I returned home
at 4.15am this morning

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W

July 19 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I am afraid I shall not be able to meet you at the Zoological tomorrow morning as I must go to Brighton to help them on to get the Aquarium opened on the 27th. When at the Duke of Northumberland's fishing trap on the [?] last Tuesday I [saw?] the fish you have received swimming about alive and I asked the conservators to send him to you. I am glad you got him all right. At page 8 of the report sent herewith you will see what is going on in the [?] whence came your trout. If you see the Duke of Northumberland please talk to him about it.

Yours most
obedient and obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/44 · Item · 31 Oct [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4, Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

37 Albany St

Wed Oct. 31 187-

Your Royal Highness

I am indeed most obliged to Your Royal Highness for your great kindness in sending me up the magnificent Pike which the Fishman has brought with the greatest care. I have made two models of this splendid fish (one I will beg leave to present (when cast) to Your Royal Highness to put in the Hall at Cumberland Lodge. I will get Mr. Rolfe to pain the cast for you, the other cast I propose to place in my Museum as presented by you. The fish himself, I will get stuffed. It has indeed been a treat to cast such a beauty and I am most obliged.

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/45 · Item · 25 Nov [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster SW

Nov. 25 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I called upon Mr Gould last night. He will be very pleased to show you his Humming birds tomorrow Friday as you have been good enough to appoint.
I told Gould you would call between 12 and 1.
His address is
26 Charlotte St
(corner of Great Russell St) British Museum

Yours most obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/48 · Item · 21 Dec [187-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

Dec 21 [187-]

37 Albany St
Regents Park

Your Royal Highness

I send an advanced proof of Land & Water which I think will interest you.

Thanking you for all kindness

Yours obliged

Frank Buckland

I am very busy getting ready to collect Salmon eggs for New Zealand the Ship goes Jan 21
I want 50,000 eggs but shall have to work very hard with the nets to get the spawning fish. Please read my 'Exhibitions outside the [Cattle?] Show' tomorrows Land & Water

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/50 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

I have spoken to [Sleene/Keene?] about the live fish for Southport [Sleene/Keene?] says if you will kindly give the order he thinks he will be able to obtain the fish - and should you kindly allow it assist in their transport to Southport.
I beg to enclose you my account of Southport Aquarium that you may gave an idea of what sort of place it is.

Again thanking
Your Royal Highness very much
I remain
Yours most obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/52 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Land & Water
OFFICE 169 Fleet St


Your Royal Highness

I have brought down for your inspection the Salmon that was caught at Gravesend yesterday. I am most anxious that you should see it.
With your permission I will call with it to-day at Frogmore about 6-0pm I am now going down the river with Menzies.

Your most obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
Letter from G C Bompass
NZSL/BUC/1/12 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

11, Park Road

My dear Mamma

I am very glad that Selina and Sophia are so much pleased give my love to Aunts and Uncle, Grandpapa and Grandmama. We are all very happy in the evening Charles's book come from the binder and it does not at all look like the old one. We are going to send the book of China.

I remain your affect[ionat]e Son

G.C. Bompass

NZSL/BUC/1/83 · Item · 19 Apr 1880
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

My address is:-
W. Postamt 30

19 April 1880

Dear Mr. Buckland
It was a great pleasure to receive your letter as a proof of your progressing recovery. Since I wrote last, we have worked hard to mend the plaster, & today a respectably recommended painter is at work to cover with color the mended portions, the cracks d(itt)o. No care was omitted when opening your boxes I was personally present. Never did I see a greater havoc as that which this short & easy journey had produced. The damage is practically irreparable. Alas! there is no hope, apparently of seeing the rest of your boxes in time for the Opening & for the Crown Prince’s official visit. My hope is that they may arrive in time to be shown to Their Majesties who have announced their visit for Thursday 22nd out of courtesy to their Son, & wishing to leave him the first place at the
opening ceremony, they have preferred not coming on the First Day. You will receive by next mail a Newspaper -! ‘Berliner Tageblatt’ containing a brief notice of your exhibits in an article which bears my name. The number is printed expressly in honour of the

I shall send you whatever comes under my notice in other papers

Let me confess to you (privately) that there is a rage a fury here against the English for having affronted Germany by refusing to take part in our Exhibition. I do my best to tranquillize the correspondents of English newspapers here, also who feel the approbrium cast upon England by that abstention. Lord ----Rupell/Russell I am informed is very much displeased too. Under the circumstances, it will be difficult to create anything like a kindly feeling here, unless you can come yourself & carry everything before you by your enthusiasm

Believe me
Yours very sincerely
Go Bunsen