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Owen, Richard
SEC/2/1/61 · Dossier · 1833-1835
Fait partie de ZSL Secretaries

Letters from Richard Owen regarding remarks on Bennett's edition of White's Natural History of Selborne, proofs of Bennett's paper with appreciation of his opinion on the value of Ousimile on Macr. Porryi, additions and alterations to notes on Hyrax, his omitted note of the salivary bags of the Armadillo from the written report of its dissection, MS of Clavagella, plans of the Monkey House and whether it is heated by hot air or steam, arrangements at the Garden to facilitate repetition and extension of experiments by Mr Hunter in 1725/6/7 to determine the relations subsisting between Wolf, Jackall and Dog, examination of 'your little feli-viverrine quadruped, bones of Touraco and drawings of Terebratala for the Zoological Society of London, East India Goats for sale by Mr Evans Riadone, an introduction to Mr Meade, a senior student at St Bartholomew's and a comparative anatomist and articulator of skeletons who wished to become a candidate for the College of Surgeons curatorship, and a request for Bennett to check a reference to 'Zoologie de la Caquille'

Owen, Richard Sir
SEC/5/1/3 · Pièce · 1840
Fait partie de ZSL Secretaries


My dear Ogilby

Your letter came to me while I was at Cambridge - I am sorry I cannot be at the Committee tonight: tho points I have to offer to your and the Committee's notice respecting the big birds bone are simply my conviction that it is an extinct Struthious Bird about the age of the Dodo. It is [associated] in interest with the Apteryx from the same locality - a short paper and one plate.

Believe me
ever your truly
Rd. Owen

Tuesday Morng.

Owen, Richard, Sir
SEC/6/45 · Dossier · 1851-1858
Fait partie de ZSL Secretaries

Letters from Sir Richard Owen to David William Mitchell regarding the cost of keeping elephants, his attendance at meetings of the Council of the Zoological Society of London, and his consent to act as Vice President

NZSL/HOD/5/4/5 · Pièce · 23 Dec 1844
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Dec 23rd 1844
R[oya]l College of Surgeons

Dear Sir,

I am requested by the President of the College to express to you the pleasure with which the College will receive the osteological specimens of the animals of Nepal and Tibet which you have liberally offered to present to the College and to state that the earliest leisure which I can [command?] will be devoted to the examination of such specimens and the deduction of the inferences as to the natural affinities and habits of the species, in order to furnish you with the information you are desirous to possess. The visit to the Museum with which you favoured me on Friday may have afforded you some means of judging of the probably advantage to Science and to the furtherance of your own investigations of the Fauna of Nepal and Tibet which may accrue by the deposition of your osteological collections in the Hunterian Museum. I need scarcely add that the expense of package and [transmission?] will be defrayed by the College, and I remain
Dear Sir
Yours truly

B.H. Hodgson Esq
Richd Owen

NZSL/HOD/5/4/10 · Pièce · [6] Jan 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Canterbury Jan [6] 1845

To Professor Owen
College of Surgeons

My dear Sir,

I have the pleasure to acknowledge your letter of the 23 Ulto in reply relative to my osteological Collections averting to what you told me upon the occasion of my visit to the Museum of the College of Surgeons (viz that your space is very limited and your object, merely to exhibit the more striking diversities of structure in the animal Kingdom) I am afraid that my osteological Collection, which is very extensive and abounds in individual specimens, is unsuited to your institution and, as the British Museum has agreed to receive it I have determined to send the whole of the bones as well as the skins there, at least in the first instance and pending such ultimate arrangements as may seem most fitting. In every event I have provided that such of the duplicates shall be at your disposal for the College of Surgeons as that institution may desire to possess and I trust I may yet indulge the hope of obtaining the benefit of your opinion relative to the Collection

  • 1049 Specimens

Believe me
Yrs very truly
B.H. Hodgson

Owen, Richard, Sir
SEC/7/15/6 · Dossier · 1864-1881
Fait partie de ZSL Secretaries

Letters from Sir Richard Owen to Philip Lutley Sclater on subjects such as plates of the Dodo, papers on bird bones, notes on the dissection of a penguin, cetacean drawings, chambered shells, drawings of birds from Madras, photographs of harpagornis and his papers on diornis