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NZSL/HOD/5/5/42 · Pièce · 18 Oct 1849
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Tungu Oct 18/49

Dear B

We arrived here three days ago and have been regularly storm-staid ever since with rain and snow at 13,000ft! and no signs of the weather clearing up. I gave October a bad name last year and am not inclined to with-draw it for this. Campbell now says October is always a bad month. I have not had worse weather than this all the time I have been out. We have no news whatever having followed the old road thus far and very bad Campbell found it. He is however charmed with the scenery and the total dissimilarity between the Temperate zone of the Inner and outer ranges. The P.S. he has not seen yet. I was not aware when writing about the Machoo that you had received my definite information about the Machoo taking an independent course to the plains - Campbell tells me of it and all I can say is what I told you before, that I at once give wat to any oral information on the subject it was in the absence of any information that I [?] that if my two authorities Nimbo and [Dablang?] on your notice. Campbell is a truly splendid fellow in the jungles and has thrown all his advice, counsel etc etc etc to me to the Thibetan [?] and behaves in every respect the antagonist to what I did very properly I think for my civility forbearance and endeavour to carry out C's advice did no good whatever. On my arrival here a few minutes after himself, I found him storming at the ruffianly Peppon, frothing with fury and swinging his riding cane over the man's head. The Singtam Soubah he has never spoken to but in anger, has abused and frightened the poor D out of his small senses and finally sent him down yesterday with a flea in his ear. He has struck a final powerful blow at all these insolent dogs and I do nothing but trust him on his former advices to me. He never would believe till he saw them what sort of men these are and I think repents having refused me power to carry out this, the only [?] of policy. The Tcheba Lama is a [trump?] behaves admirably the victory over the Peppon who care not for Rajah, Lama or Cheen [?] is I hope complete. If he does not bring the Chinese guard down on Campbell as he did on me two months ago, we may do a little meanwhile we are storm-stair with a vengeance and my mind is made up fully as to diversity of climate between Sikkim and the N.W. I have had no good weather since the 23rd Sept. - and that this month i.e. middle of Sept. to middle of Octob is rainy all the way to Dijauli is undeniable. Campbell rejoices my heart with long accounts of your well looking, he says he formally refused, having me as a mediator or judge in the matter and as you say nothing about it. I am at a loss how to proceed. He C arrived at Choongtam a mere shadow as white as a sheet sunken eyes, cheeks and livid lips feeble and complaining utterly knocked to pieces in the hot valleys. I should not have known him any where else now he is rapidly recovering health strength and looks. Pray say nothing of this he is greatly alarmed lest his wife hear of it. Campbell's spirit, judgement decision and promptness here charm me, what a contrast to all is advice and sermons to me from Dorjiling. He evidently did not believe one word of my report on the authorities, either on their actions or motives and so I tell him soundly. He is as happy as the day is long. I want for nothing so pray trouble no more on account of stores. How I wish you could eat [?] veal with us it would make your hair curl as you say. I hope to be in with Campbell but must wait till the Rhod. seeds are ripe and they are as yet quite green. Campbell brings as bad a [?] of [?] as you give. There must be a screw loose about your people sending to Nepal for paper - mine went and returned last August in 17 days [Jones?] told the same story last year, they do this and the print batch sent last year have never been heard of since neither men, paper or money - I would not allude to this but that Campbell says you have [?] [?] [?] amongst your people. No news from home or elsewhere.

Yrs ever [?] [?]

Jos. D. Hooker

NZSL/HOD/5/5/43 · Pièce · 14 Oct 1849
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Tungu Oct 14/49

My dear Brian
I wrote to you two days ago and [?] night your welcome letter of Sept 30th arrived with the Atheneum. We have had and have wretched weather. Yesterday we accomplished the base of Kinchin Jhow having a miserably defective view of the Mts. very early in the morning. Campbell is enchanted and surprised with the country as different as possible from what he had seen before [?] the Thibetans had left [Phllung?] only two days before. So he lost a glimpse of those curious people. I got a very few plants and seeds of some Rhododendrons measured the height of the turnip caulk making it as before about 16,000ft. Of zoology my dear B I really can hardly tell you any thing. I am trying to convince Campbell of my glacier moraines but he cannot see why a transported [?] of [?] should not be created of the form and position it occupies!!! always as now related to the surface of Mother Earth!!! so that till I get him to the glaciers I doubt making much progress - I ran my eye over [Murchison's?] paper which as you remark is altogether illustrative of the Himal. but I do not observe much in it that has not been previously elucidated and it was to previous descriptions of the alps moraines that I pointed for proof of the Himal. terraces and boulders being due to ice and water. I [?] those two are conclusive proof [scratchiness?] pm the rocks and [shells?] on the terraces and that with the big headed stony [?] Deans and Doctors of Europe will be fatal to all my theories. It is in vain you will see for me to plead that shells are not necessary in that the native mineral [comp?] and arrangement of particles in this contorted [guise?] is incapable of receiving scratches or retaining them. The geological [beasts?] will let you view a mountain or [?] a [?] from Heaven to Hades if you ground your speculations on their dogma. I am too not a little disgusted with the sameness and uninteresting nature of the Himals. having quite expected sedimentary beds with fossil, granites and other rock formations near to the plains of Thibet instead of an indefinite prolongation of this cursed [?] all the way. I firmly believe to [Shjatyi?] for the pebbles I take from the Bhoteas bags of salt are all [?] To return to the moraines I trace them down every valley at above 12,000ft their position and length and height varying according to circumstances. In the Lachoong Valley I trace them in formation along the flanks of the glacier at 17,000ft down thence to 12,000ft continuous all the way and gigantic at the lower elevations. The terraces are thence continuous as I believe down to the plains of India. As to epoch of elevation relative [?] or unlucky whether of sea or land and the relations between the change from cold to warmer and from sea to land that we have no evidence to [?] short of a speculation upon, Nor would what Murchison advances for the Alps (fossil coniferous wood) avail us - he you see sticks to the old Dogma of fossil coniferous wood implying necessary a temperate climate and he also has shells of the glacial epoch upon which to substantiate claims to chronological divisions of time and direction of elevations and retirements we have nothing of the kind, and if as I cannot disprove the [?] slates and [oversee?] our sandstones at the foot of the hills - we are in a hopeless mess. That point (the foot of the hills) is now the point for further examination and the limestone beds of [Salgam?] and Thomson's fossil stills of the Ladak region are the only keys we have besides Falconer's fossils. Had we rocks of different comp to the Himal. some thing might be done, but there is not a boulder along the outer range or along all the plains that shows any internal evidence of having come further than from the nearest hills. Whether the great naked blocks of rocks lying on top of Dorjiling hill valleys are derived from the [?] rock is that they were floated out by icebergs and deposited as the Jura blocks were and as the granite blocks over the Antarctic near [?] are so much I shall publish with, little more detail as [?] so much the geologists of England may break their heads and their manners, I expect no favor and seek no compliments a [?] man will follow me say down the terraces to [?] levels and find in the moraines points of such perfect similarity to the Alps do. (which I have never seen and therefore cannot illustrate) that the [?] would will believe, and then only your good and generous adieu fixes me on Nepal wither Thomson will accompany me [?] and I only wait Lord D's answer (and wrote [Courteney?] and the [?] of the Durbar - I am quite glad you approve of my plan and can [?] so very many more good arguments in it's favor [Shalgum?] It is up the highest mountain for me to see if I can get to the [Lime?] in situ and not be put off with boulders washed down from Thibet - I must get to some very stringent [?] about the frontier Bhoteas who care not for the Rajah of Nepal and will [?] and grievously mar my plans. Meteorology I will dwell on anon just now I send you the imperfect list of trees of the region which I will fill up when I get to my books, I think we may safely as heretofore limit the Tropical zone to 4-5000 Temperate to 10,000 and Alpine, Arctic etc to 19,000ft on these back ranges and to 17,000 in the main. Strachey did not come with the Atheneum. I write to Jenkins about [Tawang?] should Lord D fail me about Nepal but have no hopes in that quarter and will not tempt the [?]

Ever your affectionate
J.D. Hooker

Campbell is very ill with having been up to 16,000ft yesterday and was vomiting all night. The little Lama is also knocked up and various of the party, so that I am you see 'cock of the walk'. C is still game to go up to 19,000

NZSL/HOD/5/5/47 · Pièce · 16 Dec 1849
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Dec 16/49

Dear old Brian

Stuck in the [mud] by all things beautiful and I cannot yet change my notion that nothing but [?] will get us out of this. Dewan has camped here, utterly non plussed he has called the Kajis and Soubahs to council but they won't budge to come here and are now trying to get all the blame and responsibility upon his shoulders. The Singtam Soubah and Gangtok Kaji's brother, who were (all along I insisted to Campbell) send in as scapegoats will not turn up. Dewan says "why should I go in alone who have done nothing!" Luckington has we understand X I do hope it is only a request but we have no authentic news X written to the Dewan asking what he is concerned about, if so I don't wonder that Dewan is non plussed, for my impression all along was and is that this fellow was coming to submit and to hand up G. Kaji and S.S. as peace offerings. Now he has involved himself too much and the said accomplices or rather dupes are [?] [?] and if they do any thing will be ready to show that the Dewan plotted all their [seizure[ months and months ago.
The [?] too hampered Dewan grievously. Campbell stopped his whole investment last year when [?] he the Dewan would not produce the Rajah and he very naturally expects a similar course now to be pursued. All hands are utterly at their wits end on account of a new Commissioner having come up to D- they expected to have to do with [?] alone. As to the pres. in Council's letter they do not give one [?] for it that and all similar threats gain no credence whatever. The rumours of soldiers frighten them a great deal but they never will believe that we can cross either Rungert or Teesta till we do it as to sending us in, that the Dewan swears he will not do such are my present impressions I should not be surprised if we were taken or sent tomorrow to Dorjiling or to Tumloong for such a senseless brute as this never breathed, the deeper he gets involved the more helplessly obstinate he becomes. We were made very uneasy this morning by one of the [Dacock?] [?] being taken suddenly and violently ill during his meal. with what C says are all the peculiar symptoms of bikh poisoning. Dewan was sitting in our tent when it happened the brute [bores?] our lived out and went with us to the man. I had his unfinished rice kept and we have him [smart] emetics - all the rejectaments I also kept and sent [?] to the Dewan for the day to eat all up he sent me at once but nothing happened the beast who was duly thankful for the "repast" I thought this the best plan of allaying suspicions on the Dewan's part if our dreading foul play which would only complicate matters. As it is he all but gave me an [?] in the [?] where we had a man regularly knocked down by it. He is out of all sight the nastiest meanest most [?] brute I ever came across - but when he chooses very agreeable and has no small store of the information I want. The Lama does all he can to put matters square, but the two hate one another like cat and dog and shew that there is no love lost between them. Very many thanks for your goodness to [Mr. Thuman?] we must have him up for [?] and Chittagong via Jenkins and the [Khapye?] [?] you go that way. I cannot be ready until I get all my collections sent down to Calcutta and my character cleared by Luckington as a land [?] what is the natural impression that all must adopt who do not know the circumstances I am to stand Godfather to Campbell's new child as if I had not sins more of my own. I shall "renounce the Dewan and all his works" I take it very kind of the Campbell's to wish it. I send you some of my father's letters [?[ the little chart won't do at all. I expressly ordered him not to publish it. Don't for God'sake trouble yourself about my misunderstandings I thank you from the bottom of my soul for your grand frankness and gentleness
Archie sends his love
Yr. ever affectionate
J.D. Hooker

Please shew [Thuman/Thurman?] my father's letters. I have always forgot about Nepal paper my good fellow I never dreamed what you were about in taking the [responsibility?] as well as trouble of that - If you can I should like 6 loads be sent for; but I suppose you can hardly get coolies at this juncture

NZSL/HOD/5/5/50 · Pièce · 5 Apr 1850
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

April 5/1850

My dear Brian

I have just received your long and kind letter of the 29th Thuman will tell you how I have failed about Nepaul and thereby being convinced of the honesty of J.B. there is of course nothing for me to say or do but to dismiss the subject from my mind. I have failed in my double object of getting a good thing for Thuman and another for us both and there's an end on't. As to politics I fear I cannot give you much news further than that the general impression I had at Dorjiling appears to have been shared here. The affair is settled and however unsatisfactorily, so settled that it cannot now be remedied and as in my own case of failure the lease said the better. Lord D has not alluded to you in any thing he has said to me, he has wholly concerned himself with the later proceedings and in an affair so complicated and which I could not myself give a very clear account of this appears all the better to me. I do hate these politics, if as nothing further is to be done at present. I do not like to enquire about the matter even of Elliott and Grey. I have seen a great deal and like them both very much indeed they have interested themselves very warmly in my affair and most kindly opened their homes and offices to me at all hours [Halliday?] I have seen less of and never called upon as I should have and hope to yet. In [?] Sir F[rederick] Currie I called on and had a long chat with or rather with Lady C who I knew better but I of course eschewed Sikkim politics [sedulously?] I met the [Taylors/Taylers] again tonight and am greatly pleased with [Jessie?] who is I think a very charming girl. Mrs. T. looks remarkably well. [Taylor/Tayler] has no chance of [?] bench nor of a [?] judgeship for many months so that he must stick to the old trade for a year longer he has seriously [retrenched?] within these few days he tells me and the [grey/gay?] season being now over, no doubt has taken the right time. He certainly is one of the most engaging men I ever met. [Miss Bevis?] I have met several times but rather stand in awe of to tell the truth from all I hear which is however [?] gossip. I dined with F Colvile yesterday he made many enquiries after you and had a very pleasant party to meet [Thoresby/Thornly?] and myself. Colvile is writing to you about the money which he thinks should be reserved for the purposes of the book after all, but will I think return it to you in the meantime. I forget whether I told you that I called on and communed lengthily with [Bethune?] should I express a decided wish or intention, but is it fair to presume on a young Lady in every way my equal, in many my superior? As to money I have good news having examined my books at Findlays find upwards of 8000 rupees to therefore to last through 1850. I have laid my [?] for Tuesday at 6 [?] from this, the earliest moment I could screw it out.
My Dates and Routes are
My Dates & Routes are
APRIL 9TH leave Calcutta 6
10th - Kishnagur 3
10th - Berhampore 3
12th - Purbuttypore 3
13th - Dinagepore 3
16th - Titalgar 3
I now must be getting on with my letters for England. I have still hopes for Nepal on Jung Bahadur's return, but that must depend on my Father, and Miss Henslow should have her say. He you know wants my presence and [?] [?] at home but there I want the means of [?] together for £100 of my own. Miss H's patience and perfect consideration for my reputation have been tried enough I anticipate no [?] from her. At Titalgar I shall hope to hear from you and if you and Capbell can kindly manage perhaps I should reach [Pembabeery?] early on the morning of the 15th. The Colviles are all well and charming. We had a delightful party last night. The [Taylors/Taylers?], F. Luckington, [Thoresby/Thornly?], Miss [Bevis], Welby and Miss Jackson, Mr and Mrs. [M] who I vastly like, divers Elliotts of sorts some 20 in all at table. I played by cards to take in Miss [Taylor/Tayler] who is my rose of England in India but was stupid enough to be cut out by old [Thoresby/Thornly] to me intolerable chagrin! I wish to heavens you had come down here with me - all your friends wanted it too there and here.
You have just waited until you get another attach - my dear Brian what a pity that is - why will you throw yourself away in that fashion. You order me with all affection to avoid [?] road to Nepal at this season. Had I thought of it your advice and wishes would have been all sufficient to put it off. Why will you not then also listen to the dictates of prudence and the clamerous voice of affection from all quarters here you would have been quite comfortable, happy and made much of, there you are uncomfortable and ill.
But i must stop of India Correspondence for the English just now [?]

Yours ever affectionately
J.D. Hooker

NZSL/HOD/5/5/55 · Pièce · [n.d.]
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

...paper. Here there is no such excuse, and the rarity of grapes in the Alpine region is wholly a mystery to me. as also of [Legun?] and Campbell this a fact. and that is all I can say and it diminishes the Himal flora by good [1000] species I cannot doubt. I doubt not I shall like your [?] as I wholly adopt your notices of the general features of Thibet [?] the plains N. of this which we have not discussed for God's sake don't harrass me with the [?] of my letters such as that about abolishing the Himal. I do wish you had waited till I had been to Doubiah. I speak truth that I have 10 times more pleasure in, giving you and indeed in [?] for you these results than I ever shall have in [?] them. myself, so you must please me and make a supplement [?] Turner's sheds and [?] rightly with mine. This tremendous [?] is enough to [?] anyone and I do not wonder at T's silence about [snowy] mts. which he must have had all the way to Dijauli and in sight of the [Road] Cathcart is a [Judas?] he knows quite well that I asked expressly for the Annals a two-penny-half penny periodical costing a shilling a month in which my journal is promoted. Thomson's and others and I believe I expressly mentioned not, the magazine, an expensive [?] cold work. He [?] answered that he was afraid of the Annals and Magazine being [soiled?] he takes the same [handle] to you n'importe it is too late and the old [?] may help this/these book/books it was only the shilling book I asked for - I forgot to tell you I have a copy of it from my Father to you. It is down at Yeumtang and I will send it as soon as it arrives here so we neither want Cathcart's [Stellee and Plantie?] what [?]. I never ate such Tabasco. I have had a nice present from manufacturers of equal flavoured but never got such! [?] [?]. If the top ones are not only samples there never was such material on sale. I expect they were sent to Wilson because too big for ordinary me one [?] what am I to say about the magnificent donation of the picture? for which I am equally indebted to yourself and Tayler. I am quite overcome about it for I know T himself valued it very highly indeed I certainly should have chosen by Father as the recipient but for your gallant hint and offer of [?] the [?] [Lenelle?] propria mana which [?] the thing and I joyfully accept ten thousand thanks, they will be delighted at home with it, all hands
Sept 28
Dear B
I thought I would just run and look at the Pass view again, before sending this, so though finishing the answer to your of the 12th I [interculate] the date 28th I spent all day there
yesterday and have little alteration to make to my previous report. Cholamoo [?] looks like [?] is certainly not 3/4 mile long perhaps not 1/2 mile. It is not a geographical feature of any importance (like Turner) It [neither?] [?] the way back of the hollow between Doubiah and K. Jhow and sends a tiny rill to meet the Lachen which flows from the N.W. face of Doubiah. This about 800ft below the top of the Pass, a [?] good guess is Campbell's route. As to Thibet beyond Cholomoo, and East and W of Cholamoo, I had a superb view for 1000ft above the Pass it is a tremendous country. I levelled 5 or 7 places between W. and N. where not peaks but groups all were. I doubt not 20,000ft, more probably some 22,000ft. The snow which before the [?] and during them lay 4 feet for [?] [?] N. of Doubiah is now all gone and there is much less snow than I ever saw. The Thibetan rains are over - some of the mountains I saw are certainly north of Dejauli - The first great range beyond Cholomoo is that of [Kambajang?] no where rising to P.S. [Perpetual Snow] but they tell me nearly as high as Doubiah and it appears on the level it is probably 28" 15' or thereabouts: immediately beyond a [?] broken ridge rises to P.S. in two great groups N. N. W. and [N. W. and N?] or there away, Beyond [?] others to the most distant horizon. Little specks of white beyond the Tsampa viewed with the telescope revealing [?] and great plains of snow miles long N.W. the mountains are tremendous and very distant. I do assure you the whole view has staggered me to the last degree, nay stupefied me for I need to say that supposing the mean level to be 15,000ft the [?] rising snows [?] looking down from 19,000

NZSL/HOD/5/2/2 · Pièce · 6 Jul 1836
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To Brian H. Hodgson Esq
Political Resident in Nepal

From The Royal Asiatic Society London

My dear Sir,

London 6th July 1836

I have to return you my thanks for your very interesting letter of 28th June 1835. As soon as I received it I called upon Sir James R. Garnac, the then Deputy and the present Chairman of the East India Company. I also called upon Colonel Sykes. I shewed your letter to them, to the first with a view of pointing out to him and through him to the Court of Directors, the value and importance of your intended publication; to the second with the view of ascertaining from him in what manner the Royal Asiatic Society could most effectively forward your object. Sir J.R. Carnac assured me that he was fully aware of the [utiIity?] of such a publication; and that he would give it every encouragement in his power. Colonel Sykes explained to me the nature and extent of the support which you may expect to receive in London. I likewise consulted with your relative the Dean of Carlisle and with Mr. Bennett the secretary of the Zoological Society, and I called the attention of Sir William Jardine, of Jardine Hall in the county of Dumfries to the subject. Sir William who is equally distinguished by the knowledge he possesses of Natural History and by the zeal with which he himself cooperates with others in promoting its ability study, enters very warmly into your views, and has, at my request, as he tells me, written to you explaining the course which he would advise you to pursue. I am convinced that no person in this country is more capable than he is of affording you valuable assistance; and I am therefore extremely happy to find that he has opened a communication directly with you. I shall as soon as you let me know the details of the plan which you have adopted, be most ready to lay them before the Royal Asiatic Society, the Board of Control, and the Court of Directors, and to urge each of these powerful bodies to afford such aid as they may respectively be enabled to do. I shall, in a short time, send out to Lord Auckland a resolution of the Committee of Correspondence, expressive of their sense of the great advantages which the peoples of England and the Natives of India must derive from your exertions, and of their hope that Lord Auckland wiIl both publicly and privately, patronize your researches to the utmost of his power. Allow me to add that all my friends in this country entertain the greatest admiration for the activity which you shew in promoting science and literature and will feel the greatest pleasure in taking every opportunity to make the public aware of the debt of gratitude which all those who have an interest in the improvement of the native of British India ought to acknowledge to you for the able manner in which you have directed your researches to the investigation of questions which are so intimately connected with their happiness and prosperity . I think it of so much importance that your views as to the Natural History of India should be generally known on the continent of Europe and in America that I shall have your letter to me upon this subject published in the next number of the Quarterly Journal of the R.A. Society, a work which has I understand a very extensive circulation. I send you a copy of the Proceedings of the last Anniversary meeting of the R.A.S. By this you will be able to see that I alluded to your
plan in my Report as Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence.

I remain etc etc
Alexander Johnston

NZSL/HOD/5/2/7 · Pièce · Feb 1843
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To Sir William Jardine

20 [10?] Feb[ruary] 1843

Dear Sir William

Mr. Hodgson [having/has?] given his collection to the British Museum on condition that we allowed Mr Howard to have them to figure and that we gave Mr Hodgson a catalogue of all the specimens he had sent. He gave me directions to procure specimens from the Zoological Society and other places where they might have been deposited and Mr Gould told me that had a bag from Mr Hodgson which he said was sent to you when you were refered to respecting the publication of the [Mr H's] plates and that he felt certain that you regarded them as only deposited with you and that you had them in the bag in your [hall?] still packed up such being the case I consider that I was by the general direction I had received called upon to send to you respecting them. Hoping you will under these circumstances excuse my mistake.

Believe me yours truly

J.E. Gray

NZSL/HOD/5/2/9 · Pièce · 1 Jul 1844
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Calcutt 1st July 1844

Per overland via Southampton

B.H. Hodgson
Care Messrs Coutts & Son


My dear Sir

The enclosed I thought you would like to see and both Torrens and myself are desirous that you should known that we at least are not to blame in this dirty job which is neither more nor less than disgraceful for it at least or best deprived you of the honour of simultaneous discovery and publication. My [notice] was written much fuller and stronger for I detailed all the various untruisms in what Blyth had been [?] by us officialy and [?] of this beautiful plate and specifically that at the wanting to your honour though Sciurop.dx was produced, not a syllable was said by him!
[?] from us again as you will of course send the Sc. we will manage with your contribution as in the case of [?] for i doubt not that though in [?] you will bear us in mind for any thing which may offer to you[r] Zoological, Geolog. or Mineralogy etc. I shall be most happy to [?] to yourself or friends here be assured. We are just bringing our poor Herbert's geol. map of the Himalayas effodiated from the shelves of Leadenhall Street and a very creditable one it is.

Pray believe me very f[aith]f[ully] yours
H. Piddington

X Torrens did not like to be too full less it might appear personal. Pray [?] if the Mag. Nat History Society between 70 and 85 and we known we (Society) are made footstools of it

NZSL/HOD/5/2/10 · Pièce · 26 Jul 1844
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To Brian Houghton Hodgson

26 July 1844
Brit. Mus.

My Dear Sir

I am sorry that you did not tell me you intended to send me a preamble or I would have directed the press to have been stoped to insert it when sent, the list was printed off last Friday with the corrections you made when you read the list over here. I don't think its important as very ornithologist of any reputation will duly estimate the value of the list and clearly see that it was prepared so as kindly to over look any errors in the nomenclature any they must be fully aware whenever your numerous and valuable papers have appeared if they are not, their appearance in my estimations would not be worthy of attention. The last was made out with care and verified so I don't see how any species could have been left out. Mr Brother desired Longmans & Co to send you the genera as he understood, you ordered him to do so. If you don't wish to keep it please send it back to him here, as soon as convenient Mr. brother assures me he has not in any way interfered with nor copied any of your [novelties?] nor will he do so without your express permission. The Indian Vulture was figured from a specimen from Bengal given to the Museum by General Hardwicke to which my brother had given a new name but when your list was received, he finding that you had already named it, out of compliment to you he adopted your name instead of his own. I have directed the duplicate specimens of your collection to be packed together into the Boxes. Shall they be sent to you? and what is the best manner of doing so. I know nothing of Mr [Howard] nor of his Proceedings nor of the specimens he has. I shall be detained in town until the end of the month by the marriage of my friend so that if you are ready, I can still come to make the selection
Believe me Dear Sir
Y[ou]rs Very Truly

J.E. Gray

The duplicates amount to almost 860 birds and [20/28] Mammalia
the latter are all in bad condition

NZSL/HOD/5/2/14 · Pièce · 14 Jan 1845
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Jan[uar]y 14 1845

I know not how far I can put forward any right to intrude upon your attention still more to ask any favour of you but your well known attention and zeal in the adornment of all that may any way [tend?] to the furtherance of Natural History and in particular Zoology has been too conspicuous not to draw upon you the wishes if not hopes of others to obtain your aid and [?]. I have just learnt from my friend Mr. J.E. Gray that you are about to return to Nepal. I hope for an extended period and I am bold enough also to return to solicit your aid in the plans I have for some [few?] years of late been sedulously attempting but with hitherto but indifferentness to put in execution of bringing over to this country some of the interesting and [?] living [productions?] of those mountain [?] you are I believe aware of this fact both from the circumstances of your [late assistant?] [Lieut Smith?] having been a main support[er[ of my views and thro' D. McClelland and who by the way I learn from Mr Gray had stated himself to your to be an agent for me at Calcutt[a] and in that character obtained from you for me certain specimens which you have intended to bring in your own care to England which you suspect were never embarked at all, certainly they have never reached me, any of them. But you w[oul]d much oblige me by the statement of when this occured and what was the time of year. It is certainly perfectly true that tho' I could never have I could never have ventured to have so designated him, Mr. McC has been kind enough to act as an Agent for me on more than one occasion and especially in re[cent] things sent down from Catmandoo by Lt. Smith and shipping such as survived the [wight?] of Calcutta from that port to England. But I am sorry to learn that my first Mainstay in this business is now broken as I am told that Lt. S. has been ordered from Nepal to join his R[e]g[i]m[ent]. I have lately obtained also the assistance of Mr [Vansittart?] and I hope Major Jenkins at Assam to which I flatter myself I may add the aid of Mr. McClelland and Blyth at Calcutta together with a nephew of my own Mr Edw. [Champays?] who is now employed as Auditor of Military Accounts and is resident near the last placed. My new plan is that these gentleman sh[ould?] give me their kind [?] in collating Zoological Specimens in Life and transmit them to the care of any other [?] named who will take charge of them until a sufficient stock is collected for transfer to this country and give me notice of that occurence when I will take care that a person shall arrive at Calcutta on my part to receive the Collection into his charge and to return with them or the most delicate of them by the Overland Route, thus avoiding the risk which I have found as I [?] of twice crossing the Equator [?] the cold for a hot climate. Should you approve of this project which has obtained the sanction of Drs. Falconer and Forbes as well as their scientific friends, may I hope that you will allow me to consider you among the List of my other encouragers and supporters, and [?] will afford me the important advantage of your personal knowledge and influence among those Hills. I have omitted to mention that I have been advised to apply, which I have done, to the present Governor General for the encouragement of this [?] sanction and the permission that the stock when collected together may be received into the Government [?] at Barrackpore which I am informed [?] is Sir Henry's purpose to raise again from the [depression?] into which it was cast by L Ellenboro' and I have been [?] to expect that my request will be granted. I am well aware that you have already been kind enough on different occasions to favour me with your aid thro' the [medium] of Lt. Smith by making over to him for me several of the [?] among the Hill Pheasants, but unfortunately they have never reached me alive except in one instance a Male of the Phes. Lineatus which has resided with us here most admirably but will cross with a female I will put to him. The course of the [?] of those things when sent I attribute to the [?] period at which they were despatched to Calcutta and thence to England some little time since I was flattered with some hope of a visit from you to inspect the Collection here but that seems now to have faded entirely. I had the pleasure of a few days since a similar visit from Dr. Falconer and if you meet with him while in London, I have hopes that he will speak rather encouragingly of my attempts to introduce foreign Animals and Birds into this country Among them I have the pleasure of seeing a very fine specimen of the [Elaphoides?] as I believe it to be but unfortunately tho' in perfect health [?] arrived [?] [blind?] and has continued so ever since I fear [incorrectly?]. It annoys me [?] as I have never [?] to procure another specimen, and I have no doubt we sh[oul]d have established the Breed here. And now, having sufficiently trespassed on your indulgence I will sincerely repeat my apologies for the intrusion and [?] myself with [much regards?]
Sir your obedient and obliged [?] Serv.


Lord Derby to B.H. Hodgson