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Letter to Mrs Buckland
NZSL/BUC/1/2 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Dear Mrs Buckland

I beg to offer for Miss Marianne’s acceptance a knitted cap I purchased at Meeda in 27 it was the work of the little Babes of the Ecole Primaire established by the Beguines. Pray shew it Mr Duncan whenever the christening takes place I shall beg to offer a X-tening robe to therefore spare your working fingers. I send the Professor of Pomology 2 specimens of Profane apples grown in this Park (very good keepers) & 1 specimen of Religious apple given me by the B(isho)p of B(ath) & Wells. I shall be glad to see my pocket book as soon as Mr. Duneen has [?] me his contribution- Mr Bragge has been our guest all this week & went to drink tea with us last night to see a great curiosity - an ancient Beauty the dow(age)r Lady Pembroke the [?] [?] of Geo.3. I send a roll of L[or]d [Powis’s]? hot water plan I don’t want it returned

Letter to Mrs Buckland
NZSL/BUC/1/20 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs. Buckland
Ch Ch

The Milmans
Saturday 29
Postmark 1844

My Dear Mary

I stop over tomorrow and hope to return in the evening about 10 or 11 by [mail?] for the Meeting on Monday. I go to Babbage this evening,

Ever yours

If I come not Saturday Eve I shall do so by the 1st train on Monday morning

Letter to Mrs Buckland
NZSL/BUC/1/76 · Item · 25 Jul [1859]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Rhyl[l] July 25 [1859]

My dear Mrs Buckland

I shall be happy to see you at 6 Pall Mall on Wednesday next at 3pm
If you will send me a line there saying what time will suit you.

I am [?]
Most truly
Your [?]

NZSL/BUC/1/36 · Item · 19th century
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

6 Jany [18?]

To Mrs. Buckland
Ch. Ch.

My dear Mary

I go Friday morning to Cirencester with John who will return to Oxford with me Saturday to sleep at our house in the best Bed Room and dine Saturday with [Daubeny?] to meet Dr. Graham and Professor Johnson.
A good meeting last eve.

Ever yours
Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/63 · Item · 23 Jan 18[44]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Miss Morland
2 Godfrey [?]

Oxford 23 Jan 18[44]

My dear M

I will thank you to put the conditions specified in the 2 following pages with a more legal form and to send the draft of the same to me for perusal together with this Paper in the course of a day or so and that a fair copy may be returned to be by Saturday Eve which I may take to Marsh to be signed on Monday next by [hole in paper] [Mr B] and me
Truly yrs
Wm. Buckland

By how many witnesses should the signatures to supplementary agreement be [appended?]

The following Supplementary Agreement was made this day between the Rev. Dr Buckland and Mr William Buckland of Marsh Gibbon whereas it is stipulated in the agreement between the dated 2 of Sept 1843 and the s[ai]d Dr B shall allow the said W B out of his 2 years Rent the sum of £50 for extra labor in levelling all the Mounds, Banks, Headlands and Ridges and filling up the old ditches and quarries and in raising the furrows and other acts of husbandry necessary to correct and make uniform and complete the fragments of Pasture and Arable that are now [?] but such allowance to the words "H[o]us[e]maidlike Manner" it is now further agreed the place of these indefinite conditions the following shall be [?] viz that whatever sims of money shall be with consent of Dr Buckland in writing money shall be expended in manual labour. For the above named purposes by Mr B and an account of thereof in writing given to Dr B within 1 month after the expenses [?] [?] one half thereof shall be repaid by [?] [?] Dr Buckland out of Rent and with [?] in case Mr B shall not continue on the farm after 29 Feb 1847.
...another fourth part of the total sum so expended shall be repaid by Dr B out of the Rent of the 4th year and further that whatever earth be removed by waggons and carts and horses by Mr B with consent of Dr B in writing and for any of the above [?] [?] the entire cost of horsses and drivers and cars and waggons shall be borne by W B and the entire cost of labor for filling the carts shall be repaid by Dr Buckland to Mr B and it is further agreed that whereas Dr Buckland since the 29 Sept 1843 has purchased 2 more lots of land on the North side of his farm one called long [medal nice?] and measuring 7 1/2 Acres and another lot called The Breath and measuring 5 1/2 Acres the two lots of land shall be rented by Mr B for 4 years ending 29 Sept 1847 at the same price per acre and under the same conditions and modifications therof as to every respect as the [150?] Acres mentioned in the above [?] agreement to which this is a Supplement instead of the indefinite Clause that I shd allow £50 for levelling mounds and filling ditches, quaries etc. if done to my satisfaction substitute a new Clause that I shall pay for the labor of filling such carts and waggons as Mr B shall furnish without charge for them or further Horses and Drivers for the purpose of hauling such mounds and banks of earth as shall be removed by carts and waggons for the purpose of levelling and filling up Ditches and other [?] on the farm also shall have gratis such turfs as may be cut or [?] on my part of [?] [?] of turfing any sorts of any field that may be selected by Dr B the turf to be cut and laid down at the cost of Dr B except the hauling of the same.

NZSL/BUC/1/23 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections


My dear Mary

We are all well and trust you are better and the little ones. We go Monday morning to London and if Edward goes up that morning we hope to meet him there at Mr [Chaplin's?]
Will you send up my letters to me by Sunday eve's post at Ship Hotel [?] [?]

Ever yours
W. Buckland

Let Frank's letters come too

NZSL/BUC/1/42 · Item · 21 May [?]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs Buckland

21st May

My Dear Mary

The dinners may be on the 9th and 11th will you send the Invitations. I hope to return from [Swansea?] Thursday and go to Oxford Saturday leaving Charterhouse Friday. I forward to-day to Mr. Milman the Book recd. from Mrs Gaisford by Frank

Ever yours


Did you get the basket of fruit

Wednesday 9th June is a meeting of the Geological Soc. which may interfere with some of your list will not [Monday?] and Saturday be better days if the invitations are not gone out

NZSL/BUC/1/46 · Item · 13 Dec 18[-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs. Buckland

31 Dec 18--

My Dear Mary

In the [?] [?] of the weather there may be risk of taking cold by exposure to it. I had better continue here to arrange Papers that must require attention. [Mr Saumaurez?] wrote to Mr Arrowsmith proposing that he should take the duty at Islip and begin his [?] on the 13 Jany. I have a note today from him accepting by Invitation to the Rectory for a day or 2 on his arrival and in reply I invite him to arrive on the 12th to take his first Sunday on the 13th.
I hope the frost will have ended before the 12th. You had better not think of moving while the weather continues in its [?] severity. I had no memorandum of money advanced on [?] to poor [fellow?] nor do I remember to what time I paid him last but his Bill is in my Tin Box at Islip in a Packet labelled Paid Bills by next post Pray forward a large letter from Oxford for Mr Lawlor sealed properly with a silvered [wafer?] it is Mr Lawlor's Gas [?] which I should return to him immediately. It will be the size of a large sheet of foolscap.

Ever Your affect.

Wm. Buckland

[Date?] I am not worse as to health

NZSL/BUC/1/21 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs Buckland

Dear Mary

In the Dining Room Right Hand Corner of Hall down among 10 Maps is one 3 feet long in a Brown [?] with a red tape round it is a Map of Berks. and Oxford wh. send by [?] to

Yours Very Truly

Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/18 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Mrs Buckland
Ch. Ch.

Shrewsbury Monday

My Dear Mary

I got your letter at Bangor Saturday and mean to stay this day in the neighbourhood of Salop and hope to be in Oxford Tuesday Eve by Birmingham coach about 8. Mr Sopwith is gone to meet Mr [Baddell?] near Wolverhampton

Ever yours
