Correspondence with Guy Mountfort, Director of Mather & Crowther Limited, regarding visits for schools, advertising and publicity, a party for charity to be held in the Gardens, Granada animal films and ratings, and a gift of a book with old engravings of the Zoo
Memos, minutes and agendas of meeting between the Zoological Society of London and Granada TV
Correspondence between Granada and Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between Granada and Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between Granada and Zoological Society of London
Correspondence and papers regarding employees of the Zoological Society of London not receiving profit from their connection with the Society, proposed expeditions, and contracts and agreements
Correspondence and filming schedules for Zoo Time at the Zoological Society of London
Papers relating to Granada administration, including correspondence, filming schedules and memorandums
Papers and correspondence regarding the termination of the contract between Granada and the Zoological Society of London
Papers, correspondence and agreements regarding the establishment of a Television and Film Unit at the Zoological Society of London