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Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
SEC/7/2/43 · Dossier · 1870-1871
Fait partie de ZSL Secretaries

Letters from Francis Trevelyan Buckland of the Salmon Fisheries Office, to Philip Lutley Sclater

NZSL/BUC/1/77 · Pièce · 2 Jun 1860
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Letter to Sir Rod[eric]k Murchison 2 June

Horse Guards
2 June 1860

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date on the subject of the recommendation of Asst. Surgeon Buckland of the 2nd Life Guards by the Colonel of that Regiment to succeed to the Surgeoncy vacant by the death of Surgeon [Tardrew?] I have to state in reply that the appointment in question is under consideration and that it is very satisfactory to me to be assured of the favorable opinion which is entertained of Asst. Surgeon Buckland by the officers of his Regt. as well of his professional qualifications by Sir Benjamin Brodie
I am Sir

Letter from C Kingsley to Frank Buckland
NZSL/BUC/1/79 · Pièce · 17 [Jun] 1869
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Eversley Rectory

[June?] 17/69

My dear Mr. Buckland

I have been in such trouble and anxiety (all right now, thank God) that I have overlooked your letter. Many thanks for the Fisheries report most valuable full of sound sense: but what stupid people the English are. They will not see that Salmon food is a great national questions, like the cornlaws and must be carries, every one fielding his private rights for the common good. I have not read [?] [?] but I will. Meanwhile I beg to report to you [?] [?] to [?] My second specimen of Coronella Lovis, Coronella Austriaca. I suspect that he was at one time not uncommon here but killed by turf cutters as a Viper. He seems confined to these S. Eastern [moors?]. He may be an old pre-glacial form, as these moors were not submerged after the beginning of the glacial epoch, but as he has not spread over, side by side with the Natterjacks on my lawn, [?] late, just before the Straits of Dover were eaten through.

Yours ever

[C. Kingsley?]

NZSL/BUC/1/83 · Pièce · 19 Apr 1880
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

My address is:-
W. Postamt 30

19 April 1880

Dear Mr. Buckland
It was a great pleasure to receive your letter as a proof of your progressing recovery. Since I wrote last, we have worked hard to mend the plaster, & today a respectably recommended painter is at work to cover with color the mended portions, the cracks d(itt)o. No care was omitted when opening your boxes I was personally present. Never did I see a greater havoc as that which this short & easy journey had produced. The damage is practically irreparable. Alas! there is no hope, apparently of seeing the rest of your boxes in time for the Opening & for the Crown Prince’s official visit. My hope is that they may arrive in time to be shown to Their Majesties who have announced their visit for Thursday 22nd out of courtesy to their Son, & wishing to leave him the first place at the
opening ceremony, they have preferred not coming on the First Day. You will receive by next mail a Newspaper -! ‘Berliner Tageblatt’ containing a brief notice of your exhibits in an article which bears my name. The number is printed expressly in honour of the

I shall send you whatever comes under my notice in other papers

Let me confess to you (privately) that there is a rage a fury here against the English for having affronted Germany by refusing to take part in our Exhibition. I do my best to tranquillize the correspondents of English newspapers here, also who feel the approbrium cast upon England by that abstention. Lord ----Rupell/Russell I am informed is very much displeased too. Under the circumstances, it will be difficult to create anything like a kindly feeling here, unless you can come yourself & carry everything before you by your enthusiasm

Believe me
Yours very sincerely
Go Bunsen

NZSL/BUC/1/84 · Pièce · 5 May 1880
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Berlin W. 17 Maien Strasse
5.5 1880

Dear Sir

I have just sent off my catalogue to you per bookpost, all the exhibits that have arrived are marked by a cross (No1300 - 1358 ) The German Fishery Society having no Museum or Library could not give any space for things presented to them. But the “ Prussian Ministry of Agriculture” will be very glad to place the interesting reports kindly presented by you & Mr. S. Walpole in the library, and the present Exhibition building, which is destined for the “ Agricultural Museum” would be perfectly fitted to take in any exhibits presented to the “ Landwirtschaftliches Ministerium” as the present Exhibition takes place under the special auspices of Minister [Lucius?] & his right hand [Mr Marcaed?] Mr. Johnson will have let you know, that I am not able to find quite as many pictures & tables as marked on your list; perhaps the one or the other have remained behind? I count 4 (not 5) plans of Salmon passes & 4 (not 6) tables showing food of sea fish. The last fish was terribly broken, but has been perfectly repaired.

Believe me
Very truly yours
T. von Bunsen

NZSL/BUC/2/5 · Pièce · 9 Apr 1870
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

April 9 1870

Your Royal Highness

I must apologise for not having written to you before. I published a chapter on 'Gapes in Pheasants' in 'Land & Water' but we can not find it. I enclose you Mr. Bartlett's note to me on the subject which I think contains the information you require.
I have got Bartlett to write me an article on Water Fowl especially for Your Royal Highness's benefit. It is published in 'Land & Water' to-day and I trust will be of service to you. I have ordered the numbers of 'Land & Water' about the Hudson Bay furs to be sent to you

I remain
Yours most obedient

Frank Buckland

Sans titre
NZSL/BUC/2/10 · Pièce · 17 Jan 1873
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

Jan 17 1873

Your Royal Highness

I have made an anatomical examination of your pheasant and have reported on it in 'Land & Water' tomorrow Jan 18th. I will come to Windsor if your R.H. wishes any day, week if you will kindly give me notice. I have just received a basket with four pheasants allow me to thank you very much indeed for your great kindness

Yours most

Frank Buckland

I am going tomorrow with the Captain of an Arctic Whaling Ship to the Board of trade see if we can not get a treaty made between Norway, Denmark and England to prevent the fearful destruction of young Seals in March

Sans titre
NZSL/BUC/2/21 · Pièce · 27 Nov 1876
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Secretary of State and Home Department

Nov 27 1876

Your Royal Highness

I have taken the liberty of sending you some green Bearded Oysters grown by my friends the Messrs Wiseman of Paglesham, Rochford, Essex. These are the green Beards about which I wrote in 'The Times'

The green of the Beard is derived from the [sporales?] of the 'silkweed' a sample of which is enclosed. The Messrs Wiseman and myself wish to introduce them to the London Market. I think you will find them very good. I regret much that I was not able to attend Your Highness' commands at the Fish Museum I was away on duty enquiring into 'Crabs and Lobsters'
Your most
Frank Buckland

Sans titre
NZSL/BUC/2/34 · Pièce · 26 Feb [187-]
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

4 Old Palace Yard

Feb 26 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I beg to enclose you a note from Mr. Lee
The great sale of furs from Hudson's Bay Company will shortly take place and both Mr Lee and myself fancy that Your Royal Highness and perhaps also the Princess would like to examine these furs so I make bold to let you know that the sale will soon come on. I am much pleased to hear that you and the Princess approved of the young fish. The eggs that we took have now got young fish in them. A great triumph

Yours most Obedient

Frank Buckland

Sans titre
NZSL/BUC/2/38 · Pièce · 19 Apr [187-]
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

37 Albany St
Regents Park
April 19 [187-]

Your Royal Highness

I have been working away at the Fox and now send report. What I should like best would be for Morris to come up here any morning next week. As I find the skin etc. is not in a fit state to travel. If Morris will come please let me know and I will be ready for him. I should much like a consultation with him.

Yours most

Frank Buckland

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