Correspondence between Geoffrey Marr Vevers and Kathleen Goddard, and letter of introduction from David Seth-Smith, regarding the sale of a budgerigar
Out-letters of Peter Chalmers Mitchell
Letter to David Seth Smith to put on record that the Council of the Zoological Society of London wishes consultation to take place between the Superintendent, Curator of Mammals and Birds, and the Assistant Treasurer regarding expenses
Memorandum by the Secretary for a Council Meeting of the Zoological Society of London, on topics including general finance, capital account and loan, salaries of officers, the House and Library Committee, Publication Committee, Garden Guide, Zoological… read more
Photocopies of correspondence and obituary for David Seth Smith
Notes by the Secretary and David Seth Smith on plans for a Parrot House at the Zoological Society of London
Report by the Secretary on the Refreshment Department
Report by the Curator of Mammals and Birds following his attendance at the International Ornithological Congress in Rouen and Paris
Report by David Seth-Smith, the Curator of Mammals and Birds to the War Emergency Committee, regarding reducing the stock of animals
Report on the Aquarium to the War Emergency Committee