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NZSL/BUC/1/47 · Item · 22 Mar [1824]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

March 22 [1824]

My dear Sir,

Miss Morland has this morning sent me some copies of her attempt to imitate the [Munich Game Piece?] It has all the spirit of the original but looks cold for want of a neutral tint. [Hole] I know is applied at Munich can you tell me whether it is laid on the paper before printing or after? if after do you know of what material it is composed. In short what is the Receipt for the wash, of to whom can they be sent to be properly tinted. My notion is that at Munich they generally tint them after printing, if so the same thing may be done in London to Miss Morland's but if it is necessary to tint the paper before printing it will be desirable to request Miss Morland's stone not be rubbed down till further orders and you will oblige me by sending a line to this effect to the printers.
Lord Compton informed me last week of your wishes to subscribe to Milles work of wh. I expect shortly to hear more I desired him to show you the Prospectus which is written by W Conybeare and which I hope you like - I am much obliged by your assistance in the [nomination?] of [Condier?] pray when I am to hear the result of my own nomination at the Linnean - if Strangeways is elected before April 1 have the goodness to desire notice to be sent to him at Earl of Ilchester, Melbury near Sherborne Dorset or at 31 Old Burlington St that he may have his [Hole} before he goes to [Missing paper] [Seale?] is now in Oxford and I think likely after another year to reside within 5 miles of this place. W. Conybeare is got nearly well again and gone to Hants. Have you yet got my specimens of Marble from [Missing paper] whose address I will thank you
[Missing paper] me and believe me
Ever Sincerely [Missing paper]

W. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/32 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

[Hills] Hotel

My dear Bull
You must forgive my infidelity to my Engagement with you Saturday when I tell you I am commanded to stay in town [until?] Saturday Eve to meet HRH Prince Albert, the Duke and Sir Robert at [Sir John Beamish?] that Eve. Pray make Mrs. Buckland talk for two and believe me

Ever faithfully yours
Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/33 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

[Hills] Hotel

My dear Bull
You must forgive my infidelity to my Engagement with you Saturday when I tell you I am commanded to stay in town [until?] Saturday Eve to meet HRH Prince Albert, the Duke and Sir Robert at [Sir John Beamish's?] that eve. Pray make Mrs. Buckland talk for two

Believe me
Ever faithfully yours
Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/61 · Item · 23 Sep 1842
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

23 Sept 18[42]

Dear Bull

I have desired Mrs Snell to procure a copy of the Poor Rate charged on every Estate in Gt. Torrington for the last 4 years and to employ and pay on account of the Chapter some person for making the required Copy and send the same to you at Ch. Ch. forthwith - I go to Scotland the 20th May and to [Lynn?] the 29 visiting R.Peel on my way home and hope to be here again the 16 or 17 or 18 late.
Parapet and Belfry all finished and looking magnificently Weather Cock Pivot returned this day made by the Chief Engineer at the Paddington Station, of Zinc revolving on Gun Metal which will not rust in 1000 years.

Pusey here

Ever Yours
Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/60 · Item · 13/15 Sep [1842]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Dear Bull,

Do you think the enclosed sufficient? or shall I ask for the sums paid for Poor Rate on all the Estates from 1833 to 1841 it shd. be more satisfactory than a partial statement of 3 Estates. I will write for a full statement if you desire it.
I am just returned from Yorkshire by Noble host made no allusion to [Elliker?] tho I led up to it 2 or 3 times but he said not a word. I shall be home more or less till [1 Oct?] The granit will be finished as to steps and parapet in a few days and look glorious[ly?] [?] is here.

W. Buckland

I send you my only copy of the London Mercury that you may read the Speeches of W. Harcourt and myself on [?] [?] Meeting at [?] and pray return it by next post while it will come free.


NZSL/BUC/1/28 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

C Stokes Esq
Greys Inn

Oxford [Feby?] 27 18--

My dear Sir
I saw Miss Morland yesterday who has just finished a Copy in Lithography of one of my [Munich?] prints [(a Hare and Cat!)?] which on the stone looks quite beautiful. She borrowed the stone of [Moser?] at Rowney and Forster and it will be sent up to town from Abingdon this evening. She has taken great pains with it and is naturally anxious that the impressions shd be taken off in the best manner possible. I have therefore promised her to beg the favor of your assistance in superintending this matter, and requesting you to order the first proof copy that is taken off to be send to you for your examination and approbation before any more are taken off. On receiving your first lot the whole impression be got through as quickly as possible. I have just heard from Paris that the machine substituting the Paste Board for them is not likely to answer and that the one they have tried at [?] does not succeed as well as they could wish. Have you decided yet what to do with your Trilobites? Somebody told me lately (not yourself) that you have resolved to send them to Brogniart I have some misgiving that and have a question in some letter of yours by me that is unanswered if so pray refresh my memory. I hope you rec'd by Certificates for the Linnean and have done the needful. When you see Webster pray tell him I have heard from Mr Lambert stating he wd have his Arrears at the Society paid up immediately. Pray how go on the Casts at Chantreys. He promised me some specimens of his different marbles which were to come through you for my lectures. Pray refresh his memory the first time you see him and if it be at his house and at a leisure hour you will perhaps have the kindness to assist in breaking off and packing the Specimens of a proper size for cabinets.

Yours very Truly
W. Buckland