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NZSL/BUC/2/50 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.

I have spoken to [Sleene/Keene?] about the live fish for Southport [Sleene/Keene?] says if you will kindly give the order he thinks he will be able to obtain the fish - and should you kindly allow it assist in their transport to Southport.
I beg to enclose you my account of Southport Aquarium that you may gave an idea of what sort of place it is.

Again thanking
Your Royal Highness very much
I remain
Yours most obliged

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/2/52 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Land & Water
OFFICE 169 Fleet St


Your Royal Highness

I have brought down for your inspection the Salmon that was caught at Gravesend yesterday. I am most anxious that you should see it.
With your permission I will call with it to-day at Frogmore about 6-0pm I am now going down the river with Menzies.

Your most obedient

Frank Buckland

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
NZSL/BUC/1/66 · Item · 9 Dec 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

My dear Sir

I have received and I need not say with much thankfulness your Lecture on the Potato Disaster and its Remedies which you had the great kindness to direct to me. The malady is so dreadful and the manner in which you have treated it, is so admirable that I am at a loss to tell you with how much interest I have read it and how greatly I feel myself indebted to you on the occasion. Here in Norfolk, I am much happy to say, the disaster does not appear to be by any means so prevalent or destructive as in most other places. Different people give me very different statements; but on the whole I quite infer that not a fourth part of the crop is destroyed. Lord Gosford too writes me work from Armagh that, tho in the varying reports brought him, he can [?] to no certain result he has reason to hope the evil has been greatly exaggerated by report; and so will send [?] from the [opposite?] County of Cork, that even if it amounts to a third, which he doubts, there is still no ground for doom inasmuch as they always exported that proportion of their produce to England. You give me great comfort by the assurance that the disease, is not new but frequent in Canada, on which point I will write to Lord Gosford and try to learn somewhat from [?] [?] whom I expect here tomorrow, and it is needless to add that, if I have anything likely to interest you, I will not fail to communicate it. But your lecture is so charming and full of interest from beginning to end, that if I want to allow myself to set about praising you here, thanking you there, and in another place begging for information or expressing a doubt I feel I shd never have done. One only point I therefore will mention, if I do it in [?] quality of another of the Lichenographic Brittanica and consequently jealous for the honour of the Lichens that, if my memory serves and Sir John Franklin did not live entirely without food, but found considerable support from the Umbilicaria that he gathered from the rocks. You will excuse my taking this opportunity of congratulating you, as I do still more heartily the country upon your appointment to the Dean of Westminster. This will bring you and me within 5 hours of each other and I trust I shall often have the pleasure of meeting you, and occasionally of receiving you and Mrs Buckland at this house. In the midst of the present distress Yarmouth has been surprisingly favoured. Our merchants have just concluded the most prosperous fishing known in the memory of man. They tell me too that herrings are [?] good, to which verdict I shall be glad if you can [?] in that hope. I took the liberty of [?] a small cask of them to you yesterday. Sir Joseph Banks sent to tell me he got none equally good as those I sent him, to find you repeat the same will be a great pleasure to my dear Sir
Ever most truly with the greatest
esteemed regards
[?] Turner

NZSL/BUC/1/79 · Item · 17 [Jun] 1869
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Eversley Rectory

[June?] 17/69

My dear Mr. Buckland

I have been in such trouble and anxiety (all right now, thank God) that I have overlooked your letter. Many thanks for the Fisheries report most valuable full of sound sense: but what stupid people the English are. They will not see that Salmon food is a great national questions, like the cornlaws and must be carries, every one fielding his private rights for the common good. I have not read [?] [?] but I will. Meanwhile I beg to report to you [?] [?] to [?] My second specimen of Coronella Lovis, Coronella Austriaca. I suspect that he was at one time not uncommon here but killed by turf cutters as a Viper. He seems confined to these S. Eastern [moors?]. He may be an old pre-glacial form, as these moors were not submerged after the beginning of the glacial epoch, but as he has not spread over, side by side with the Natterjacks on my lawn, [?] late, just before the Straits of Dover were eaten through.

Yours ever

[C. Kingsley?]

NZSL/BUC/1/87 · Item · 17 Jun 1880
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

June 17th 1880

My dear Sir

Allow me most heartily to congratulate you on your success here. I have had great pleasure in looking over your exhibit, though I do know most of the objects, having seen them in company with yourself. I have just returned from the presentation of prizes
by the Crown Prince, and had great pleasure in hearing your name honourably mentioned as the winner of a gold medal. I was still more pleased to hear from Herr v Bunsen that you are vy much better. I sincerely hope you will vy soon be in your usual
good health again. I am making some WORD observations here which are proving vy interesting. You, and Mr Walpole shall have the result when I pass through London on my way home

With kind regards, and best wishes for your speedy recovery
Believe me
Yours truly